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December Daily® 2014 | Let's Begin!

Hello December!

I spent the last few days at the beach celebrating the Thanksgiving weekend with my brother and sister-in-law and her family and my cousin and his family and it was just what I needed to get in the mood for the holidays. Family, food, friends, beach, laughter, naps. The kids and I arrived home mid-day yesterday and I immediately started the laundry, pulled all my holiday boxes and the tree out of the garage, and turned up the Christmas music. 

To tell you the truth, this is the first year since getting a divorce that I really feel like decorating. 

This year feels different. I'm not sure I can pinpoint exactly what's different - maybe just time. But today, as I got those boxes out I felt joyful. 

I started a fire in the fireplace. We watched The Polar Express and Elf (I multi-tasked with pulling boxes in and opening things up and going through the accumulated holiday decor). I set up the tree with Anna's help and my favorite part was her enjoying going through my fabric box of ornaments from when I was a kid. I got out the Advent calendars and prepared myself to settle into December. 

As today is December 1, it's the start of  December Daily® and I'm really looking forward to seeing what stories come up this year. I'm thinking I might do my page today (for December 1) about the kid's Advent calendars but I might do something else as well. I'll start sharing my pages tomorrow so I can live the day before I pick a story to tell

Here's a few things for you to think about as you embark on this project: 

1. Find a pace that works for you. You might work on this project each day or you might save up a few days for a longer period of work time or you might wait until the end of the holiday season. People have a so many different ways of approaching this project. For me, I do one story a day. Sometimes that's as simple as adding a photo and a few words to a pocket and sometimes it becomes a multi-page ordeal. I let the story, and the time available, lead me throughout the month. 

2. Enjoy the process. If it starts feeling like a job, simplify. If it becomes boring, mix it up. Make this be something that enhances rather than detracts from you holiday season. 

3. Read the 25 Ideas And Story Inspirations from a few years back

4. Remember that it's not about what any one else is doing except you. Embrace your own holiday spirit, your own stories - whatever they may be this year. 

5. Look for the joy. Really, that's what this project is about. Find your own joy, even if you have to make it happen for yourself. 

You can do this. Absolutely.  

I'll be including the opportunity for you to link to your own blogs each day. See below for the foundation page links. 

And let's all simply remember this: 


From scrapbook layouts to mixed media canvases  Craft With May  on-line classes are all about happy crafting. Join May Flaum for classes that encourage you to try new techniques and to always enjoy the process. In addition to offering several free courses, May is pleased to offer you a special discount as well – enjoy 25% off the class of your choice by using this link . The discount will be taken automatically, and this offer is good for new orders only through January 1, 2015.


I'd love to have you share a link to your December Daily® foundation pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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55 thoughts

  1. lkfisher says…

    Wheeeee! So excited to start. I'm not sure how many of these albums I have completed, (6or 7 maybe?) but I'm super thankful for each one and for you too Ali. Without your great idea and your willingness to share, I would not have any. Cheers to 25 stories!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I love that - thank you.

  2. corinne says…

    Please Ali, I´m waiting to see your WITL album :(

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Morning Corinne! Hoping to wrap that up this week. I'll definitely post it as soon as it's complete.

  3. toribissell says…

    Oh I'm so excited to get started!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. mtercha says…

    Wishing everyone all the best with your December Daily a albums and projects, plus all the joy that comes with the season. michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. candjsawyer_roadrunner_com says…

    I am so excited to start today. I received my album last Friday and it is orange not red. What do I need to do to correct this? Thank you for your inspiration all year long. You are the first site I go to each day. Happiest Holidays to you and yours!!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Morning - Happy Holidays to you too! Please start a conversation with Customer Service:

    2. iscrapjohnson says…

      I am not trying to start controversy but I questioned the color of the album too. Mine is orange too. I was told that they would ship me a white one at a $12.00 cost if I wanted it. I will keep the orange and live with it. ~Ann

  6. MelissaMeyer says…

    I just finished choosing my pictures from 1st Dec to get printed tomorrow. So pumped! Its so strange sometimes being a day ahead of other people. Enjoy this jolly month :)

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  7. happytoscrap says…

    This will be the 4th year I will try to complete a December daily. I have yet to start or complete one. Last two years I have the pictures but no albums. I am glad you put those points out for us to focus.

    Find a pace that works for you.
    Remember that it's not about what any one else is doing except you.
    Enjoy the process.

    I really hope I get something in an dd album this year. By the way I did put 1 memory in last year's album, and I so totally enjoyed seeing I did something!

    Thanks for your encouragement!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      You can do it!

  8. maiaohe says…

    I am excited to be doing my 5th December Daily. I am looking forward to the adventure.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. lharvey81 says…

    YEAH! Happy December 1st!!! Stellar kit.Excited to work through my album this year. Thankful I had time to prep all my pages ahead of time. Doing a new theme this year. Lots of excitement on my end. YEAH!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. kelseyespecially says…

    Oh Ali, I feel the same way. It is too expensive where I live (DC-ish) for my ex and I to officially/legally become exes, which means we're forced to continue living together three years after deciding to end the marriage. I have been a total Grinch for the last 3 Chirstmases, but something about this year is so different. After caving into his push to celebrate with a fake tree for all those years, I finally stuck to my guns and got a REAL tree this year. I'm doing December Daily this year. I've had holiday decorations up since before Halloween this year.

    I don't know what it is about this year, but this year the idea of Christmas is EXCITING. And I really can't wait to document it via DD. YAY for rediscovering the happiness of the season!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. mtercha says…

      Just wanted to say that's awesome. I am really happy for you and wish you much joy and peace.

