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Week In The Life™ 2019 | Saturday Words + Photos

I love Saturdays. 

This one was full of kids and sports and working in the yard and a little "work" work. I loved using the lens of celebrating for this day. It's a simple word that I come back to again and again and it's such a fun way to look at and tell stories from your life. 

Simon started the day off above by celebrating with sleeping in, comic reading, and hot chocolate.

Celebrating another load of laundry getting moved around. I actually really don't mind doing the laundry much at all. 

Celebrating girls who wake up from a sleepover and immediately head outside in their onesies to play more make-believe games. 

Celebrating an early morning quick trip to the the Lane County Farmers Market for a BNF Kombucha refill, eggs, asparagus, snap peas, strawberries, and a salad mix. I love my reusable mesh bags that I take with me to the market. They also work great at the grocery store because the tags include the weight of the bag so the person checking you out can just add that at checkout. 

Celebrating Simon. Always, always, always. Today when we got back from the Farmer's Market he was playing a Star Wars Virtual Reality game (Jedi Challenge) that he got last Christmas. 

Celebrating a few minutes upstairs in my office to finish up a few photo edits I wasn't able to get done yesterday before heading outside to work in the yard. 

Celebrating today’s backyard calla lily harvest and friends who say “let’s just keep it casual and easy” when making plans for later.

Celebrating the fact that it's fun to experiment with photos and see what you get. 

Celebrating the creativity of these kids today. Currently they are playing Chopped Jr in the kitchen. 

I love hearing them use words like “compote” and “garnish.”

Celebrating Simon reading and researching out in the backyard while I was cleaning things up. 

Celebrating how darn good those strawberries and greens were from this morning. 

Celebrating this guy (Ernie). I always wanted to have a cat who wanted to sleep in this window box area off the living room. 

Celebrating taking myself out to Thistledown Farms to pick out some more flowers including a couple new peonies to add to my collection, more lavender for my front yard, a couple tomato plants, and some annuals including a white geranium and some cosmos starts. 

Celebrating how we all keep showing up and that Simon is basically as tall or taller than Chris. 

Celebrating the end of another spring soccer season for Anna. Great coaches and great teams. 

Celebrating a hot shower at the end of the day. 

The last and final lens for this Week In The Life™ is gratitude. It's a great way to bring the documenting phase of this project to a close. 

As always, thank you so much for being a part of this community and of valuing your stories. 

Please feel free to share a link to your Saturday words + photos in the comments below. 

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9 thoughts

  1. bearcatlady03 says…

    Love the photo of the kids in the backyard!

    Here's my Saturday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. 217Liz says…

    LOVE the photo of you in front of the glass window. Also, what does the symbol mean in the art on the wall in the kitchen area?
    Thanks for sharing!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! It's just a bunch of pieces of letter forms (the literal way a letter of the alphabet comes together in typography) all together.

  3. kccrow says…

    You always seem to make healthy foods look so beautiful! Here is a look at my Saturday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. CarolineMcD says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Rina_AbbottJard says…

    Love, love, love those mesh bags. First thing I noticed. Be The Change is one of my mottos in life. Thanks Ali for your kindness to our incredible planet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Audreydz says…

    Your strawberry and sausage (I think it’s sausage) salad looks divine. Did you put any dressing on it. I want to make it :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. fannyathome says…

    Simon reading the newspaper on a robe and starwars mug... my goodness! Such a good capture!
    I loved your Saturday.. Here's mine:

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. agnes_and_co says…
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