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One Little Word® 2015

My One Little Word® for 2015 is give

The process of choosing a word, or letting it choose me as is often the case, is always interesting. For me it often starts around October - words begin popping up here and there via reading or conversations or overhearing something on the radio. I tend to do a lot of listening and thinking and trying each one on for a minute or two or a couple days or longer. 

I know there is no perfect word, there's only choices and paths and possibilities. 

This year the word give showed up in October if I remember correctly. It came in more like a whisper - some years my words have been so loud as if they were making it so they couldn't be ignored. 

Give began with the idea of giving to others and the question of what is it that I currently give. I'm pretty sure it was sparked by my trip to Washington DC to attend the ONE Campaign's AYA Girls And Women's Summit. There was a shift in my thoughts and a vivid reminder that it's not just about me and my own stuff - it was such a powerful opportunity to reflect on my place in the larger world and become educated on some of the issues facing girls and women in Africa. 

Over the last few months since it first made itself known, my thoughts about the word give and what I want to focus on in 2015 has evolved which is something I always welcome as I choose a new word. Give, for me, is so much more than the process of "handing something over."

Give love. Give kindness. Give time. Give patience. Give to others. Give to myself. 

On a certain level, the word give for me is rooted in connection and openness and awareness and willingness. What do the people around me need? How can I connect with them through the process of giving of myself? Over the last year I've lost some of myself in work and the transitions and I want more than anything to reconnect to the things/people/places I most value. 

Another level/definition of the word give is the idea of bending and being flexible. It's a nod to living in the gray areas and working on lessening my constant grip on the black and whiteness of things. My ability to be black and white is at the same time very much a strength in some areas and a weakness in others. Discerning the difference between when to give and when to hold firm is something I'd like to explore this year. 

The third level of give for me is in giving to myself. Giving time to myself. Giving patience to myself. Giving kindness to myself. Giving love to myself. I like the combination of the connection with others and the connection with myself. It's an opportunity to fine tune and get clear and make choices that align with what I care about most. 

I'm also interested in exploring give up, give away, and give in - all three of which I see as positive steps/ideas vs. the negative way they could be taken. 

I'm looking forward to experiencing a new journey with a new word in 2015.  

PS | That awesome little whole heart pocket talisman is from my dear friend Liz Lameroux's shop Soul Mantras. Check out all her lovely offerings here

PSS | Listen to Elise Cripe and I chat about One Little Word® on her latest podcast episode here


I’d love to read what word you’ve chosen or are considering for 2015. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. Next week I’ll combine all the words into a single post – it's become tradition and super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word®, you can read some of my previous posts here: 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 20122013 and 2014.


To help keep your One Little Word® more visible throughout the year I offer a year-long workshop featuring one creative prompt per month. Read all the details and sign up here. Registration is $5 off until December 31.

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523 thoughts

  1. mrsmartha says…

    My word for this year is MOVE. I'm super excited!!

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  2. summersumz says…


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  3. Kristi_ says…

    My word is create - a reminder that I am the creator of my life. Can't wait to get started!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. megleigh says…


    Inspired by Ernest Hemmingway's "We are all apprentices in a craft where no one becomes a master."

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. LakeLady8186 says…

    I started with "mindful" but wound up with "PRESENT". I realized I wanted to be more than mindful and to be present where I am. I also reflected on the "gift" of the word "present". Finally, I thought of my Lord as always present with me. With some of the things we have been through in our family, this was an important aspect of my word as well. This is the first time I have down OLW and I am looking forward to it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. scrapntx says…

    My word for 2015 is FREEDOM. For many years I have lived my life according to the standards and expectations of others. It has affected the way I live my life, the way I parent, and the type of friend that I am to others. I have lost my identity and lost sight of my own personal goals in the midst of allowing others to influence my life choices. In 2015, I have chosen to break free from the thoughts, opinions, expectations, and standards of others. I am going to reach back into my soul and get to know "me" again. I am going to do things that make ME happy, that are beneficial for ME and MY family, and rid myself of all the toxic and negative people in my life. FREEDOM!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. krista_denno says…

