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December Daily® 2015 | Let's Begin

Welcome to December Daily® 2015. 

I seriously feel like I blinked this year and here we are again. 

I've been thinking, as I often do at this very same time of the year, about what I hope for you during this holiday and this project. This year what I hope most of all is that you find or embrace your own voice. Your stories, your joy, your real life truths and traditions at this point in time. This project is about capturing stories - big and small - during the month of December. It's about finding joy in the little things and looking for & making magic even as adults with serious jobs and serious lives. 

Here's a few things I often remind people as we embark on this project:

1. Find a pace that works for you. You might work on this project each day or you might save up a few days for a longer period of work time or you might wait until the end of the holiday season. People have so many different ways of approaching this project. For me, I do one story a day and I work on it daily (most of the time). Sometimes that's as simple as adding a photo and a few words to a pocket and sometimes it becomes a multi-page ordeal. I let the story, and the time available, lead me throughout the month.

2. Enjoy the process. If it starts feeling like a job, simplify. If it becomes boring, mix it up. Make this be something that enhances rather than detracts from you holiday season.

3. Read the 25 Ideas And Story Inspirations from a few years back. Or jump in on the Storytelling With December Daily® workshop that's still available to join where you can find additional inspiration for the reason why behind this project. 

4. Remember that it's not about what any one else is doing except you and your family. Embrace your own holiday spirit, your own stories - whatever they may be this year. Don't spend all your time looking at other people's stuff that you miss out on the time you could have spent working on your own project, telling you own stories. 

5. Look for the joy. Really, that's what this project is about. Find your own joy, even if you have to make it happen for yourself.

6. Start with an intention. What is it you hope for this holiday season? Can you describe it in one word? Why do you participate in this project? In case you missed my free "intentions" printable you can check it out and download it here: 2015 Foundation Pages.

You can do this. Absolutely, 100%, you can.

Let's tell stories together. Ready, set, go

I'll be working on my December 1 story today and sharing it with you here on my blog tomorrow. 

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18 thoughts

  1. lauralou222 says…

    Dear December, I'm ready for you. Bring It!
    Love, Laura

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Mel_12 says…

    Yay, let's do this together.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Feel free to link up here in the comments! I couldn't get my regular linking tool to work last night so I need to do some research today to see what I can find.

  3. hgauvin says…

    Happy December everyone!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. ashleymoseley says…


  4. Thea_m says…

    It's the end of December 1 here in Australia - it's hot and humid and exactly the weather Christmas means to us in the Southern Hemisphere. Looking forward to a month of quiet joy and close connections, and Merry Everything. I even took my first photo for my December Daily album tonight, so I'm off to a good start.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. dawnnikol says…

    My absolute favorite project of the year, it's my 6th year participating and I love it every single time. This year, my two daughters will be joining me. They just turned 6 and 4 and it should be even more interesting. ;) Thank you, as always, for sharing this with us Ali. It's so magical.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. mtercha says…

    Best wishes to everyone this holiday season. Enjoy the season, and good luck with your December Daily. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. soonermama says…

    I've entering December feeling a bit behind and overwhelmed, but looked through a prior year's album and feel like a have a base of ideas not just for Dec. Daily, but for you we like to enjoy December. An unexpected gift! Thank you from all of us for the gift of the project and for cheering us through it and sharing inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Lize says…

    Not sure what I'm looking forward to more, playing along with my first kit, or seeing yours unfold. I will probably only work on my album at the end of December, and kinda wish that there was more of a community there to share with then...

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. kathleen says…

    Happy December, Ali! Thank you for your inspiration! Im super excited about this project and the season ahead!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Untiedt says…

    I'm so excited to embark on another December Daily Album. I can't wait for the magic to unfold. Thanks Ali for all your December Daily inspiration this year. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. virginiegoujon says…

    Best wishes! Enjoy the season!
    Thank you Ali !!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Turquoiseavenue says…

    This is my first year attempting to create a December Daily album. Thank you for the inspiration Ali! I'm really looking forward to it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Stefmom5 says…

    Let's do this! Looking forward to this project. Reminder #4 was exactly what I needed to hear today. Thanks Ali for your inspiration and encouragement.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Stheiner says…

    I'm not planning on actually working on the album until after Christmas but I'm going to take lots of pictures and write down my stories as December goes. Going home tonight after work and giving my kids their Lego advent calendars. Even the 13 year old still likes getting that:)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. djruffing says…

    I was hoping to read your intentions for this year. It is so hard to know exactly what this means for my December Daily. Is this available to read? Thank you.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Oh that won't come until much closer to December.

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