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December Daily® 2015 | Day Twelve

Welcome to December Daily® 2015 | Day 12. 

My story today is a bit of reflection and recognition of turning 40 this past November paired with a photo of an ornament I received when I was just a month old. 

Is there a story from the past year that makes sense to include or memorialize in this year's December Daily®? Maybe a birth or the passing of a loved one or a birthday or something else monumental? Is there a way to connect it with the Christmas season in one way or another? 

The other inspiration for my story today comes from some awesome pages that have been shared in the  December Daily® 2015 Facebook Group - specially two different pages featuring ornaments - one from Geralyn Sy and the other from Sandra Price. 

Here's the one from  Geralyn

And here's the one from Sandra ( Sandra if you have a blog let me know and I'll link it up here): 

I loved both for different reasons - I loved seeing the ornament collection (with numbers even) shot with the white background and I loved how Sandra is holding the ball ornament with the flannel shirt. Both just made me want to make something and tell a story about one of my ornaments. 

Here's what my Day 12 looked like in my foundation pages: 

Day 12 was originally the 12-pocket page protector. I'm just moving that to Day 13. 

And here's what it looks like now: 

Another very simple page featuring a 6 inch x 8 inch photo printed here at home on my  Epson R2000. I love these full photo pages - always have and probably always will. This one features my hands holding my 1975 ornament. I took this on the table in my office that I use to take photos of my projects and ended up using my tripod so that I could hold the ornament with both hands. 

Also remember that you can adapt the red chipboard letters - the white "40" that you see above is actually the red letters included with the Main Kit simply embossed with a layer of  white embossing powder.

My simple journaling for today:

This year in November I celebrated my 40th birthday. As we were decorating the tree this past week this ornament from the year of my birth 1975 felt even more special and precious. Holding it in my hand and closing my eyes I flashed-back - 40 years of Christmases, of birthdays, of life experiences, of lessons learned, of love, of travel, of loss and of beginnings. All of it together is my life so far. And I am so, so thankful for the whole of it.

Keep making it work for you my friends. Look and listen for the story that means the most to you today.



And I also wanted to share an image of  my new collection of paints in use (using the star silkscreen from the December Daily® Main Kit):


I'd love to have you share a link to your Day 12 album pages below. Please link directly to your post vs. a general blog link.

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18 thoughts

  1. jemi says…

    I so appreciate those of you who are linking your projects on the Blog. I don't do Facebook and always feel terrible left out. Just not left out enough to do Facebook. And, of course, Ali for generously sharing December Daily...daily.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. mtercha says…

    This is an awesome idea. Love this. Well, love it all... Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Juljul13 says…

    I saw both of those pages on FB and thought there were beautiful too!
    I try to do a page every year based on any new ornaments. We collect a new ornament where ever we have vacation. It's a nice tradition.
    The photo is very pretty.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. smultringunn says…

    Oooh, is that the next Story Kit I spy in the corner there?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  5. abragg79 says…

    These are great. I've looked forward to your posts every day. I haven't been able to do anything with my album yet...fatigue is killer. But, I've been so inspired and can't wait to have a little energy to play soon.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hoping you get some energy soon too :).

  6. Bellaa75 says…

    So Ali I noticed this page doesn't have a number "12" of the day on it. Will you be putting that anywhere?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I thought about it and then I decided to just leave it as it is - it will be between day 11 and 13 :).

    2. Bellaa75 says…

      Cool :)

  7. ktber says…

    Love this: "Look and listen for the story that means the most to you today." This is what I'm finally getting this year (year #3) as I'm following along with your posts and watching myself try to make this album work with the realities of December. I'm much more watchful of life, whether the pages get made or not, so that's a win, but the other big one is just noticing that when the stories are about a meaningful insight, observation, or experience--rather than just the most Christmas-y activity of the day, it's so much more fulfilling to spend time telling that story and, bonus, those tend to require less photos (which means are much faster to put together, for me). You have so many examples of those kinds of stories and keep showing us over and over how to make that choice. Thank you!

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. northcarmen says…

      So appreciate this insight. :)

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome. For me it's never really been about the most-Christmas thing each day - definitely more about looking & listening and also enjoying the season.

  8. papergoddess says…

    Love this photo & perspective.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. catchingcodyk says…

    Both of the girls pages are very pretty! I can't wait to document my idea for my future ornament ideas.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. qingmei says…

    Such a fun surprise and a great honor to have inspired your page today, Ali! Love what you've made and the story you chose to tell. Thanks for sharing your daily pages and videos! It's definitely been a treat to see your album come together as each day passes :)

    Reply 0 Replies

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