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Storytelling With Project Life® Workshop Registration Now Open

Last year during my in-person workshops one of the classes I offered was Storytelling With Project Life®. I'm excited to introduce you to the online version today and let you know that registration is now open and class will begin on Tuesday, February 2nd. 

Since the beginning I've been a fan, a supporter, an advocate and an active participant of the Project Life® style of memory keeping. These albums have become some of my most treasured for the sum of their stories - all those little details weaved together to literally showcase the fabric of my life. They are home to my highs and lows and all the in-between days and include details that simply would not have been recorded without this format in place. 

For the online version of Storytelling With Project Life® I've taken the original in-person class content and expanded it into a 4-week workshop that includes video overviews of my past albums, a closer look at my personal processes, more storytelling ideas, and examples of how I used the optional Storytelling Class Kit (see details below and a bundle offer) along with other go-to products. 

Even though the name and structure of this class is similar to the December Daily® workshop, Storytelling With Project Life® is a completely different class that will solely focus on that particular project and my experiences over the last five years. 

Here's a look at what we'll be covering in this 4-week adventure:

Week One | A look back at all my past Project Life® albums with individual video walk-throughs. The take-away from this lesson is the opportunity to learn from the past and reflect on what's worked and what's not worked to create a plan for right now.

Week Two | Process exploration. Setting expectations, creating a plan for yourself (key word here being "YOU") and setting yourself up for success by establishing a storytelling mindset. This content will be specific to telling stories in Project Life®.

Week Three | Specific storytelling ideas, encouragement, and inspiration to spark stories.

Week Four | Working with products in Project Life® (includes how I worked with the optional class kit).

A couple things to note:

  • For the last five years I've shared all many of my Project Life® spreads on my blog. Content included in this workshop will come from my experience all those past years.
  • The class kit is optional and I'll be talking about a variety of different ways I use both Project Life® branded products as well as pocket scrapbooking products.
  • As always, the content in the workshop will be my take on this style of memory keeping (weekly Project Life® spreads). We might not have lives the look even remotely similar but the content is more about embracing and documenting your own story vs. me telling you to do it my way.
  • The content in this workshop will be different from Storytelling With December Daily® even though it follows a similar structure. Some ideas may overlap, because, well, it's all about storytelling - but this workshop is focused on the Project Life® approach and style.

My hope is that this workshop will be a springboard for you to get to your own heart of the matter with Project Life®. 


Sign up for Storytelling With Project Life® before 11:59 EST on 2/2/16 and receive the digital version of the cards and stamp set (PNG files) from the Storytelling Class Kit for free. 


In addition to the workshop I've curated an optional Storytelling Class Kit for those of you who might want to add this to your collection. 

In Week Four of the workshop I'll be showing how I worked with these products to create homes for my stories (in addition to other products from my stash including Project Life® core kits such as Everyday and Midnight). The kit includes 3x4 and 4x6 cards, chipboard frames & pieces, die-cuts, wood veneer banners, chipboard stars, and a 3x4 stamp set. 

The kit is $22.99 and can be purchased here (in stock and ready to ship now). Shipping is FREE for domestic customers and $5 for International. 

PROMO CODE: Purchase both the Storytelling With Project Life® workshop and the Storytelling Class Kit and receive $5 off when you use the code STORYTELLING5. Offer expires 2/3/16 at 11:59 EST. Promo code requires the purchase of both the class and the kit in the same transaction. Refunds will not be issued for misused or non-entered codes.

Project Life® is a registered trademark of Becky Higgins LLC and is used with permission. 

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118 thoughts

  1. linmarie says…

    Ali, we haven't seen as much of your project life pages on the blog the last year or so. I know you use a lot of those pages in your subscription program so understandably those are for paying subscribers. Will your last year or two be shown in this class? Who am I kidding...I'm so signing up no matter the answer :)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I'll be doing a video walk-throughs of all my albums and sharing specific examples in the handouts.

    2. linmarie says…


  2. mtercha says…

    That's awesome, Ali. Good luck with it, everyone will love it I'm sure. The kit looks great. Love those stars. Michelle t

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks Michelle!

  3. palmharborscrapper says…

    So glad that you are presenting this workshop! Can you tell me what is the last day to register for it? Will it be on Feb. 2 when you start the class, or will it be open till the following week? Thank you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Most likely registration will be open into the first week of class.

