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Do You See What I See

Aaron snapped this photo of me last weekend as we were celebrating my friend Todd's 40th Birthday (that's him there next to me). I've known Todd since my very first week at college - I was 17 which means we've been friends now for more than 20 years. He's part of a group of friends from college who all live here in town. He gives good hugs and laughs easily - always has.  

As I looked at this photo, the phrase that kept popping into my head was Do You See What I See? And then I started thinking about photos of ourselves and why we like or don't like them and all the underlying layers of stories that can go along at any point in time about who we are and how we got to right now. 

Here's what I "see" when looking at this photo: 

  • I see a woman approaching 40, with all the wounds and gathered strength from experiences that go along with midlife.
  • I see a woman genuinely laughing and enjoying being in the company of good friends. She loved that it lasted until the wee hours of the morning and included dancing. 
  • I see a woman who watched her new love and her old love stand together at this party in a long conversation about homes and kids and politics. 
  • I see a woman who loves wearing stripes and who debated about the white jeans but was happy with that choice in the end. 
  • I see a woman struggling to figure it all out and struggling to remember that she doesn't have to have it all figured out. 
  • I see a woman who loves and lives her work, sometimes to the determent of those around her because it can be tough to turn off. 
  • I see a woman who often spends a crazy amount of time in her own head - for better or worse. 
  • I see a woman with a 13-year-old son and a 6-year-old-daughter who sometimes questions where the time has gone and how did I get to right now? 
  • I see a woman who misses some pieces of the last chapter of her life but who also can't imagine this new chapter without the experiences of the last one. 
  • I see a woman who is, no matter what, thankful for the combination of experiences that have brought her to where she exists today. 

After writing these up I asked Aaron what he saw when looking at this photo. His responses were very typical Aaron - funny and sarcastic and literal. I like the opportunity to bring his voice into my stories. Here's what he saw: 

  • He sees that the guy with the tucked in shirt might make me laugh but the guy with his shirt untucked is the one that gets to put his arm around me. 
  • He sees that the only reason I'm not holding a drink is because I drank all mine already. 
  • He sees that I'm near the exit sign, which could potentially mean I want an easy getaway if I start to panic (back story: he's been with me on more than a few occasions - concerts and airplanes and such - where I've needed anti-anxiety medication to alleviate my issues with crowds/enclosed spaces/lack of control). 
  • He sees that I'm not wearing my glasses, which must be a sign of "something" and that come on, it's a 40-year-old birthday party and at least half these people should probably be wearing glasses. 

When he first messaged these back to me I laughed out loud. I love that he's a truth teller and witty and I love that his response was not the same as mine in terms of getting all reflective and serious. It's one of the things I like about him, that he brings a levity to the table for me that I sometimes forget to bring for myself. 

Photos are powerful story sparks. There is so much below the surface that relates to who we are and the ways we see ourselves. Take a look through your own collection of photos and pick one and answer the question, "Do you see what I see?" Begin each of your statements with the same repeated phrase, "I see..." 

This month's Story Subscription theme is Click. We're telling stories of our relationship to photographs and photography and supporting each other along the way. All Story Subscriptions include education and additional inspiration to help encourage you to tell more of the stories of your life. 

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50 thoughts

  1. chp97 says…

    Ali - This is just so awesome. I love getting another perspective.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. aleciaangell says…

    This picture made me smile as soon as I saw it. Happy Birthday Todd! I love this post and I think I love this Aaron guy for you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. anniebeagle says…

    I love this post! I love the photo too. Very cool how you're in focus and the others are a blur. It makes me think that the world can be spinning all around, but Aaron only has eyes for you. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. meredeEnA says…

    I've missed your posts. The "new" format with having to sign in specifically for your site turned me off, but, as often happens, you've sucked me in with your truthfulness and humanity.

