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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Sunday Words & Photos

I want to begin today with a giant thank you to everyone that has participated, supported and followed along this week. 

My plan is to begin printing photos today or tomorrow (just to give myself a bit of a break) and bringing it all together into my album over this next week. The current idea I have in my head is to use type directly on my photos before printing in Photoshop in the same manner that I did last year because I really, really liked how that turned out. That said, once I start working on it today I might go an entirely different route. 

Please remember as you start the process of putting your own album together that there is not a right or wrong way to do it. Many people will put their album together without any typed journaling and there will be lots of wonderful examples shared both in the message board of the  WITL community, in the WITL Facebook group, Instagram (#weekinthelife), and other places around the web. 

Again, thank you. I hope this process of collecting photos and words was meaningful to you. 

Here's a look at our Sunday: 

Today began with Anna waking up in the sleeper couch I have in my bedroom. The chest is a family piece, currently holding my record player. Ikea frames are waiting for photos. In the hallway an empty shelf I took out of Anna's room is waiting to get moved in to the garage. 

Today included Simon waking up way too early again, me telling him he couldn't have screen time (since he woke up and immediately started watching it) and then him going back to sleep in his own bed. 

Today I used a blow dryer on my hair for the first time all week. Most often during the summer I just let it air dry. 

Today Anna and I ventured out to Costco first thing to gather up supplies for our late-afternoon party with friends. 

Toady we also stopped at the grocery store for additional supplies. 

Today I noticed that these flowers in front of my house were blooming again for the second time this summer. What a gift. 

Today Sam tried to escape a million and one times. He will eventually be an indoor/outdoor cat like George (he was in his previous homes as well) but I want him to have a little more indoor time to get used to us and that this is his new home first. 

Today the sprinklers came on in the morning and I started to clean up the back patio for the party.

We don't have a lot of parties here, but it's so great to get together with friends. It's been a priority for me the last few years to make these kinds of things (or just getting together with friends outside of any of our houses) more of a priority. I love the community, the shared history, the laughter of the kids, etc. 

Today Simon emptied the dishwasher while I made the marinade for the flank steak. 

Today I picked up two new tables at Costco to make the seating area that much longer. I also sprayed the cob webs from the side of the house. 

Today I filled the cooler full of beer and San Pellegrino. 

Today I bought some flowers to have on the table in the backyard. 

Today I found these three in my backyard. One random Sweat Pea, one small white Dahlia, and one sprig of Queen Anne's Lace - all either volunteers or growing up through cracks in the ground. 

This made me think of my parents again - my Mom always seems to have one or more little vases of flowers she's brought in from the yard. He little collections are always so great and often fragrant and just such a reminder of how much beauty exists in the world. 

Today I used two white flat sheets to create a table cloth to cover my tables before friends showed up. 

Today friends showed up. 

Today Katie's husband Peter ended up in charge of the grill. 

Today I loved seeing my friends inhabiting this space. I loved hearing the kids laugh and run and chase and dance. 

Today we shared a meal with each other - all contributing something to the table. 

Today I ate in my backyard with friends. 

Today we laughed as Simon made his famous face for Katie as she took this photo. He can't do it without laughing now. 

Today the yard was full of kids. 

Tonight we reminisced, listened to music (thanks John), watched our kids put on a dance show, made plans for future get togethers, and said thank you.

Tonight we left the dishes for tomorrow. 


Enrollment is now open for  31 More Things. This workshop includes a collection of 31 new prompts, presented over the course of 31 days, that invite you to tell stories about your life via a single word as a jumping off point. Emphasis in this class is on simply practicing your storytelling skills using some of my favorite techniques and getting over your fears of putting words on the page. Some of the single-word prompts include: home, passion, color, cook, paper, mess, etc. Full details here - class begins September 1. 


I'd love to have you share a link to your SUNDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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45 thoughts

  1. abragg79 says…

    Wonderful Sunday!

    Thanks for sharing your week.with us. I enjoyed my photo taking the previous week but have great ideas for when I start to put my album together (have to wait for my photos to be printed).

    This has been an interesting and challenging project, for sure! Thanks again for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. krisparisi says…

    Thank you so much, Ali, for inviting me into your life. I had lost my mojo after an unexpected death, and this project helped me love my camera and the process again. An unexpected bonus for me has been to hone my skills, discover some forgotten techniques, and step outside the box. You are really an inspiration...