  4. carri says…

    So excited for this class! And the "excuse" to buy those messy life circle stamps!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  5. Fivepops says…

    Yahoo! Just signed up!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for the support!

  6. hprins says…

    I know you have your reasons for not sharing your PL layouts weekly but man seeing those spreads made me want to buy your kits/products! Lol I am a visual shopper I need to see the stuff in action!!
    Is the optional kit available in digital format?

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's included if you register before February 2nd. After that it will be available in the shop. My goal is to get back to sharing more here - it's one of my personal motivations for doing the workshop. This past year has been a transition year for the business and it just takes time to get everything lined up :). Also, I'm definitely not caught up - part of that is because my work-focus has been on other things and now I'm getting back into it.

    2. hprins says…

      I see the bonus stuff is free with sign up but i was wondering about the Optional Class kit. Is that digital as well?

    3. AliEdwards says…

      The only pieces we are offering digitally are the cards + the stamp set (both are the designs from the optional kit).

  7. sarahboirin says…

    super, just what i needed - signed up, can't wait to start!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  8. elli says…

    Excited for the new class. How do you think the class content will work for someone who wants to do an all-digital approach to project life? Many of the techniques (flips and flaps, different sized page protectors/inserts, transparencies, etc.) don't translate when your desired end result is a printed and bound photo book at the end of the year. Love to hear your thoughts on that. Also, will you be doing a video walk-through of the optional kit like you usually do? (which I realize totally conflicts with my previous question. LOL!) Thanks!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - most of the content in the first three weeks will be focused on stories and how I bring them to life in my album (applicable to whatever method you use). The last week when I talk about products I will be talking more about physical because that's what I do :) - but the meat of the class is more about the story ideas.

    2. AliEdwards says…

      And I haven't done a video walk-through but I can!

    3. elli says…

      Love when you post videos! Thanks for the replies.

  9. Davida says…

    Hi Ali - very excited about the workshop & class kit. :) If I registered for the project life class at Crop & Create coming up in Abbotsford - will the class kit be the same?

    Reply 4 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! The class kit will be the same for that event.

    2. Davida says…

      Great thanks!! I may have to buy 2 - don't know if I can wait that long;)

    3. flowergirl85 says…

      Thanks for the info, I'll also be seeing you at the Abbotsford class :)

    4. wendywhitten says…

      Me too - can't wait!

  10. jenjeb says…

    Yay! I've been waiting patiently for this ever since you mentioned it! I'm all signed up and can't wait for this. I took about a 6 month break from PL because I got too overwhelmed. But you are so right - I love looking back at my past PL albums and reading all the little stories that I wrote down. This is the perfect way for me to get right back into it :) Thanks Ali!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for signing up!

  11. nicolemann9 says…

    Yay, I have been super excited for this class and signed up immediately! I am just getting back into doing Project Life weekly after being inconsistent with it the last 2 years. I'm really looking forward to hearing your ideas, and of course the walk through of your albums. I find seeing other people's completed pages always re-inspires me :) Can't wait!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome! Thanks Nicole!

  12. sneakerwaves says…

    So enrolling in this class with products! Can't wait. My OLW last year was "transitions." (Too many letters for the plastic word, but the word "changes" seemed too abrupt for my many easing into transitions last year as an empty nester after 4 kiddos at home.) For example, this was the first year in 30 years Christmas wasn't at our home but at one of our children's townhouse apartment because all live in So. CA now, not Oregon. Fun time, but it was a transition for me. I was "easing" into my new life. I have been transitioning into PL from paper layouts. I hope you address at some point one of my major problems with PL: I will have a really strong vertical photo and no vertical slot. So I go to a PL layout that has some vertical slots, but then I don't have that many vertical shots to say, do the back, etc. to keep with my story theme for that layout. ETC. Hope this is making sense??!! Other major problem: I can never find the right card that I know I have remembered seeing. How do you organize your cards, color or saying? Thank you, Ali. You don't need to address these issues now, but hope they are addressed sometime in the class.

    Reply 5 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for adding in these questions! I think we might try to do some kind of Q&A within the class to address things like this that I might not think of as I'm creating the content. I will definitely be talking about organization.

    2. jchurch2 says…

      Organization of cards, etc interested in that!!!

