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Hybrid | New Workshop Registration Now Open

I'm excited to introduce you to my new 4-week workshop: Hybrid

Most simply, hybrid memory keeping pairs printed digital products such embellishments, brushes + layered templates from your computer with traditional scrapbooking products. Over the four weeks I'll walk you through my favorite ways to use printed digital products to get more of your stories told. 

Content for this four-week workshop will be broken up into three main sections: The Basics, Brushes, and Overlays + Templates:

  • The Basics: downloading, storing, organizing, opening, printing digital products
  • Brushes: recoloring, adding to photos, going big, creating backgrounds + patterns, working with journal cards, tracing + cutting with the Silhouette, creating embellishments + printing
  • Overlays + Templates: adding text to overlays and photos, photo collages, working with layered templates (what they are and how to use them), adding physical embellishments to printed layered templates 

My goal is to walk you through the steps of making digital products a part of your regular memory keeping process. That might mean simply printing an embellishment or journal card you like or it might mean starting your entire layout on the computer and then printing it out and adding physical embellishments on top. 

Examples of techniques will include both past projects and new ones centered on showing how to work with specific kinds of digital products. Video tutorials will be all new using Photoshop Elements 14 or Photoshop (depending on the project). When applicable Ali will also show how to use the digital products in Word. Please know that this is NOT a workshop that will teach you all the ins and outs of either Photoshop program. This workshop, as with all of Ali's workshops, will focus on the ways in which she uses her computer and digital products vs. exploring every available technique and option.

Included in the cost of the workshop is a full digital package of products, similar to what is offered in my Digital Story Kits™ (journal cards, brushes, and embellishments - valued at $19.99), and sample layered templates and additional digital items as they make sense for specific lessons (these will be made available later in the class). This workshop will be especially helpful for people who are subscribers to my Digital Story Kits™ and have been wondering how to make the most of their subscription. 

Here's a look at the digital package included with this workshop: 

New content will be delivered over the four weeks on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.

I've also invited four guests to share their favorite hybrid processes. Throughout the workshop you'll receive bonus lessons from Pam Baldwin, Jen Schow, Annette Haring, and Brandi Kincaid

As always, even with a focus on working with and printing digital products, Ali's projects and ideas will be rooted in stories and her examples will be showing how the products can best support the stories you want to tell. 

Registration is now open through Tuesday, October 11th. 

I'm happy to address questions you might have in the comments section below. 

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30 thoughts

  1. 180lab says…

    Will this class be offered again at a later date or be part of your ongoing class offerings? I desperately want to take this class, but I have too much going on between now and the end of the year. Thanks,

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It will be offered again as a "live" class sometime next year.

    2. theblueberryscrapper says…

      Thanks Ali, I'm sorry I missed this class this year also. Looking forward to taking it.

  2. cellis2007 says…

    I want and need this class! But have never done this kind of thing does it work? Do I have to be online at a certain time or can watch anytime? Am I able to watch over and over to learn? (I have photoshop elements but only know how to do one thing on it, so it will take repeated watching to get the steps I'm sure!)


    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - you don't need to be online at a certain time for my workshops ;). For this one, new content will be delivered over the four weeks on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I send out an email each time new content is released and then you come to the classroom at your convenience to view the content (mix of video + written information). You are able to watch as many times as you want and the class will remain here under your My Classes tab for access even after the 4-weeks is over. It's meant to work as an ongoing resource :).

  3. NatashaP says…

    Hi Ali, this class sounds great. Just wondering if you'll be touching on how you use Radlab to enhance your photos? I've just bought that to use alongside Photoshop. The only filter thing I've played with so far is lightened which is great. What are your favourite filter? Thanks Natasha

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! I might mention RabLab in this class but won't be going into detail. I did talk more about that and my overall photo process + editing in my Lens Of Joy workshop (that will be available again next year). I mainly use the lighten feature.