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. fannyathome says…

    Thanks for sharing! I loved participating for the 6th time! I don't seem to find the widget to share my sunday.
    Thanks again!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kre8tivekate says…

    I love the flowers. I forget to do this enough, and it's wonderful.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. gina200 says…

    Thanks Ali! That sounds like a wonderful end to the week. I look forward to seeing your album process.

    I've enjoyed this week of taking photos and thinking about our everyday routines. It took me a few days but I finally realized that not everyone in my family is into my photo taking and documenting. My husband is more into photos of the kids sports and family events. My son just gets sick of it. I've realized I do have some photos and I've written down some stories and that's okay and that is a story in itself.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. zippy says…

    Thanks Ali for a wonderful week and for sharing so much of yourself with us. I'm happy to have made it through the week with multiple pictures and stories for each day. Now on to pulling it all together!

    Note to self: next time, take a photo at dusk of the house from the outside looking in. Loved your first photo from Sunday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. hgauvin says…

    Thanks Ali for this great project! I loved it more this year than ever before - lots of changes in our lives (mostly our girls moving out) and this was the perfect time to record it. I can't wait to put my album together next week (I'm taking a little break from it as well).

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. drenah says…

    Thanks, Ali, for a peek into your life this week. Part of the reasons I love this project and December Daily as well is the invitation you guy us to know you and your family a little better. Here was my last day:

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Katie_Scott_Scrapbooking says…

    Thank you for the whole week!

    And a reminder that getting together with friends should make it on the to do list - we used to have so many gatherings at our house and that has gone so far off the radar in the past few years.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Katie_Scott_Scrapbooking says…

    Also, if you haven't already, can you do a Paperclipping Roundtable podcast on the WITL project. I would love to listen to that.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. thenerdnest says…

    Thanks for another wonderful year of this project, Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. jenlevin says…

    Thank you, Ali, for the encouragement to do this project. Also, thanks for sharing your own photos and words. I love peeking into your life. I'm so inspired by your beautiful photography and the way you write and tell stories! Thank you!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. mtercha says…

    Thank you. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. azzari says…

    I continue to love capturing a week in our lives - thanks for being so committed and and sharing so much in this space.

    Although I didn't post daily updates, here is a recap of last week:

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Cookingmylife says…

    It's been a wonderful journey with you Ali. I stuck to the plan and will decide how to do mine digitally as always but the deciding will come while I am on vacation! I'm leaning to 6x8 but you know how that can change... :)

    I love getting to know you and your family a bit more each year. We are blessed.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. fannyathome says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  17. papergoddess says…

    Thanks for sharing your WITL. I definitely petered out towards the end of the week, but I still love this project. Excited to see your album!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. virginiegoujon says…

    Today your castle tent was in the yard.
    Thank you so much Ali for this project and for inspiration.
    Virginie G

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. dawnmi says…

    Beautiful photos today! I love that first one, and Simon's face is too cute!! I loved this WITL for my family so much, it was not a normal week by any means but it was great and I'm so glad it's documented this way. Thank you for inviting us each time on this journey with you, it changes me each time and I love it more each time I do it.

    Can't wait to see your thoughts and album and to work on mine!! Happy Monday

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Coni says…

    Thank YOU for this wonderful project! I noticed so many "little things" in our daily life that I wouldn't have noticed without doing it! This helps me to think diffently and focus more on what matters most.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. edillow says…

    It was great to see your photos all week—and it was fun to do this particular project for the first time : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Joelaw says…

    What beer is that!?! I don't recognize it.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's a local brewery - Ninkasi.

  23. soonermama says…

    We had a very surprising last day as the priest did a vow renewal of all the couples at Mass. Glad to add that to this story too. Also, here I get stuck on the number of photos I have. I have a lot per day in the blog posts -- maybe 20-30, which is a fraction of the 100+ I too most days. However, it is still nearly 200 total. Any thoughts or recommendations on how to use that many or how you think through paring them back would be great as you talk further about putting the week in the album. Thanks! (Yes, I may possibly have raised this question in prior years, but appreciate your thoughts).

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I will try to address this as I work through my album.

  24. MOzols says…

    Thank you for sharing, Ali! It's been such a nice glimpse into your world, I'm sad it's over! Although, I'm ready to be done taking photos as well, it's been really nice following along on your blog to see how you've documented. I've especially enjoyed your prompts/themes of the days' journaling. Fun project - I'm looking forward to putting together the album!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. krisparisi says…

    As a footnote to my earlier post, did I miss it or is there a link to the binder label somewhere? The only one I saw was to 2014...

    Reply 0 Replies

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