    3. northcarmen says…

      One way to address the strong vertical could be to print the photo large enough to cover several pockets and then cut it up. If you're using Design A, for example, the photo could be 6 inches wide and 8 inches tall, and be cut so it goes in one 4x6 pocket and two 3x4 pockets. As for organization -- my cards are organized by dominant colour for "generic" cards and then I have a "journaling prompt" (eg. 'places we go') section and ones for themes (eg. nature). I use Close to My Heart plastic organizational boxes, but the "official" Project Life card organizer is very similar; you could even create your own dividers with chipboard or plastic in a shoebox or photo box.

    4. sneakerwaves says…

      Great idea! Thank you! I have thought about cutting pockets and getting the new fuse tool. I wanted to make PL easier than all I go through to "design" a page layout. Like just drop and place. I purchase too , too much stuff. Organization always gets away from me. I will look for the organizational boxes. Thank you, again!

    5. happytoscrap says…

      I have a lot of verticals too!
      I've often thought about using the 12x12 size page protectors and just putting the photos in that way and slip it into the page protector. Just one idea.

  13. Laurie_Anne says…

    Hi Ali,
    I am wondering if you will offer some overlap with PL and the Story Kits in this class?


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Can you clarify your question?

  14. VeraMentzel says…

    Yeah! I enrolled although I was lucky enough to had the class in April last year in person. Those 2 hours were way to short;) Really looking forward to this class since all you classes are so inspiring. I notice that the cards have rounded corners. Is that on purpose since your own journal cards en story kits have square corners?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I like to mix it up :).

  15. tlcd1961 says…

    Ali, do you think this would work for past pictures or is it really more for current memories? I really want to use a "physical" PL for my 32 years of pictures since I have been married. (And even older ones of me growing up!) I so most of my current pages digitally. Looks like a fun class.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - this class is really about finding out what stories are most important to you and which ones you want to focus on including (as well as assessing your overall approach). I will talk about going back as well as documenting right now because that's what I do in this project. Know that the class is not specifically about going back :) but I think there will likely be things that will you help you along the way as you use the pockets for your own stories.

  16. Radish38 says…

    Ali, I am in upper seventies. I do not know how old your mother is, But is this something she would do? I love all the cards and stuff, but can this be made truly interesting to somewhat sedentary folk. My word is TREASURE. Can this be made into a treasure kit? I am actually serious about this.

    Reply 14 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      This project (Project Life) is generally about daily life documentation. Some people do it weekly and some do it monthly and some just do it when they feel like it. My Mom is getting close to 70 and I think she'd like to do Project Life (I think she wants to do all my projects :)) and I'd love to help her make it manageable for her. That said, this class is really more about looking for and capturing everyday life stories - for you that might be through the lens of treasures. Maybe once a week you write about what treasures you found this past week and then include that in an album. I don't think you need any kind of specific kit for that :).

    2. Radish38 says…

      Thanks so much Ali. Yes, at my age sometimes the days can be pretty uninteresting. However, for what ever reason, I am feeling the need to really cherish. Perhaps I can approach it a little differently. Do what appeals to me and work it into my OLW. Tell you Mom to try it out. I am going to work something out. I appreciate you taking the time to answer my questions.

    3. Kaysie says…

      I'm 65 and like you, Radish 38, do lead a somewhat sedentary and uneventful life since my days are not filled with kids or errands, etc. However, get the stories you treasure told. DO IT ! ! ! For myself, I do pocket pages monthly and find treasures all the time- via cloud pictures, sunrises,nature, snow, sky, treasures daily in snippets of quotes I read, books I read, tv shows I watch, treasures in food I eat and treasures when I look around my house and my life - photos and stuff I treasure! I journal a lot in my monthly pages with quotes and stories that I treasure and I love. This year I plan on incorporating stories of my favorite things around the house in my albums - even if it is a cookie jar or some trinket .So many material things I own have lovely stories behind them and I want to get those stories told.

    4. SueR says…

      I'm also 65 and wondered whether I should sign up for this class. I don't want to do Project Life on a "regular" basis but would like to have a place to occasionally tell very short stories about what my husband and I do now in this phase of our lives. I'd like to include more inspired stories in each of my grand daughter's project life albums. I no longer try to do monthly for them but still want have a place to capture some of their moments and the things they do/say.

