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December Daily® 2017 | Day 16

Welcome to  December Daily® 2017 | Day 16. 

Today's story is about going to see  The Last Jedi and it's a great reminder that you don't have to have a photo to tell a story. 

As you'll see in the video I had fun playing with embossing, using a typewriter, and adding small tags to my larger tag. 

Here's a look at the original page from my  Foundation Pages post: 

And here's a look at how I ended up telling my story: 

I started this one with the back of one of the large gold foil tags. I knew I wanted to just use my  Sans Serif Lowercase alphabet stamps to tell my short story and decided to use gold embossing powder vs. just stamping with ink. 

After stamping and embossing my phrase - perfectly imperfect by the way - I took the tag over to my typewriter and added a few things on the bottom. I added a phrase above "awesome" which was mainly to fill in that space and then added the names of our whole crew who went to the movie together. 

It was a little tricky, as you'll see in the video, mainly because of how close the typing was to the bottom of the tag. Embracing imperfection all the way on this one!

Here's a look at the tag with the smaller tags lifted up off the top. 

The little tags I added include the movie ticket + one of the 2-inch gold foil squares with a cork number adhered to the back.




This year I'd love to invite you to leave a link in the comment section if you'd like to share your daily pages. As usual, please include a direct link to your blog post vs. a general blog address link. 

For more inspiration on working with products for this project, check out my December Daily® Product Play workshop - registration is still open with immediate access to all the content. 


Don't miss out on my  12 Days Of Giving over on Pinterest. Today is Day Five of twelve digital holiday quote downloads. The two pins and downloads are now live and the others will activate over the next few days at 12:01PM EST. All digitals will remain FREE and available for download until 11:59pm ET on 12/31/17.

Enjoy and thank you for being part of this community!

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Sans Serif Lowercase Alphabet 6×8 Stamp Set
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12 thoughts

  1. Pepierre says…
    Reply 0 Replies
  2. karenriede says…

    I love the tag and how "perfectly imperfect" it is! How do you like the AC typewriter? I've been wanting a typewriter and can't decide between getting it or finding a vintage typewriter to use. Thoughts??

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I think you can totally find a comparable vintage one that would be less expensive. That said, I'm happy with it!

  3. peggy1958sue says…

    Ali....those 2 black little holdets that were on the right side of your little ruler type bar, will help your tag stay in place a little bit better! Just an fyi. Well at least that is what i learned in typing class many moons ago!!! Also depending on the quality of the typewriter. Hope that makes sense & will work 4 u the next time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. alfamare says…

    Where did you get the gold foil tag? I can't seem to find it in your shop.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. Amandainuk says…

      Susan - if you mean the large gold tag that Ali stamped on, these were a free gift for people who ordered the main kit early (available until hey ran out, which was pretty quick). Similar ones were also available as add ons for the 'Give' story kit. Neither are available any longer.

    2. karenriede says…

      You can purchase the digital file and then print it (make it black first) and use a Minc to foil it...that's what I did :)

  5. piriegirl says…

    Truly have enjoyed your thoughts & ideas thank you again for sharing

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. SusanBowers says…

    So, so, so, totally awesome! Here's my 'Last Jedi' page:

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. sbmom2 says…

    When I’m typing on a tag, I use temporary tape and put in sheet of paper or lightweight cardstock, it really helps.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. smbradford says…
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  9. Rockermorsan says…

    Here are my days 15-18 plus a few remade pages from the days before. Product links included for those interested!

    Reply 0 Replies

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