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Week In The Life™ 2015 | Wednesday Words & Photos

First, thank you. 

Second, today I was thinking a lot about the concept of "some days" and in "most days" - as in some days/most days our day looks like this and some days/most days our day looks like that. There's also a little bit of "someday" mixed in - as in, someday this might be even more of my everyday life or someday this could/will all be so different. 

Third, today might be a good day to think about the things you haven't captured yet. What's missing from the photos/words you've collected so far? I know I'm missing some evening routine stuff which I think is partly because I'm working on these posts and our normal bedtime routine is a little out of sorts. 

Fourth, if you are looking for the titles I'm using on my main photos each day, you can find those  here

Again, thank you for being here and for sharing your stories. 

Here's a look at my Wednesday: 

Some days I wake up with a cat in my bed. Today it was Sam, who I'm slowly working out of the office.

An unsteady hand is partially responsible for the grain in that photo + a lack of light in the early morning hours. 

Some days, especially in the late summer, both kids sleep in late (late around here = 9am). Generally they are pretty good early risers. In fact I don't think I have a lot of photos of them in their beds in the mornings because they are often up and doing stuff.

Some days I do laundry. I don't have a set schedule for this and I'm generally someone who doesn't mind doing the laundry. I just try to keep it going. Sort and wash and dry and fold. 

Most days I look at this print from  Hatch Show Print (from the Haley Gallery) as I make my way down the hall into my office. I usually think about my Mom as I glance at it - sometimes reading just a line and sometimes reading the whole thing. I think about my Mom because she had positive messages like this framed in our home growing up. There is one particular one I remember that she hung in our bathroom about the power of attitude (I think it was something written by Norman Vincent Peale). Hoping my kids read these messages as they are growing up too.

Most weeks days I end up in this spot. During the summer it's usually earlier vs. in the school year when I have more "get them to school" responsibilities. I'm an early riser so I can usually get in some work before they wake up. 

On Wednesdays Katie works from home so it's a little quieter here in the office. We're creating some flexible work routines for when her baby comes later this year (!!!!!). Super thankful that she is a part of my life and so excited for this next chapter to begin for her.

Some days I eat oatmeal + almonds + strawberries + blueberries for breakfast. 

Some days Anna is really into what she will be for Halloween. The current front runner is this colorful witch costume. 

Some days this space is really messy. Currently it's holding Simon's new backpack and his old backpack that has carried him through quite a number of years now. This was the first year in many that he's had an interest in a new one. It's also holding a swim towel - a sign that it's summer. 

Those of you who follow me on Instagram might recognize these lockers that I posted a photo of last month. I went back for them. 

Some days he's frustrated that I didn't cut the strawberry in half. Some days he's super happy when we happen to have leftover pizza that he can eat for breakfast. 

Some days she hangs out with my in the office. Today she made drawings of her and Audrey's names using Stickles. 

She made this sign while I was recording a video for the Love You Because workshop and held it up and mouthed it to me at the same time. 

Snake = snack. 

Yep. I'm much better with snacks than snakes. 

Most days he's got something happening with his legos. Today I told him he could earn money by sorting through bins that currently hold lego messes (aka the ones that just have a bunch of random pieces all thrown in together that makes it impossible to find anything). He's super motivated by money right now since there's a new Lego game coming out called  Lego Dimensions next month (ps - it looks totally cool of course). 

Most days he gets the concept that it's way easier to locate the random pieces if they are sorted by color (at least). 

Some days she chooses to come read in my office. This couch really is getting a lot of use. Today it was a Dora book. 

Some days she wants to come to the store with me. Most days I go when the kids are either at school or otherwise occupied to just make the whole thing simpler. Today was a quick stop on the way to pick Audrey up from camp for an afternoon playdate. 

Most days you can find me here multiple times over the course of the day. 

Some days I don't take a shower and I wear workout clothes all day and don't workout. 

Some days, rare days, I make cupcakes. It's even more rare that they would be chocolate. If I'm in charge I pick white cake or vanilla or lemon. I let Anna choose today at the store and she chose chocolate cake and pink cherry frosting. 

Some days the boys are here. Today Elliot and Simon played video games. 

Some days Audrey comes over for a playdate. They like to play store, listen to music, watch videos, play with Playmobil people, play with Barbies or other dolls. 

Some days I make a sandwich for lunch. Most times I choose salt and vinegar chips. 

