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Project Life® 2016 | Week Five

Trucking-along with Project Life® this year with a renewed passion - not that it ever really went away completely but it wasn't my main project for a variety of reasons. So far it feels different in very good ways and I'm super thankful for that. I'm seriously so happy to be doing this and to be making it happen each week by keeping it simple and making it a priority. And, as I mentioned in the Storytelling With Project Life® class this week, "taking it down a notch" with my own personal expectations and just filling in the pockets is really helping me tell my stories each week. 

Here's a look at Week Five: 

First half of the week features a drawing from Anna + a photo of coming home from Disney + a photo of my feet on one of my close-to-daily walks (my OLW practice for this month) + a picture of a spread in Anna's journal + a McDonald's bag + a random note to remind myself to order cupcakes for Anna's birthday party + two micro-stories (one that talks about my walking practice this month and one that captures something I said to Simon). 

Chipboard embellishments are still my favorite. This one is included with the Craft Story Kit™ this month. 

Anna got this really fun activity book for Christmas: Tear Up This Book. She filled this all out on her own and when Katie and I started reading we were laughing so hard. So awesome Anna. I so love best-guess spelling. (PS - her favorite comic book is The Boy Who Cried Ninja.)

This is the perfect thing, in my humble opinion, to add to Project Life®. 

The second half of the week features another walking feet photo + a photo of Anna and me and our polka dot clothes + a photo of Anna's school auction + a photo from Anna's birthday party. 

On the "So Thankful For All These Good Times" card (from my Gratitude Journal Card Set) I used the day of the week stamps from the Storytelling Class Kit to document a couple facts about the weekend events (the stamp set will be available on it's own later in the year). You can grab the digital version of that stamp set (and the journal cards) here

I used one of my AED Silver Metallic Markers and an AED Precision Pen to write directly on my photos. 

The Mumford quote cards included in the Craft Story Kit™ this month. 


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19 thoughts

  1. christyj says…

    Love Anna's favorite things! That is adorable. She is going to have beautiful handwriting like her mother. :)

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  2. Senovia says…

    Looking at Anna's favorite things made me laugh. She crossed off the radio station section. I did a page a couple of months ago that included my then 15yo, and how he doesn't know how to use an "old fashioned" radio (this one was an iHome with a wire antenna) because he listens to all of his music on Pandora on his phone. I felt so old! Lol

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. picki56 says…

    You just reminded me of something I had completely forgotten about! The Boy Who Cried Ninja was my middle son's favorite book when he was Anna's age. We kept it checked out from the library for months and months! I need to check it out for his baby brother!

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  4. JennyJen says…

    Love the Mumford quote. Perfect! And your airplane window photo really melts my heart. I love taking pics out the window of an airplane and love this photo sings to me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. hgauvin says…

    Love Anna's favorite holiday: 4th of Julie! So so cute. Great things to remember.

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  6. kathleen says…

    Thank you for keeping it "real" and reminding me that I CAN do this project!

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  7. karenlee3 says…

    I love seeing you project life each week. Thanks so much for sharing and inspiring.

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  8. mtercha says…

    These spreads makes my heart so happy. I can still, for right now, be satisfied with WITL and DITL for the pocket pages and capturing day to day, though I still get quite a bit of that with my 12x12 and 6x8 layouts, which is ok. But I can see turning to PL in the future. Thanks. Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. pierek14 says…

    What a great LO. Loved the simplicity but my favorite by far was Anna's journal. Go Anna! Thanks for sharing this Ali.

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  10. MrsKnight says…

    Bill Murray?! This kid rocks.

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  11. stace3 says…

    Now that s a girl after my own heart. Bill Murray for the win!

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  12. PatB2 says…

    I'm glad you clarified what her favorite comic book is! haha

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  13. abbypimentel says…

    It's so awesome that your kids are old enough to contribute to your PL -- their perspective is so important, and often so different from us "Mommies'" perspective. My 23 and 19-year-old sons not only let me follow their FB, Instagram, and Twitter accounts, but they also text me photos and funny stories right when they happen. My PL is so well-rounded. I keep reminding them that these are THEIR albums, to remind them of THEIR days (and that of our family). And, on another note - Bill Murray -seriously? Love this girl! I'm assuming she's seen Ghost Busters...if not, I bet she'd LOVE it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Hockeymom210 says…

    I love all the "extras" that you added about your week. I forget to stop and think about the day to day stuff. And thank you for sharing the "fruit snack" breakfast story. I literally had that same conversation with my 13 yr old son 2 weeks ago! Thank you for the reminder and making me lol.

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  15. lindalovescreating says…

    Love that you're regularly posting your spreads this year, it's helping keeping me motivated to keep up with my own album. I can't wait for that stamp set to be available on it's own...I love the boxed days of the week but already had 90% of the cards so I couldn't justify buying the kit (I got the digital version with the class, so I will use them on photos at some point, but I'd love to use them how you did!).

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Alismth57 says…

    I subscribe to your story kits and use them in my PL album. Love the Everyday edition as well. I was thinking of purchasing it, but wondered if you thought it works well with your story kit cards?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It's the one I'm using currently as a supplement - I like the simple designs.

  17. Jfount says…

    "4th of Julie" is so delightful -- as a kid I got plenty of Valentine cards and birthday invitations made out to "July" so I love to see it go the other way too!

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  18. cting says…

    I seriously love that you wrote in the cup and around the creative!

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