    5. Radish38 says…

      Thank you Sue R and Kaysie and Ali for writing here. I have been thinking about this project a lot and what my motivations are. I have even gotten out my few old scrapbooks. I love my two Dec. Daily. I do have a blog which I have had for over ten years. So I am writing. I am photographing. I am not printing much. I am thinking I want to see something out there. Having said that, I have to ask myself, who wants to see this, including me? I like what Kaysie said about saving little treasures. I am almost embarrassed to say this, but I love all those little cards.

    6. LakeLady8186 says…

      I am so glad to see you ladies. I am 63 and have been going back and forth about doing this. Decided to give it a go -- thinking that I would like to leave some word for our grandchildren, so that they could know something about their Grandma when they get older. Glad to see some other ladies about my age interested in this. I thoroughly enjoyed Ali's "One Little Word" and December Daily classes. It fed my need to create.

    7. Radish38 says…

      LakeLady, Thanks for answering. We should have a seniors club. I wish I knew what kind of album to get. The trick here is to try to make something meaningful. I am a woman who threw out all her mother-in-laws photo albums of cruises because they held no meaning for anyone. She never reviewed them. I am going to sign up for the class because when I am not frustrated, I love the digital . But I am going to think long and hard about who this is for and what the purpose of it is.

    8. Cameragal8 says…

      Oh my gosh! Are we all seniors except Ali?

    9. SueR says…

      Radish38, I'm having the same thoughts about what I scrapbook and who it is for. I want those thoughts foremost in my mind before I scrapbook anything more. I've got many albums of cruises and know that no one but me (and maybe my husband) will ever look at them. Just having completed one of those, I've decided in the future to only do a page or two (most likely those will be pocket pages), no matter how long the trip, to just document where we went, when and any details I think might be important for us to remember.

    10. Thea_m says…

      I am a decade younger than you ladies, but am thinking along the same lines. I do the scrapbooking and Project Life for myself, no one else. I don't expect my children or my grandchildren to keep the albums - they will have enough 'junk' of their own to deal with! When the time comes, I hope they will look through the albums, take any photos (and maybe some journaling cards with a story) they want, and throw everything else away with a clear heart. The photos will be on a hard drive anyway. I think that if I wanted them kept as a relic, I would do it all digital as it takes up significantly less space, but I like playing with scissors and glue : )

    11. bcbc says…

      I am so glad to have come upon this conversation.

      We are in our early sixties. Our child is 19. Our lives are full, but not of the usual memorykeeping "stuff," especially now that our child is out of school.

      I debated (with myself) whether to continue (given my paltry contribution in 2015) with PL. Yet I love this format. I still make full pages, yet I love the flexibility that PL gives me.

      So I've decided to go with a rough monthly approach, including occasional family events together with my own "stuff'.

      No matter how often you want to participate, consider what you can comfortably do.

    12. Radish38 says…

      Gosh I thought this conversation was over and I look and there are more people where I am. A few thoughts. I commented on Ali's first week of PL. I am amazed by all the people who have quit and then missed doing it. There is something going on here. There is a little need for something. I am not sure if it is the crafty part, the documentation, the reviewing of what is important or what. But there is something. Maybe it is in the water. I am leaning toward Thea_m, just do this for ourselves. A little story, a cute little card. So happy we are talking. If anyone comes up with how to make a trip to the doctor visually interesting, Let me know.

    13. amiep says…

      I loved seeing all of these comments. I am 71 years young and have been doing Project Life scrapping for six years. This will be my seventh and I still love it. I tried to do a daily album and succeeded the first year but have been doing more monthly since. I put all of the other classes and stuff into the large albums and they fill up each year. I'm so glad to see others my age embracing this hobby.

    14. Bellasasha says…

      My Mother passed away in an accident when she was 63. My daughter was a baby at the time. I would have LOVED to have had something she had done in her retirement about her life, her reflections, her exciting to see people of all ages on here. I am 43 and started scrapping after my Mom died. My daughter is now 7 and we do it together!!

  17. clippergirl says…

    Hi Ali, I was wondering if this is the same class that you'll be teaching at the Crop & Create event happening at Abbotsford, BC in April? I'm signed up for two of your classes and didn't want to double book myself. This kit looks amazing too!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It is - the one there will be an abbreviated version of this one because I can't pack as much into those in-person classes (meaning no video walk-throughs, etc).