Fun pink wrappers for the cupcakes that I brought home from Merci in Paris on our last trip. No day like today to use them. 

Kids decorating cupcakes. Embracing their creative use of every sprinkle available in the house.

Most days I can't believe how tall he has gotten. 

Most days I'm ready for a nap in the late afternoon. Today I started a new book that I  read an excerpt from earlier in the week called Uniquely Human: A Different Way Of Seeing Autism

Some days we get out the  Playmobil pool set and put actual water in there. They loved it. 

Some days Chris picks them up for outings or activities. Today he and Tiffany took the girls to the pool for a bit before dinner. 

Some days I/we have wine with dinner. Tonight was teriyaki drumsticks, broccoli, roasted new potatoes and corn on the cob. 

Some days all of us around the table is really crazy. 

Most days the personality of these two is off the charts. 

Some days there are tired kids and arguments and crying at bedtime. 

Some days they are so happy to just be in each other's company. 

Most days you can find me right here, saying the exact same prayer I've said to him since he was a baby. Tonight he also wanted to have a long talk about ways he could make money to be able to buy the Lego Dimensions game when it comes out. 

Some days he's here in the evening. Sometimes it's just him and sometimes it's him + one or more of the kids. Tonight after everyone was settled he had a little one on one time with Sam. He told me "this cat was made for me."


I'd love to have you share a link to your WEDNESDAY words and photos below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link. In addition you're invited to come over to the free Week In The Life™ Community Gallery & Message Board.

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60 thoughts

  1. Bellaa75 says…

    Your photos are so gorgeous and clear and crisp. What settings do you have the camera on for the one in Simons room? Thanks Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Are you talking about the daytime or the nighttime one?

      For the evening one (shooting with a Canon 5DMKII and a 24-70 lens):

      Aperture 2.8
      Shutter Speed 1/100
      ISO 4000
      Focal Length 24mm

      The one during the day is:

      Aperture 2.8
      Shutter Speed 1/30
      ISO 800
      Focal Length 34mm

      The daytime one was adjusted using Levels and Curves in Photoshop so it's lighter than the original version.

  2. Anle717 says…

    Man, I LOVE the way you capture your days in pictures & words. You really
    inspire me to do this (WITL) one day, but also how to think & see the ordinary day stuff in a different ways through the whole year. Thank you Ali!! You are such an inspiring & humble person!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. lime says…

    I always love your photos (and that beautiful light in your house!), but today the words was what stood out to me. Looking forward to another day of capturing and storytelling.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. slnieland says…

    I love the way you document your days, and the stories you choose to tell. The love you have for your people (and animals :) is so clearly present in these posts. Thank you, Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. hgauvin says…

    I find when I'm doing this project, it's a highlight of my morning to take a few minutes and read through your blog post. I really look forward to it. I'm making that part of my WITL entry for today. I'm so inspired by your photos + words. Thanks for that Ali.

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. dawnmi says…

      I feel and do the same thing each time I do this project. Ali is such a big inspiration in my scrapping/photography part of living. Reading these feels like we are right there with her. I love including her in this project and in my DD, that way my kids will know where this came from and hopefully be inspired to continue these projects one day.

    2. jchurch2 says…

      Absolutely true!

    3. patowle says…

      Same for me. I remember the same feeling last year while reading her daily blog entries. So calm, genuine, honest, and real, both the words and the pictures. I took all of the pictures last year, but nothing made it into an album. This year, I'm bound and determined to.

    4. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  6. picki56 says…

    Can you please post a little tutorial on your camera settings for that photo of you in Simon's room? I can't seem to capture photos like that no matter how hard I try!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. dawnmi says…

      I would love that too, so wonderful seeing them!

    2. abbypimentel says…

      Ditto - learning so much from you about EVERY. LITTLE. THING. Thank you - seriously - thank you so much!

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Here are the actual settings (shooting with a Canon 5DMKII and a 24-70 lens):

      Aperture 2.8
      Shutter Speed 1/100
      ISO 4000
      Focal Length 24mm

      The camera is sitting on a shelf that is directly across the room from his bed, next to the door. I set it there, take a test shot without me in it to check and see what it looks like, then set the timer and go over to him.

      All that said, I've also done this shot with an iPhone - usually then it's just me capturing him but it could be done with the timer on an iPhone as well.

