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A Look At My 2017 Project Life® Album(s) So Far

Today I wanted to share a video overview of where I'm at in my Project Life® album(s) for 2017. 

I've got the first half of the year complete - January through June - and have made a start on printing photos and completing weeks for the second half of the year. I'll walk you through both albums in my video below:

Bottom line for me: 

  1. I still love working in the 12x12size for this project and plan to continue that next year.
  2. I still love having each spread be one week. It fits the kinds of photos and stories I want to include.
  3. I still love filling all the 4x6 pockets with photos and a title card. I choose seven photos to represent my week and then usually include a couple other 3x4 photos. 
  4. I still love using repetition with embellishments and design as I create these spreads. 

Check out all my past Project Life® posts here

Many of these spreads were completed using Story Kit™and Story Stamp™ products and my process for those pages was shared in each of those classrooms. Learn more about my Story Kit™ subscription here

If you'd like a deep dive into my Project Life® process, including a look back through all my past albums, check out my Storytelling With Project Life® workshop

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14 thoughts

  1. Jenn1fer says…

    I like those rectangular stickers you have on the photos in the beginning of the album. It looks like you wrote the day and a caption about the photo. Is that something that you sell?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. danielaleme says…

      It is part of a story kit called Numbers, from january 2017

  2. Mpasquini12 says…

    Love seeing it page by page. I feel really inspired to catch up! Lol Luckily, I’m attending a scrapbooking retreat in November. So excited!! Hopefully I’ll gets lots done there.
    And I bought that everyday PL kit a few months ago for next years PL, and yesterday I saw it in Hobby Lobby on clearance! I was like darn!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. jchurch2 says…

    I love seeing your finished product. You are such an inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Wakitt says…

    I love your blog and work so much! Ever do story camp in NYC???? :o)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. kathleen says…

      This New Yorker (upstate) would LOVE a Story Camp on the east coast!!!!!!

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Hi! Right now Story Camp is just being held in our hometown. It's a better fit for Katie and I in this season of our lives :).

  5. scrapfin1 says…

    I love seeing your PL album page by page via video. Always inspiring as I continue to catch up on 2017. Thank you for sharing.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jeannew says…

    Love looking at this! Makes me slightly sad I lost first 6 months of this year's layouts to a flood but I finally did a PL spread last week, so maybe this will help inspire me to re-do them!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. lindsalita says…

    Love how your photos are all printed and slipped in, I'm such a batch worker. Do you have your stories contained somewhere, or just wing it when you tackle that week?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Right now I use Instagram and or just the photos to spark the words :).

  8. 217Liz says…

    I noticed some studio calico products here and there. Do you subscribe to them? As always I love your spreads. This is definitely motivating me to 'get the pockets filled and tell the story'!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. gina200 says…

    Ali, Thank you for sharing this. I've never done project life and have wanted to do some format of it - I think monthly. I've done the Storytelling with Project Life class and loved it. My hang up is getting the photos printed since I don't print at home.
    This post and video are so helpful and motivating to get me into doing this. I haven't printed any photos this year and am planning on doing a BIG photo order soon to print out all the photos. I journal every day so hopefully I can pair the photos with those words. I am impressed with the amount of journalling you have in these albums - lots of great stories and documentation here. Any tips about going back and doing spreads with older photos is always helpful.
    Thanks again!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Cookingmylife says…

    When you add your white border round the photos, how many pixels is it please?

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