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Week In The Life™ 2016 | Saturday Words & Photos

As I started writing up my post for today I thought about this awesome quote from Mary Jean Irion:

"Normal day, let me be aware of the treasure you are. Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart. Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow. Let me hold you while I may, for it may not always be so. One day I shall dig my nails into the earth, or bury my face in the pillow, or stretch myself taut, or raise my hands to the sky and want, more than all the world, your return.”

I was thinking about this quote again as I contemplated what "normal" is around here. 

Sometimes Saturdays are filled with just hanging out on the couch with the kids and movie marathons. Sometimes Saturdays are full work-days for me so that I have more time when the kids are here to be flexible with their schedules. Sometimes Saturdays are for working in the yard or going to the pool or lighting a fire or hanging out with friends. Sometimes Saturday's are for getting out of dodge with Aaron or traveling for work. 

Today was a pretty normal, easy Saturday. 

Here's a look at my Saturday: 

Today started with pounding rain on skylights. 

It rained most of the day - which is why it is so green here - which made it really easy for me to get my work done vs. wishing to be outside the whole time. 

I stopped at Starbucks on the way here and picked up a latte and a breakfast sandwich. I ate it while reading the paper. I moved a couple of loads of laundry around. I fed the cats. 

I spent a good portion of the day right here as I finished up content for the Story classroom. I've been trying to not have to work on weekends if possible - when the new kit release happens to fall on the weekend I usually have a few things at least to get done. 

Soundtack | The Killers and Prince

The light pink ones are ready for me to bring a few inside now. And those raindrops. So cool.

Today's lunch as the same as yesterday's lunch. Super simple: tomato soup + goldfish + garlic bread. I usually read the rest of the paper that I might have missed from breakfast. 

 After lunch I took a shower and set out to finish up the rest of my work by 4pm when Aaron would become available. 

Yesterday was in the 80's. Today was in the 50's.

After I was done working for the day Aaron and I went out to dinner and then came back to my house to watch The Revenant. 

I specifically asked him if we could take a few photos on the couch to go along with the other photos I took on the couch earlier in the week. 

He was game of course. 

Hope you had a nice Saturday and a restful Sunday!


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12 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    I love how this project gives me a deep appreciation for what is normal in my life. This has been an incredibly normal week. Some odder or unusual things I needed to do, as we are having kids with jobs now, which is different from last year, but our normal now. Anyway, great pictures. Your garden is awesome. Have a nice day. Michelle t

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  2. SusanBowers says…

    Have you read the book, the Revenant? It's grueling but amazing writing. Really love this project. Just didn't make this happen this week. Think I might try next week.

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  3. cathyzielske says…

    Really loved reading that quote this morning. Looking forward to finishing up my entries on Monday and getting them actually printed this year.

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  4. teri0604 says…

    I love "normal" . I love how it changes with the seasons of my life! A great blog post to inspire me yet once again! I only have barely opened my kit. I wanted to document my life and then open all my goodies to document my story at the end. Thank you for all the amazing work you do!

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  5. Taryn411 says…

    I'll be using that quote on my reason why. Because with the breathlessness and the craziness of caring for a young child you DO wish for future days. But now I treasure the hand grabbing and the hugs and kisses because I know these days are actually fleeting. He goes to school this fall and we will have to find a new normal....but I'm not quite ready to release the sweetness of the now. So I participated in WITL for the first time this year. Thank you for the inspiration and the ignition :)

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  6. clickclick says…

    ok Ali....details on the cuffed jeans. I have found jeans with little cuffs but I love the large cuff. Help a girl out!

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  7. slmnontec says…

    I finished my week yesterday as I do Sunday through Saturday on PL so kept this along the same lines. I took quite a few photos and will now complete the album. It was one of the most difficult and unusual week--Mom in the ER for Mother's Day, my own flu, my husband's flu, ants in the kitchen, upheavel in my daughter's life, etc. BUT I "accepted" what happened (my OLW) and now have some interesting stories to tell. No ordinariness this week!

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  8. papergoddess says…

    Great quote. We've been having drastic weather changes too on the east coast.

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  9. StanleyDavis says…

    That's great words by Mary Jean Irion.
    Sounds like a good pray in the beginning of each day.
    thesis writing service

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