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Week In The Life™ 2014 | Tuesday In Album

Making time to get back to my  Week In The Life™ album and am sharing Tuesday with you today. 

Tuesday was word and photo heavy and I love it. 

All the words were taken directly from my  Tuesday blog post during the week

A couple things I was thinking about as I was working through the process of putting this album together:

  • What's most important in a project like this, or December Daily® or anything really, is making it work for you. My focus this time was even more on words and photos. I used the kit as accents to my story. You might not need this many pages per day - take them out! You might need more pages - figure out a way to add them in (add photos back to back, etc). Don't limit you story because you have too many or not enough of something. 
  • On the other hand, the limits might help you. You can definitely use the structure to MAKE CHOICES about what to include in your album. I always leave something out - I choose what to include - and I'm okay with that. As I work with my photos I do pick and choose, being mindful of the overall story of the week. Limits can be a positive thing as long as you don't spend too long agonizing over which photos to use to tell these stories. 

I also wanted to say thank you for your patience as I finish up this project. I've cleared my calendar and my plan is to get album completed this weekend. 

Here's a look at my Tuesday:

Sometimes when I chose the photo to enlarge for the start of the day I choose my favorite and sometimes I choose the first shot of the day and other times I just choose one I feel would make a good enlargement. For Tuesday I went with something that came from the words I included on my blog post: Tuesday began and ended with rain

The font I'm using is my current typewriter go-to  Remington Noiseless. The words were all added to my photos in Photoshop before printing. 

On top of the enlarged photo I added one of the gold foil label stickers - on top of that I had embossed "stories of life" from the stamp kit (in  gold of course). 

On the 3x8 insert I stamped "this is my life" using  red ink and then took some of the details from my Daily Sheet and hand-wrote them (including the times). It's a very simple overview but I like how it contrasts with all the typed words on the photos. 

The small plastic tab is from the kit - remember that I'm folding the printed-side down and using the stamps on those instead? I did that again here. 

On the back side I added another 3x8 photo. Love that look. 

On the next page I stamped "#everyday" using  red Stazon ink directly onto my photo. On the bottom photo I added the blue circle with the gold star from the chipboard pieces + the orange Tuesday card and the number two above. 

I had a lot of photos I wanted to include today so I really went for it. On the left side I simply added my words in Photoshop, printed and then added phrases from the phrase sheet. 

On the right side I used the 2x2 inch pocket page which is also awesome. I can't wait to have more of those in my stash. 

I cropped all those photos to 2x2, added my words and printed here at home (I put them all on an 8.5x11 canvas and printed them on that size photo paper). 

I left a few of the pockets blank so you could see through to the other photos coming later in the day. 

To the top center pocket I added two chipboard circles back to back and stapled them in place. 

The white TUE circle is from the rub-on set - it's applied directly to the top of the page protector. 

On the back side I added the rest of the 2x2 photos (you can also see the chipboard circle back). You can also see where I added three of the blue stars (for three people in my house) and I ran that through my sewing machine to close the pocket and keep those in place. 

After cropping all those 2x2 photos I still had three photos I wanted to include (that had stories to go along with them) + the last 6x8 enlargement. 

I decided to print them 4x6 and do the back-to-back thing again and punch holes in the photo using the Crop-A-Dile. 

On the back of the first photo I added a cropped piece of my Daily Sheet. On the top I used the "today" stamp and on the bottom I added the circle stamp + this is our life. 

Two more 4x6 photos were printed and adhered back to back. You'll also notice that I added the 2-inch Avery plastic tabs along the edge of the back-to-back photos. When I add photos straight in like that I really like to have some sort of tab along the edge. 

I used my  Photos stamp set for the sentiments inside those tabs. 

I also added more of those torn phrases. 

I finished off my Tuesday with an enlarged photo of the kids emptying the dishwasher. The story is about challenges with Anna. Because that's how life goes. 

Check out my other completed Week In The Life™ 2014 days here: Monday // Tuesday // Wednesday // Thursday // Friday // Saturday // Sunday


Click on the images below to link to the products used in this project.

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13 thoughts

  1. carpecakem says…

    Looks great Ali! Any idea when the page protectors that fit in the Week in the Life and/or December Daily albums might be available? I love those 2x2 and 3x8 pockets as well!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. petrac says…

    Love it! I also used that Photo stamp set in my Week In The Life Album! I really, really love your stories.

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. ciahansen says…

    Love the way you used the This is My Life stamp on the 3x8 insert! And what a cool idea to do the rub-on right on top of the page protector.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Britiney says…

    I'm so excited to see you progress on this, but you taking your time is giving me time (making me) work on mine without making it exactly like yours. ;O) Love what you've done, as always.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. desilei says…

    This is really great, Ali! And for some reason my Tuesday spread had a ton of photos too! On to working on Wednesday for me (and you)! --Desiree

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. mtercha says…

    Very beautiful photo of the rain. I love that photo. Awesome. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. abragg79 says…

    Love this! I'm considering doing my own WITL in January, so thanks for sharing your process!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Untiedt says…

    I love the 2x2 photos with the text. I would love to use the 2x2 photo pages for DD. Is there any out there that would fit the album? I Always learn something from your posts. I Can't wait for the rest of your WITL pages. Thanks.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      They are coming but not available now. I love them too!

  9. PolkaDotCreative says…


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  10. hgauvin says…

    Wow! What a great day - lots and lots of photos. I love it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. jamaica says…

    This is what it's all about. THIS, right here. So much good stuff, Ali.

    You make me want to drop everything and go photograph my dishwasher.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Love you J.

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