    I stumbled onto your OLW class/idea last summer and was absolutely transformed by the end of the blog post. The first thing that popped into my head was FOCUS and it has stuck with me since then- in 6 months it never changed! In addition to being a full time working mom to two little girls, wife, friend, family member, I am about to start graduate school (for ME!)... I am psyched/terrified all at once... how can I stay up past 8pm?!! FOCUS is what I need in my life right now; a focus on individual tasks, in the moment, on the big picture, on the end goal, on my girls, on my husband, on me... so many things. I am very excited to embark on this adventure and reflect on things all at once!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Nicolwhip says…

    My word is nourish for 2015.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. waitingforbanjo says…

      Yay, mine too! All the best :)

  9. bookgal71 says…

    Mine is glow. 2015 is going to be shiny!

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  10. Michelle_LM says…


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  11. melissamarie says…

    My word this year is less. I want to be spend less, argue less, and worry less.

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  12. debracarr says…

    Adventure! The word found me in October when I was reflecting on my 2014 word 'do'. I was a bit scared of it at first... it seemed a bit too big, a little overpowering, perhaps a little over adventurous but if something's scary it's worth doing, right? Adventure, for me, is about living life to the full, the big things and the little things. It's about pushing myself through comfort zones yet finding joy in the everyday, living in the moment and making the most of every little opportunity. I want to embrace my family and friends, eat good food, run for the joy of it, take long walks, be creative everyday, read often, laugh more, forgive easily and complete a couple of big challenges along the way.

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  13. Raylene says…

    Thought mine was going to be resilient, but it's time to . . . rejoice and CELEBRATE!

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  14. mrsjrobins says…

    My one little word is purposeful .....

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  15. JuliaH says…

    One day this past fall, my son (17 yrs. old) said to me, “Don’t take this the wrong way, Mommy, but sometimes you can come off a bit aggressive.” My words for the past two years – FOCUS and NOW have in some ways been strength or power words. I resolved that my word for 2015 would be softer, gentler, kinder. I considered GENTLE or KINDNESS. Lately, I have been trying to decide between KIND or KINDNESS. My daughter (14 yrs. old) likes KIND better because it is an adjective and more of an action word – a prompt to do something. So, there it is: my word for 2015 is KIND.

    Reply 1 Reply
  16. smcpheeters says…

    My word for the year is KIND. I will be kind to myself, kind to my girls, kind to my students, kind!

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  17. MrsKnight says…

    Explore: Mine is Explore. I really loved Give and was almost sold on it, even if it was Ali's first technically. But who is to say she didn't inspire it, instead of me stealing it? ANYWAY. I sat with it, and just couldn't do it after all for several reasons. So give is a secondary word for me. An action to Explore.

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  18. nvarner says…

    This year my word is FOCUS! Loved the double entendre with photogrpahy as an added bonus too! It popped into my head a few weeks ago and it really seems to encapsulate the goals I have in mind- stripping down to whats important.... Getting to the heart of what matters heart mind body and soul. Love that the Latin means from the hearth too! Great year to focus on family and building a home! Perfect word for a newlywed! Looking forward to this years journey Ali!

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  19. vjm66 says…

    This is my first time doing OLW and I made a list of possible words. Then I found my word ENCOURAGE. I have a few partner or supporting words that I am sure will come out throughout the year as I work on my OLW. So excited to be participating here for 2015!

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  20. MelissaL88 says…


    I haven't picked a word for the last couple years. One night as I was falling asleep, this word just SHOUTED at me! I knew then I needed to do this again this year.

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  21. Kriskristina says…

    My word is "Força", Portuguese word for "Strength".

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  22. meoelsch says…


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  23. minkaclark says…

    I think my word will be SIMPLIFY as I need to focus on one thing at a time, make sure I complete things, only focus on the important things and let the other stuff go. I like FOCUS as well so wavering between the two.

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  24. Nicola says…

    My first OLW is FLOURISH.

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  25. suessstoff says…

    I chose "Raum" (German for room or space). I am so looking forward to this experience!

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