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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Thursday Words & Photos

Today's message: Keep going and find a rhythm that works for you. 

Your rhythm might be photos just a few times throughout the day. Your rhythm might be more in the morning and less in the evening or vice versa. This project isn't meant to be photos of every single moment of your life over the course of the week. Remember that you are telling the story of one week in your life that includes a whole lot of little moments along the way. Those seven days come together to tell one bigger story of what your life is like right now. Stretching it out over seven days allows you to capture bits and pieces here and there and miss some things along the way and still tell a fairly complete story. 

I like doing this project at different times of the year. The last time I did it during the summer months was a few years ago. My family's life does look different in the summer months - there's a different rhythm and flow and flexibility. We've made it to the pool quite a few late afternoons and evenings this summer and I'm so happy to be able to create that space for my kids. 

Here's to keepin on keepin on and having fun along the way. 

Here's what I want to remember from our Thursday: 

I want to remember that it's worth it to take the time to plant flowers. This year I didn't plant anything new in my garden knowing that I would be traveling on and off. I love bringing the outside in and these hydrangeas are the main thing blooming out there right now. I also have one huge volunteer tomato plant that came back after being planted a previous year. I'm missing having the dahlias I've had in years past and need to make time to get new ones in the ground for next summer. 

 I want to remember the first time Sam made his way downstairs on his own. He and George checked each other out and no major fights ensued. He wasn't down there for too long before he headed back upstairs. 

I want to remember that I'm a morning person and he's a night person. I'm a quick moving multi-tasker and he's a very patient single-focuser.   

I want to remember mornings at the table, with and without technology. Cereal, bagels & cream cheese, nectarines. Lots of "keep eating" reminders came out of my mouth.

I want to remember how much I appreciate Katie and her input and suggestions and memory and hardwork and follow through. 

I want to remember how much I enjoy a hot shower, even if it's not first thing in the morning. 

I want to remember her in this space, in this time, full of might and love. 

 I want to remember that it's okay to not have it all planned out. 

I want to remember that listening to him is the most important thing. 

I want to remember that I like wearing dresses, even when there are no special plans for the day. 

I want to remember how awesome it is to get an avocado that looks like this. Seriously. How awesome. 

I want to remember that a lunch like this of little bits of stuff works out just fine. And the watermelon right now is so, so awesome. 

I want to remember how much he loves the smell and taste of sourdough bread. 

I want to remember that many of our days do look very much the same. It's one of the reasons I've taken this exact same photo multiple times throughout the week. This week has been a lot of computer work and less standing-at-my-table crafting work. 

I want to remember his awesome memory, his passion for characters, and his tender heart. 

My other recent Week In The Life™ projects are usually full of car photos because that's a much bigger part of our lives outside of summer. 

I want to remember how sometimes when we get to the pool he just decides to take a nap. 

I want to remember how great the pool is for everyone's attitude and energy level. 

I want to remember that I am a fan of the quiet moments. Today I read through Anna's back-to-school packet while we waited for pizza delivery after returning home from the pool. 

I want to remember the growth that has happened around this table. Aaron and I were looking at photos of kids from a few years ago and it struck both of us that we can literally see the length of our relationship in the physical growth of each of these kids. The girls were both almost 4 when we first started dating - now they are close to 7. 

Tonight I stopped taking photos a bit earlier because I was ready for a little break and ready to get to bed a little earlier than the last few nights (remember I'm the morning person). I think it's important in this project to give yourself permission to not put pressure on yourself to get every single detail of every single day - it's just sustainable. So capture what you can. Look for stories through your lens and enjoy the process.  

Hoping you have a really awesome Friday. 


Grab them here: Everyday Line Sentiments // Say Hello // Say Hello No. 2


I'd love to have you share a link to your THURSDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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26 thoughts

  1. SusanBowers says…

    The one of Simon on the chaise lounge, totally my favorite photo of Thursday!

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  2. hgauvin says…

    I can't believe how Simon has grown - not only physically but also that he's wearing t-shirts and flip flops. I'm impressed! Go Simon Go!

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  3. mtercha says…

    I have been so happy this week. I captured so many small things and I love that. The tour of the water fountains my daughter had to take along the walk to the pediatrician appointment. My 25+ year old stove that's still working, which I'm grateful for, 2 boys going for learner's permit tests and pouring over the manual. Lots of little things, that I want to remember. Thanks for all you do. Have an awesome Friday. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Taryn411 says…

    I totally get you excitement over a perfect avocado. It's a real crap-shoot!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Michelle06 says…

    Love your Thursday Ali, I find myself thinking my life is the same but different and varying the camera angle captures something extra most times, stuff in the background that I notice only when I edit the photos. Being mindful, respectful and spontaneous has bought a richness to this Week in the Life that I am so very proud of. And I love the new digi packs, purchased and using already, thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. kelsterjean says…