  18. Bspannbauer says…

    Ali do the corners on the cards come rounded? The reason I ask is rounded corners drive me crazy I have to use squared ones, lol. I have been LOVING your cards packs, not only are the VERY HIGH QUALITY, beautiful and made with a great weight paper, but they also have square corners. :)

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - the corners are rounded on these ones :). I mix them up in my album. All the ones in my shop will continue to have straight edges.

    2. Thea_m says…

      Bspannbauer, Shimelle Lane doesn't like rounded corners either. She trims those cards down and mounts them on another card and it looks great. Here's a link to one of her blog posts

    3. chp97 says…

      What a great idea!

  19. boymom says…

    SO excited, Ali! I did your "A Week In The Life" class in ATL -- and LOVED it! Can't wait to start this PL class with you!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  20. DonnaGibson says…

    Hi Ali! Since you're offering the class kit in a digital version, I'm assuming the class itself is appropriate for digital scrappers, right?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      The focus is more on the storytelling and less on the actual products used :). Just know that I use physical products and will be using my layouts as examples (and of course, I do hybrid parts as well using digital products).

    2. DonnaGibson says…

      Thanks! I figured digital would be fine.

  21. jparent2 says…

    Are the Digital files available to use now or not until Feb. 2nd?

    Reply 6 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's available to you as soon as you register in your My Digitals section.

      EDITED: Hey guys! I made a mistake - it will be available when the actual classroom opens. Sorry about that!

    2. Cdwalrav says…

      Hi Ali
      I see the class in "My Classes" but there are no digital files showing up. Is there a lag?

    3. nicolemann9 says…

      Hi Ali, the cards aren't showing up under "My Digitals"... The class is showing up in my classes, to confirm I am actually enrolled in the class. Should I just start a conversation?

    4. AliEdwards says…

      Hey guys! I made a mistake - it will be available when the actual classroom opens. Sorry about that!

    5. nicolemann9 says…

      No worries, thanks Ali :)

    6. chp97 says…

      Oh no. I was so busy checking the exchange rates that I totally missed the class and kit promo code. Oh well I love your classes & product so at least I can look forward to the promo digital files when the class starts! Hoping the kit arrives before the class begins. Thanks!

  22. kln_ says…

    Hi Ali, I'm currently on my 7th year of Project Life & I'm just wondering whether this will be suitable for me, or is it more suited for those who are newer to PL? Thanks.

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Are you looking for more storytelling inspiration? It's not really a PL basics class - it's really more about focusing on the storytelling and words aspect (and how you approach stories in your albums). If you are comfortable with your own groove then you probably don't need this class but if you are looking for some story-based inspiration you might really enjoy it.

    2. kln_ says…

      Thanks for your reply. Whilst I'm happy with my layouts & have a system for getting them done, I would like some different ways of telling my stories. My journaling feels too much the same & boring - so maybe your class will give me some inspiration for changing this up a bit.

    3. mjrose says…

      @kln_ I too have been doing Project Life for 7 years and I signed up! I am always inspired by Ali's realistic journaling. Hope to see you in this class.

  23. Cdwalrav says…

    I've been waiting for this post - yippee! Signed up and so looking forward to the content. This is my first year doing PL after years of trolling and wanting to do it.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome! Thanks for signing up!

  24. jchurch2 says…

    I have been checking my e-mail daily, just waiting for this class to be open for registration. Yeah!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks for the excitement!

  25. cathrobi says…

    I have had the PL supplies for the past couple years and have made multiple attempts in starting but can't find a style that doesn't make me to redo what I just created. With the physical supplies, it just looks so cluttered and random; with digital, it looks too structured. I am having a hard time putting it all together. Will this workshop help with that?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      My hope is that this workshop will help you focus more on the stories you want to get told and less on worrying about what it looks like :) (more about what really matters and the reason why you are doing it vs. how you choose to get it done - that said I do think they go hand in hand a bit). If you are a perfectionist by nature I can't say that this workshop will stop you from being that way :), but it might help you get to the core of why you are doing this and help you make design choices that will help you stick with it if that's what you really want to do.

    2. cathrobi says…

      I do struggle with story telling, which now that I think about it, is why I have such a difficult time putting it all together. I can tell a story with photos, but the words aren't as easy. Thank you! I'm excited for the class!

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