    2. NatashaP says…

      Thanks Ali! I'll keep an eye out for that one as well. Natasha

  4. Jess_rn says…

    I registered for this class, but have never done anything like this before. Is this something I can do at my own pace and keep the contents forever or does it disappear when the class is over? I'm a little busy right now but anticipate that I'll have more time coming up. I've been doing Project Life in paper since 2010 and I'm going to switch to all digital in 2017 and I can't wait. This is a is a perfect class for me. Thanks!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - you don't need to be online at a certain time for my workshops ;). For this one, new content will be delivered over the four weeks on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. I send out an email each time new content is released and then you come to the classroom at your convenience to view the content (mix of video + written information). You are able to watch as many times as you want and the class will remain here under your My Classes tab for access even after the 4-weeks is over. It's meant to work as an ongoing resource :).

  5. photoaddict555 says…

    I have paid for the class but can't seem to find the digital downloads. Do we have to wait until the class starts to be able to access them?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - they will be available when the classroom opens on October 4th.

  6. Alicraftycat says…

    Do you have to have PS to take class and use digital elements? I'm a subscriber of kit and stamp kit and have lots of your digital goodies but I don't know how to use them. I have a Mac which I'm not very familiar with yet but would love to learn how to do some hybrid memory keeping. Will this class teach me how to use digital elements using Pages or iPhoto? Is that even possible? TY

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It is not a strict requirement but I think you will get more out of the class if you have Photoshop Elements (or Photoshop - Elements is a great place to begin). You can't work with layered templates in iPhoto (this is for photo organization + simple editing) or Word and we will spend three lessons specifically talking about working with layered templates. In Pages you can probably place a photo and put text on top, but that's about it - you can also place digital journal cards in Pages and print them out.

    2. annewise says…

      Do you think Photoshop Elements 13 will be adequate? Thanks.

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Hi @anniewise - yes! If there are small differences we will be able to figure it out together. I anticipate the community sharing information on different versions.

  7. ritaymca says…

    I have been using PSE for a number of years (stuck on 9) even though I have purchased 14 (just haven't installed it). Seems as if this class is geared towards beginners using PSE. Is that true? If so, other than all the wonderful supplies & inspiration, would there likely be new info for a more veteran user of PSE? Also, I am pretty much a digi-scrapper only, so wondering if this is the class for me.....? Thanks for any insight.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      This class is really for people who want to use digital supplies in traditional scrapbooking. I'm not doing a deep dive into Elements or a deep dive into digital scrapbooking - I'm covering the things I do to create hybrid pages working with brushes, overlays, and layered templates. It begins with a very beginner overview of Elements (again, only covering the things I think you need to know to achieve the kinds of pages I make) but I think that people who are beyond beginning would still get something out of the class.

  8. rbaum says…

    I have PSE 9. Would I be able to use that for the class?

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes - most of the things we do in this class would translate back to version 9. And if not, I'll be happy to help you figure out a workaround.

    2. rbaum says…

      Thank you so much. I am taking the class and truly enjoying it.

  9. cf7979 says…

    I have the Creative Cloud plan with photoshop on. Will this work? Thanks

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…


  10. dthao says…

    I'm so in love with the digital brushes! Will they be available as a stamp set some time in the future??

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      We will likely offer them sometime next year after the class runs again for a second time ;).

  11. mugsie says…

    Hi Ali, Hi Katie! This class looks so so good! I really need to take this as I'm just too slow at traditional scrapbooking and have ahem several years to catch up on my Dec Daily and Week in the Life projects hehe. I am going to have to sit this one out until the Canadian dollar gets better though! Please please offer this again :) - Also, I was wondering after typing this if you'd ever consider doing a dummies course. A quick simple step by step "guide" to doing things i.e. layered templates, digital stamps etc. So more of a PDF print out with a step by step guide to scrapbooking. That would be gold! I don't have the attention span to last a whole class (scrapbookers ADD) but a guide, a guide would be amazing! xo Meg from Canada

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. jeanmanis says…

    Do you plan to run this course in the near future? Clear to me now that I should have signed up!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. jeanmanis says…

      Never mind - logged in with another device and see you've already answered. Look forward to taking this in 2017.

  13. ladyroxanne says…

    Hi Ali, I am in your Storytelling with December Daily class and this weeks lesson you mentioned identifying if you want/need to learn something. So, on that note. I really want to learn the ins and outs of digital scrapbooking. Will this class be available again before December rolls around? Thanks.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Hi - it won't be available again in a formal way but you can contact my Customer Service team and they can get you set up if you really want to take it now :).

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