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Project Life® 2016 | Week Seven

One of the things I love about this project is the opportunity to include the voices of other people who are important to me. This week I've included a couple of text messages from Chris and the kids + a note Anna wrote to Aaron + some math practice Anna did while we were at a restaurant. I am intentionally on the lookout for those kinds of micro-stories to include in my weeks. 

Here's a closer look at Week Seven: 

In terms of design this week one of the things I did after I had all my photos and most of the 3x4 cards/stories in place I used circle journal stickers from Freckled Fawn on top of three photos. It's a way to link the whole spread together + get more words on the page. 

As many of you have heard me say recently in the Storytelling With Project Life® workshop, I also really want to make sure I'm including "stuff of life" in this project. This week I cut up part of some Shopkins packaging and added it to a pocket. 

"Together" is from my AED Celebrate Journal Card Set. The SC Mega Date Stamp was used to get the dates onto the card (click Notify Me to be sent an email when it's back in stock).

To include the text message from Chris I did a screenshot on my computer (you can do it on your phone too) and then I added the "notes" card from the Everyday core kit to the top (cut in half and added to the top and the bottom).

The "Wednesday" card is from the Hello Today Journal Card Set.

The "ampersand" card was included with the Black & White Story Kit™ - I simply wrote "work" over and over again because that's a lot of what was happening. 

The "movies" red puffy stickers are from the SC Savannah Scrapbook Kit


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17 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Beautiful layout. I love all the everyday. All the stuff of life you get. The texts, art, micro stories. I love that, micro stories. That's what this life is, micro stories, threads, string, piece by piece. Stuff of life. Your photos are great, too. Michelle t

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  2. jenmcampbell says…

    I have always enjoyed seeing your PL spreads Ali, but now that I am doing weekly spreads as well I am super inspired by them! Thanks for sharing!

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  3. elizabeth_eim says…

    What an amazing spread! And can I just say that those texts from Chris made me tear up? I love that you're including other people's voices. You've inspired me to look for more opportunities to do the same. Thanks, Ali!

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  4. kathleen says…

    Loved waking up this dreary Monday morning to your PL spread! The "stuff of life" included is truly my favorite part!
    Thank you for keeping me SO motivated in this project!

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  5. JennyJen says…

    I love how you put so many stories into your weekly spreads. Everywhere you look is story.

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  6. Bookworm says…

    I like the idea of using the top & bottom of a PL card on top of a text screenshot -- it makes it look more "finished" and gives it a different look vs. always having the top & bottom of the phone screen showing. I wish the ephemera from our movie theater was attractive or at least neutral; our tickets & receipt are "preschool" colors: bright yellow, red, green. But I like having them, so . . . :)

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  7. Carolly says…

    Well, Simon is looking sharp in that suit there!!!! Love this spread just all the words(heart eye emojis).

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  8. merrymercs says…

    I don't know if I can even describe how much I love this particular PL spread. You are always an inspiration, but this Week 7 really touched my heart. I shouldn't admit this but I have a big ole crush on Simon! He is growing into such a wonderful young man...and that suit, that face. The pride...the happiness. Every look, every pocket just makes me so happy. I know your life isn't always picture perfect (whose is?) but the way you handle the day-to-day parenting speaks volumes. Now I fear I am rambling...Thank you for sharing your life with us all.

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  9. shersley says…

    Ali, I'm following a lot more photographer's threads now (as opposed to scrapbooking), so I've missed keeping up with your every day stories. I still check in once in a while, because I miss you. Not the scrabooking, but just reading about what is going on with you and how you are coping with life. You have such a good outlook on things, and sometimes your attitude helps me re-align my own! Anyway, just checking in today and wanted to say I think it is SO AWESOME that you include Chris in your scrapbooking. Not only pictures of him, but his words too. I can only imagine how meaningful those tidbits will be to the kids later. Again, your awesome attitude and outlook have allowed you to look at the big picture and make the important decision to keep Chris in the story. Also, wanted to say, love that pink couch! We haven't seen a blog about your studio in a while, have we? Hint, hint. Or maybe I missed it... Keep on carrying on... and thanks as always for sharing!

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  10. claraogren says…

    LOVE this Ali. You are such an inspiration, both for scrapbooking/memory keeping and also by the way you live. I love that you and Chris are able to still communicate in such a caring way and share the parenting duties so (seemingly) easily. As a fellow divorcee, it's so nice to see other "good divorces."

    I have to ask though, for the screenshots of your text messages, what are you printing on? I have done photo paper before, but I've been thinking of switching to cardstock, just because it'd be easier/cheaper. I wondered if you had any experience or tips to share. TIA!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - I print on photo paper most of the time.

  11. ZoeZuDesign says…

    So glad you've got your Project Life mojo going on at the moment Ali! I love these posts the most and really enjoy looking over your spreads. Thank you!

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  12. LynnseyJo says…

    Every time I see your pages I get inspired on something to use in mine! Thank you!

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  13. jstock17 says…

    I, too, am inspired by each of your PL posts. I am already behind on this year, but I have been documenting like crazy, sometimes on my phone, sometimes on a sticky note with a date, etc., but I'm documenting. Love the mixture of words and photos. Keep these posts coming . . . I look forward to each and every week you post!!

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  14. stephanieking3014 says…

    I have been doing Project life for a long time, and last year, I started feeling "stale", like everything I sat down to write down was boring, and the same, and just not worth documenting. I signed up for "Storytelling with Project Life". I LOOOOOVVVVEEEEDDD it. It completely rejuvenated me. And seeing your weekly layouts shows me to just "write it down". There's nothing too small. It's not boring. It's how we spend the days of our lives, and I want to remember it. Thank you Ali. Thank you.

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