  11. larkindesign says…

    Oh December, how I love you and how I love this project! It's always exciting to see you get started, Ali!

    Here's a link to my blog post, with a video:

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Dcorder says…

    I'm excited about this season too. I'm putting up a tree for the first time in nearly 15 years. But I'm still waiting on my kit to arrive, so my DD isn't ready to go. My mom is armed with the yellow slip from the post office, so maybe my DEC 1 will be creating my DD.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Kimmie says…

    Very excited! Took a picture this morning at 6 am of the Advent Calendar, but it was so dark. We get home in the dark evening hours too. I may have to take a bunch of pictures on the weekend to get better shots.
    I also finished a page last night that included our Christmas Card. Have that ready to slip into a day where nothing else is going on. Cannot wait to see Ali's first day tomorrow morning. Such fun!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. lharvey81 says…

      Hey Kimmie! I JUST wrote a blog post about editing photos when you have poor lighting! Check it out! Hope this helps!!December-Daily-2014-A/c592/15C0EF2A-974D-444E-A755-9C26BB8E135E

    2. Kimmie says…

      Thank you! I am going to try this. ; )

      Have fun with your DD.

  14. AndiWalsh says…

    Fa la la la la!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      High five!

  15. Siri says…

    Not feeling it at all :-( my kit is missing because of a mistake with my address, so I haven't been able to make my foundation pages. Feeling the project slipping already!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Do not let it slip away because of the lateness of the kit (which I'm sorry about). It's not about the products - it never has been - it's about finding joy and celebrating the season. You can take notes, take photos, find your own personal joy this month. You can do this.

    2. Kimmie says…

      You can do this! What is today's picture/story going to be about? Document it and eventually the kit will be here. I know you will be so glad you did.

    3. Siri says…

      I don't want to be a downer, I love the stuff you do Ali, and to tell you the thruth, I think DD is the only reason I've been able to celebrate Christmas with my family the last few years. I'm doing this to cope. And I need the pretty products, the glitter and all that jazz, because if I am to focus on the story of today it would be sad. The story of today is waiting for a phone call from the postoffice in the town I live, and crying because I didn't get it. It is about not beeing able to get work done, because all I want to do is go to bed and turn of the lights. It is about near panic attacks becasue I don't have my tools for getting through my birthday and December and Christmas ready when I need it.

      I have severe menthal issues, (and yes I go to counceling,) and DD is my tool to get through this time of year without a massive breakdown. This is a huge year for me, first Chritmas season without anti depressant for 7 years, my sister and her man is bringing their newborn, my boyfriend is celebrating with us for the first time, I have a 10 weeks old puppy, and a forgettful Granny that needs help. My album is not about stories, but about moments all done up beautiful with lovely products.

      I had to change my address because of the late arrival of the albums, a messup was done when printing the label, so my kit is a 4 hours roundtrip away from were I'm at. You might say that I can use other products from my stash, but I'm not at home, I wont be untill mid January. My stash is also a 4 hours roundtrip from were I am. And I don't drive, so I'll have to have someone else drive me there, taking time off work to get me a box that should have arrived to me, at the address I asked for my kit to be shipped to, on the 28.

  16. Esk74 says…

    Woohoo! *bounces up and down with joy* It officially started!
    Overhere it already started a few weeks ago with the start of the Sinterklaas-season, but somehow today feels like the official start!
    Last year I did my first DD (and finished it!), and it's my favorite album! Thank you Ali, for being such a wonderful inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. rigelpuppy says…

    I'm so excited! It's my first DD, and I've already gotten my foundation pages going. Didn't buy the kit this year, because I want to see what it's all about first, but it's certainly doing a lot to get me in the holiday spirit!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. momruncraft says…

    So glad you found your holiday magic and joy, Ali. Looking forward to watching it come to life through via your DD <3

    Proud of myself for officially decemberdaily-ing more than I have in the past three years:

    I consider completing the foundation pages a major win. No matter what happens from here on out, I am confident stories will be told, memories made, and a first DD album completed.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. abragg79 says…

    Love all of this! im excited to see what you come up with! I won't start assembling or working on my album into
    January but I do journal and take pictures all month. Owning a business makes scrappy time somewhat non-existent and during the month of December even more rare. But journaling is already part of my daily routine, so it works for me.

    Thank you for reminding/encouraging people to find what works for them. I see so many people stress because "they can't keep up with Ali!" And it makes me sad for some reason! But, hopefully more people will embrace making it work for them. ;)

    Have a great month!

    p.s. I finally ordered your kit on Friday! I'm so excited for it to arrive even though I won't be doing anything with it until January! LOL.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. lauracwonsik says…

    Is there a place where your design team will be posting their December Daily pages or are they not all doing it? Is there an official "hashtag" or way to see what people are doing specifically with your kit throughout the month? Can't wait Til mine arrives!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. kre8tivekate says…

    Dear December: I'm ready. Bring it.

    Love, Kate

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Go Kate!

    2. Kimmie says…

      This would be a GREAT title for page 1. ; )

  22. danjenn says…

    Love that you are feeling "joyful" again :) Such a great feeling!! So excited to start my December Daily - 6th one!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Kimmie says…

      Joy is an amazing and contagious feeling.

  23. pirate63 says…

    Looking forward to seeing your album unfolding and also keeping up with mine. Have really enjoyed all the prep work this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Hoguec says…

    Best part of this post? "I feel joyful." Very cool.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks! I think so too :).

  25. bandaidqueen says…

    Are you going to offer digital version of December Daily kit stamp?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - we are not offering that this year.

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