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December Daily® 2014 | Let's Begin!

Hello December!

I spent the last few days at the beach celebrating the Thanksgiving weekend with my brother and sister-in-law and her family and my cousin and his family and it was just what I needed to get in the mood for the holidays. Family, food, friends, beach, laughter, naps. The kids and I arrived home mid-day yesterday and I immediately started the laundry, pulled all my holiday boxes and the tree out of the garage, and turned up the Christmas music. 

To tell you the truth, this is the first year since getting a divorce that I really feel like decorating. 

This year feels different. I'm not sure I can pinpoint exactly what's different - maybe just time. But today, as I got those boxes out I felt joyful. 

I started a fire in the fireplace. We watched The Polar Express and Elf (I multi-tasked with pulling boxes in and opening things up and going through the accumulated holiday decor). I set up the tree with Anna's help and my favorite part was her enjoying going through my fabric box of ornaments from when I was a kid. I got out the Advent calendars and prepared myself to settle into December. 

As today is December 1, it's the start of  December Daily® and I'm really looking forward to seeing what stories come up this year. I'm thinking I might do my page today (for December 1) about the kid's Advent calendars but I might do something else as well. I'll start sharing my pages tomorrow so I can live the day before I pick a story to tell

Here's a few things for you to think about as you embark on this project: 

1. Find a pace that works for you. You might work on this project each day or you might save up a few days for a longer period of work time or you might wait until the end of the holiday season. People have a so many different ways of approaching this project. For me, I do one story a day. Sometimes that's as simple as adding a photo and a few words to a pocket and sometimes it becomes a multi-page ordeal. I let the story, and the time available, lead me throughout the month. 

2. Enjoy the process. If it starts feeling like a job, simplify. If it becomes boring, mix it up. Make this be something that enhances rather than detracts from you holiday season. 

3. Read the 25 Ideas And Story Inspirations from a few years back

4. Remember that it's not about what any one else is doing except you. Embrace your own holiday spirit, your own stories - whatever they may be this year. 

5. Look for the joy. Really, that's what this project is about. Find your own joy, even if you have to make it happen for yourself. 

You can do this. Absolutely.  

I'll be including the opportunity for you to link to your own blogs each day. See below for the foundation page links. 

And let's all simply remember this: 


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I'd love to have you share a link to your December Daily® foundation pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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55 thoughts

  1. Mel_12 says…

    Great sentiments to remember Ali. So excited to start.

    Here are my foundation pages

    and my cover this year

    Mel at My Silvery Moon

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. judyg says…

    Hi Ali,
    I wanted to let you know I ordered your preprinted December Daily sheets and received
    them in three days. Thanks for the quick shipment to Eugene.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That's awesome feedback Judy! Come over any time :).

  3. flygrl says…

    Dear Ali, when I read just a little bit ago from your blog that you are doing all of your projects at once- I just said to myself, "now that girl is THRIVING!" I am so happy you are in the spirit- and you inspire me to do the same. Even my new word came to me over Tgiving, I was so happy to get the December OLW post! you go, Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Ha - or I might be more than a little crazy :).

  4. NatashaP says…

    Hi Ali, I'm working on my first DD and loving it. My 5yo daughter and I are doing it together. But one question - I think I might need some more full 6x8" pages. What brand are the ones we are using in your kit? I am hoping I can order some more but can't see any in the shop. Thanks

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Bspannbauer says…

      I'm thinking I would also love to be able to purchase extra of all sizes, I'd like to go through the 31st and also add additional pages to include throwback photos and stories...

  5. Wilna says…

    hi Ali! One of my very favorite things to do the whole of December is to come to your blog and click all the links to the December daily Pages. I absolutely LOVE doing it. :) Happy Holidays!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lschreck says…

    I am laughing so hard it hurts. After reading your blog today, I clicked on 25 Ideas And Story Inspirations, which was terrific. After reading that, I clicked on something else on that blog page by accident, and got to the screen that usually states, The page you are looking for is no longer available. Instead I got the hilarious film of you and Simon stomping your feet and pouting because there was no page. Thank you for my "twinkle" of the day (or should that be "tinkle" due to laughing so hard.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  7. lotspeis says…

    I'm more excited than I have been in a few years too. :-). My youngest is three and finally a little 'easier' so Xmas doesn't feel like one big chore this year. Last year was my first DD and it was a crazy busy month so I didn't keep up daily but I did print photos and jot stories on post it's throughout the month so when I finally had time to add the 'fun' stuff (in July!) the memories were already there. I plan to do the same this year, but I'm hoping to actually finish in December since I have the last week of the year off work. We'll see... ;-). Thanks so much for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Jhenry4 says…

    This is my first year doing a December daily and I'm loving it. I was homeless last winter and this project has brought me a warmth and a love for my traditions. And I'm so happy about the project life app because it's making it super simple to document my stories! I'm already planning next years December daily album! I didn't think it would be for me but I also felt the same way about project life. But somehow, the two together just work for me. :)

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