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Week In The Life™ 2019 | Sunday Words + Photos

Wrapping up Week In The Life™ for 2019 using the lens of gratitude. 

Thank you so much for all the words + photos you shared this week. I know some of you are working on this project at different times either before or after this week and I simply love that people are getting their stories told. 

I'll start working on the album portion of my project this week and will share more as that process develops. 

Here's a look at my Sunday: 

Gratitude for kids that got up early to make gluten free pancakes in heart shapes with strawberries on top.

Gratitude for the car that’s going to get us to the beach to visit my Mom and their Grandma today.

Gratitude for this beautiful spot.

Gratitude for sand jumping, popcorn, walks on the beach, and a Portland Trailblazers win.

Visiting my parents is like going to flower nursery. They filled up the back of my car today with a bunch of things for me to plant here at home. I come from pretty long line of people (both my parents and their parents at least) who liked working in the garden + growing stuff. Such a gift.

Gratitude for making it back home safe and sound. Gratitude for this project that, year after year, invites me to “look around, look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now.” Gratitude for this community.

Again, thank you for joining me in this project this year no matter how many photos you took or words you wrote down. I hope you were able to look at your life as it is right now and get at least a few stories recorded. 

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9 thoughts

  1. CarolineMcD says…

    Love this day. I loved my Sunday, rounding off the week and week in the life. Here are my words

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. bearcatlady03 says…

    Your parents yard, flowers, etc. are so beautiful!

    Here is my Sunday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jamie59 says…

    Sunday was my gratitude day too! My husband would like to request a sticker that says: WitL Survivor. Please? Haha. A supportive and good sport husband was also on my list of gratitudes yesterday.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Ha! I love that.

  4. kccrow says…

    One of my biggest challenges is that I tend to start a lot of wonderful things and then never fully complete them. I am so excited that for this project I've followed through with capturing, writing and posting every day for the week. Now the real challenge comes - can I actually complete the project by completing the album I intend to do? I really hope so! Here is my Sunday:

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      That's awesome!

  5. lizness says…

    What a beautiful hide-away at the beach! Love the photo of your mom and daughter. Hope you had an amazing Mother's Day! =)

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  6. fannyathome says…

    Your mom is just the best! and your Sunday looks very pleasing and life-giving!! Here's mine:

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. snhackett328 says…

    Thank you for this project. We were in the midst of moving during the entire week, and I know I will look back on the photos I took of all the chaos and be so, so glad that I captured the beginning of this new chapter of our lives. And when I finally find a new home for all my scrapbook supplies, I can't wait to put my album together. :)

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