    Your writing about you being a moring person and Aaron being a night person hits home. My hubby and I are on opposite shifts and it plays big roles in our live Anand every day routine. That is one of my big captures this week. I am so thankful for this project that it makes me emotional. It has opened my eyes to so many things.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. petrac says…

    Once again awesome. Your use of light awesome year in year out I am amazed and in love with the way you use light in your photos. What you want to remember is a super queue and I want to thank you because I will use it for my Friday photos. (I hope you don't mind). Love coming here each night. Don't always comment but definitely always visit. Thank you for sharing and inspiring yet again Ali.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. anniebeagle says…

      Agreed. I was studying the light in the photo of Simon in his room. I tend to want my photos all bright, which is perfect sometimes, but the shadows are important too, and add depth that I think my photos are missing. Ali does a great job capturing the light. :)

  8. abragg79 says…

    Absolutely wonderful!

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  9. annewise says…

    Beautiful. Simple and sweet. Thanks so much for sharing with us this week.

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  10. Cschwie says…

    You and your photos are lovely Ali! This link from Foodie Crush reminded me of you & WITL this morning: Another neat way to capture life a little bit at a time.

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  11. Lize says…

    Beautiful photo's. And I love that you said you don't have to capture everything. I ended up noticing that I took a lot in a certain spot in my home where I spend some time each day. I took shots into the scene, and also from out of the scene, showing life around me in my spot changing through the week. PS You have the kindest eyes.

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  12. angymuse says…

    awesome awesome awesome... arent those Ikea rugs just the best? i have managed to collect all colors! lol

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  13. papergoddess says…

    thanks for sharing - love your words. great reminders.

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  14. jaimeelynn says…

    Love following along with you. This is my 4th year doing this project alongside you and for some reason our week is never a typical week, no matter what week you choose to document. But I love that anyways because I end up capturing the "not typical" in a different way while still capturing all the little stories in between. We always have some medical event during WITL. Year 1, my then 3 year old broke his leg, Year 2 he split the top of his head open, Year 3 (last year) I was on bedrest and went trick or treating in a wheelchair, this year my now 6 year old had sinus surgery on Monday. I am always so inspired with the way you capture your family's story and it keeps me going and helps me find the important little stories in my everyday life. Keep it coming Ali!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. TracieClaiborne says…

    Another great post! I needed this one today. I may be finally getting in my rhythm but I feel like now I have to get everything in these last three days that I forgot to do before! I think I needed a week of practice before the real thing but my family would probably kill me if I started over. haha!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Stheiner says…

      I agree I think I needed a week of practice too. Only I didn't tell my family I was doing it. Just been snapping pictures:)

  16. JenBradshaw says…

    That avocado! It's the little things. ;)

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  17. Kary13 says…

    Thanks. Beautiful. I'm documenting this week & it's the last week that my youngest will be home before she starts college. Not a typical week, but one to remember & to cherish. Life changes next week, big time!

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  18. vicki_dalton says…

    My favorite photo is the one with Simon smelling the bread!
    Great shot!

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  19. anniebeagle says…

    Ali, thank you so much for this project. I can't really put into words what it means to me. So, I'll just say thank you. <3

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  20. Bookworm says…

    I love the hydrangeas, your wet hair selfie facing the camera, Simon sleeping on his towel. Happy Friday, Ali. :-)

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  21. desilei says…

    I love these posts! Just wanted to tell you that I'm a long-time fan of yours. I remember when you worked with CK magazine. Anyway, this is my second year doing WITL and I definitely go out of my way to get myself into pictures. The light in my home is not great but I take them anyway. There's no one else but me and my kids so I need to do it. I do this for them. I know they don't appreciate it now since they are too young, but one day, I believe they will be so grateful I captured these memories and stories of our lives. Thank you for continuing to inspire me. --Desiree

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  22. sfleggett says…

    Loving your week in the life photos. Can you tell me where you got this beautiful white bath mat? Thanks for sharing.

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  23. katie1980 says…

    I would want to remember Simon napping at the pool, too. He's soooo adorable! I could look at that photo for ages. He's so peaceful and cute and peaceful and innocent and cute, and he's growing up too fast, Ali! You must be so proud of him, and your love for your family totally comes through in these posts. You embody what I want my documenting to be about, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing yourself with us.
    I was really inspired this last week, got some great shots (including a few floor-level ones of my twins playing which I *adore*, so thanks for that tip) and I am stoked to put my album together, if a little scared to do it cos I want it to be "right"!!
    I just need to sit down at my computer with my photos, I think, and get going :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. kislanykim says…

    Good for you giving yourself an evening "break." I also appreciate how much you appreciate Katie and how you always take time to articulate it. Sounds like you two found just the right partners in each other. That's no small thing, as you realize!

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