  7. heatherw says…

    WOW, Legos came out with Scooby Doo theme! Showed them to my 10 year-old son, he said, "Oh, man. I totally want that!" Love these posts and love that some days you wear work out clothes and don't work out! That made me smile! Some days I do that too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. mtercha says…

    I love how each day you choose a different prompt, like "he/she says or does", "some/most days", etc. It's such a creative way to tell the stories and look at things in different ways. So inspiring, thank you. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. w33blegurl says…

    Loving seeing your pictures and reading the words each day! Motivating me to carry on taking the pictures this week - my first year of WITL. Really loved Anna's sign! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. dawnmi says…

    Ali, thank you for another great day of words and photos. Your day seemed like my day yesterday, even though Wednesday seems the hardest it's usually ends up my favorite day of the whole week when I look back. So awesome again to see the involvement with Chris, my sister is still not this way with her ex-husband, so hard seeing her struggle with him. Chris taking Aaron kids with your kids really is amazing and will go a long ways showing the kids how to support each other and be there for family. Aaron having you and Chris take care of the kids is big too.
    Can't wait to see Katie's baby start showing up in your posts later on, how fun it will be!!

    A few questions please if you have time:
    My son Sam goes without a shirt too and that's why he has hard time with pictures, does this bother you or Simon?
    Where do Asron's kids sleep when over?
    I like the way the first photo each day has the date, are you choosing those ones for your album?
    You haven't mentioned yet how many photos you've taken each day or shown any notes? Have you tracked either of these?

    Thanks again!! Happy Thursday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. ShirshaG says…

    I love the way you approach your words. Your post is usually my reminder to record the words for the previous day. This journaling prompt is amazing - think I am going to try it for one of these days...

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. tlsiravo says…

    You continue to inspire me daily! I love how you wrote about the some days/most days things that happen in your life. I love the perspective of telling the story of your week so that your kids will understand the whole store when they look back on this one day. I keep moving forward with my own WITL photos because of your daily words + photos. Thank you for sharing.

    I also love the idea of hanging inspiring words in the house. I love a good quote but never thought to hang it in the house so that my kids will see it daily too! I'll be doing that soon... :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Juljul13 says…

    "Yep. I'm much better with snacks than snakes."

    THIS made me laugh out loud!


    Reply 0 Replies
  14. thecraftytokyoite says…

    LOVE the photo of Anna and Audrey with the glasses. So much sass captured in one photo, I love it.
    Also must agree with everyone. Reading your blog posts always inspire me to write more, to be a better storyteller and write something worthy of future generations to read when the time comes.

    P.S. Totally submitted the wrong link in the link-up. Oops. If you can delete the first one, it would be greatly appreciated!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Got it!

  15. Patty_Young says…

    Most days, you inspire me to write more about my life, and some days you are truly amazing. You have a very special gift and I thank you for sharing your story.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. abragg79 says…

    Ahhh...the "Some days/most days" theme is genius!!

    Once again, simply blown away by how you put this all together. Thanks for the inspiration and, also, thank you for sharing your life with us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Lize says…

    I'm so enjoying every day's post ! You are living a large and vibrant life and I love the photo of you with the words "uniquely human" in it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Bookworm says…

    I like the "some days" and "most days" idea for journaling. It helps extend the "view" of this week of documenting by indicating how common various activities are in your wider life. I'm glad for you and all of your kids that you and Chris and Aaron are able to navigate all the complexities of your blended families for the best interests of the kids, but hopefully also in ways that are good for the adults, too. I'm sure it involves a lot of choreography and maturity from everyone. Happy Thursday and thanks for the continued inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. papergoddess says…

    I think doing WITL in summer was a brilliant idea! thanks! I don't have kids, but I like seeing the lazy summer days, brings me back to childhood. Great shots.

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Houston says…

    I am really enjoying looking through your words and photos every day. I upload my photos while I read your blog and then try and get my thoughts about them down before naptime is over!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. lori2009 says…

    I love following your week in the life. Your photos always inspire my photo taking! And those yellow lockers are super cool!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. CraftyMamaof5 says…

    Thank you Ali! I love your somedays!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. froggywinks says…

    Thanks, Ali, for being so raw before us. Your pictures and storytelling are so unique and yet so simple. Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Elsie_Larson says…

    I LOVE reading these posts! Miss you. xx

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Murray says…

    Ali, My daughter wore the colorful witch costume a few years ago and it remains one of her all time favorite costumes and we passed it on to one of her cousins and she wore it last year! I love reading your posts so inspiring.

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