    We recently took a trip to Hawai'i and your comment about anti-anxiety meds really hit home for me as I had a panic attack on the plane (and another one in a lava tube.) To know that a successful woman like you might have had similar feelings/experiences gives me comfort and the strength to seek the help I probably need. Thanks so much for always being real and sharing so much about yourself! And now that I've actually read a post (the first one in a long time) I hope to be back again soon. Thanks again for all the ways you support women! I appreciate that!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Just wanted to say thank you for commenting :). Seeking help is totally worth it. I do a combination of of meditation/relaxation techniques as well as have a prescription on hand if I need it (airplanes are where I generally need it the most). I don't think you could get me to go in a lava tube - no caves for enclosed spaces underground for me.

  5. ccclsherry2 says…

    one of y fav posts :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. katevdp says…

    I see happiness. Pure happiness. I also see a cheeky man with his arm around you, looking directly at the photographer (who I assumed was Aaron when I saw it on instagram)! I love that Aaron captured this moment & shared it - to me, it shows such security.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Bellaa75 says…

    Awesome Ali, thanks for sharing. I see a woman having a genuinely awesome time!
    Thanks to you I've been embracing and loving imperfect photos lately. They don't have to mean anything to anyone else but often I see things in the photos that I just love so I print them and record them. #imperfectandawesome

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Debg says…

    Wow, that brought a tear to my eye. Such introspection. I so get it. I am incredibly introspective and love all your thoughts. My husband is incredibly laid back and witty. It can drive me CRAZY but also know it so balances me. What a moment in time for you. You've been through so much which makes that moment that much better. You are amazing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. ckcollins15 says…

    Isn't one of the upcoming themes for the story kits black and white? I can totally see this turning into a layout for that, if not before then. Loved the honesty and that it included perspectives other than your own.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Tjones45 says…

    I think Aaron took a great picture. And focused in on the person he loves.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. wyldefleurs says…

    Love this post, Ali. It's what we all hope for....a partner who truly sees us as we are, wholly, good and bad and knows just what makes us tick, how to comfort...knows our love languages. I've never had that kind of partner but one day I hope to. In the meantime, I know God fits that description. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. nicholemoses says…

    Beautiful post Ali. I see an evolved independent modern woman who's a pretty great human being too. I also see a woman who's an inspiration to many, and whether or not she realizes, a mentor to a few of us too. Your authenticity and candor are a breath of fresh air and I relate with you on so many levels. Wishing the best for you in life, and sending much love your way Ali. <3

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. tinka323 says…

    I see a woman who is not only having fun but IS fun!! You look very happy and relaxed. And you are rocking the white jeans! xoxo

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jodiemareelee_hotmail_com says…

    When I look at this photo, I see a woman who is complete and utter beauty and integrity.

    And a woman who gives me 100 percent permission to be the same.

    Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. jojosowerby says…

    I see that Aaron focused the camera on you and ONLY you
    Jo xxx

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. wicksnw says…

      I noticed that too. Awesome pic! :D

  16. wicksnw says…

    I love how you can so easily analyze yourself. I read your blog and try it ~ and it give me a headache, lol. Good thing I have other talents! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Chele21 says…

    Challenge accepted :)
    What a freeing and exposing exercise at the same time. Just what I need to do a bit more of. And it is recorded in my PL album so I can't "forget about it"!
    Thanks Ali

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. kelsterjean says…

    Always a reminder when I come to your blog, the importance of stories and photographs, and why we do what we do! I see a woman, happy, and letting it go, for right now anyways. I plan to do this. Thank you ever so much for sharing!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. tcanonico says…

    I just walked in from the surprise FIFTIETH birthday party I threw for Scott tonight (where have the years gone?). Even though it's 2am I thought I'd read blogs for a few minutes to wind down and this was the post I ended up on. It was perfect. I love that I picked a post about a late night birthday party and one that involves the ups and downs of a life well-lived and most especially that it's a picture of you looking so happy and good. Cheers to you friend!

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