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Story Kit™ & Story Stamp™ | Lost + Found

Hey friends! 

In the Story Classroom this month we are focusing on stories related to the theme of  Lost + Found

A few months ago we changed up our kit pages and each subscription now has it's own shop page that you can check out here:  Story Kit™Story Stamp™, and Digital Story Kit™ (there are links to each one at the bottom of each page). As a subscriber you also have kit pages for each of your subscriptions located under your User Name in the top right corner of the page (this is where you go to select any Add-On purchases to be shipped with your box between now and June 14th at 11:59PM Eastern). 

Here are a few thoughts about this particular theme: 

Life is a series of adventures that include losing and finding. Sometimes we are literally lost and need help to find the way home again. Sometimes we feel lost and have to work hard at finding ourselves (or letting other people help us) again. Sometimes we lose things (people, stuff, etc) and hopefully we are able to find those things again in one way or another. And sometimes things are just lost and we find magic, love, etc in new people and places and things. This month we are investigating stories related to being lost and found and the ways in which those experiences have impacted our lives.

Initial story ideas for the Lost + Found theme include: 

  • What is something you have lost and what is something you have found? Are they the same thing?
  • Throughout our lives we all feel lost (figuratively rather than literally) at certain points. How did you find yourself again?
  • When was the last time you “got lost” in terms of getting out of your normal routine? Love it? Hate it?


A couple months ago we introduced a new option for subscribers to purchase from a limited selection of Add-On products and have those shipped with your monthly subscription. Between the 13th at 12:00am Eastern and the 14th at 12:59pm Eastern, subscribers can add these products to their boxes at no additional shipping cost - based on availability. Check out our  2017 Subscription Update page here for more details. Depending on product availability subscribers may be able to purchase the Add-On's after the Add-On period has ended and regular shop shipping rates will apply because they will ship separately from the kit. 

If you are a current Subscriber you can select + purchase Add-On's via your new drop-down menu access under your user name in the top right corner of the site. If you subscribe to more than one you will have a Box for each subscription and the ability to purchase Add-On's for each one. 

If you are new to the Story Subscription program, check out all the details  here

If you are already a subscriber the content in the classroom will be available to you on the 15th just as in the past.


Here's a look at the Story Kit™ contents for Lost + Found:

Here are the optional  Add-Ons for subscribers of the Lost + Found Story Kit™ theme. Two of these products are exclusive to subscribers at this time (but may be added to the shop in the future) and the other is from the shop. Some months we will have only new theme-based products as part of the Add-On selection and other months we might include a staple item from the shop. 

Here's a video overview of the  Story Kit™ and Add-On options this month:


The Lost + Found Story Stamp™:

The  Story Stamp™ also hss Add-On options available to subscribers:

Here's a video overview of the  Story Stamp™ and Add-On options this month: 


There is also have a  Digital Story Kit™ subscription available that includes access to the classroom content. Your digital kit and the classroom and any Add-Ons purchased will be available to you on the 15th once your card has been charged for the month. Here's a look at what's included for Lost + Found (which also shows all the designs for the journal cards included in the printed version of the kit): 

Digital Story Kit™ subscribers also have four Add-On options available (if you subscribe to both the Story Kit™ and the Story Stamp™ these should also be available to you for purchase): 

And a couple peeks at the layouts I created with the kits this month in addition to the one featured at the top of this post ( full details, including process videos and how-to handout, are included with subscription):

Again, thanks so much for subscribing and/or considering my  Story Subscription program! If you have any questions about this program please let me know below in the comments. 

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8 thoughts

  1. Untiedt says…

    Your BEST story kit yet. I love everything in the kit. My favorite has to be the large circles that you can put a photo in or journal in. I was not sure I would like this theme but after watching the video I'm inspired to create and tell more stories. Thanks Ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. GrandmaNikon says…

    So bummed the add-on I wanted has already sold out! I have the same luck when trying to get event tickets ;(

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jenwilson says…

    Always love your blog posts. :-) Looking forward to my first subscription kit.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Awesome - thank you!

  4. birdnscrap says…

    I am excited to use this for the nearly 50 lbs I have lost...and hope to not find again!!
    Another great-looking kit! Thanks, Ali and team.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Congrats! That is great!

  5. KatieK_ says…

    As usual - perfect timing! Couple of story starts for me and possibly others: Yesterday out of the blue got a phone call from a relative on my father's side of family who is an expert in genealogy and is undertaking researching and compiling this branch of family! My father was very private and a variety of family stuff made gathering info, facts, stories from other relatives difficult to say the least. From one phone call that I was initially to let go to voice mail due to phone spam suspicions as didn't recognize # - each of us are now connected and sharing stories etc! Another way I plan to use the kits is to help me tell about caring for 3 family members with dementia. Lost memories, finding new ways of coping and smiling, etc. Thanks Ali, Katie, and all the folks who help bring the Story Stamp/Kit to us every month! - Kt

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. jillgowland says…

    Hi Ali...where can we view the upcoming story kits? Also...just a thought re the story kit//stamp...what about "the weather" and its different "conditions"

    Reply 0 Replies

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