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One Little Word® 2018 | Space

My One Little Word® for 2018 is space. 

Since 2006 I've been choosing a word to focus on over the course the 12 months from January through December. My past words have included: 

  • Play
  • Peace
  • Vitality
  • Nurture
  • Story
  • Light
  • Up
  • Open
  • Thrive
  • Give
  • Whole
  • Connect

For 2018 I'm looking to get curious about the idea of space. 

The word "space" has quite a few different meanings, from an interval of time to a continuous area or expanse which is free, available or unoccupied to the dimensions of height, depth, and width within which all things exist and move (outer space) to the freedom and scope to live, think, and develop in a way that suits one. 

What I'm interested in inviting into my life this year is some breathing room. I find myself regularly filling things up: time, physical space, projects, etc. I want to see what it feels like to have "room" for thinking and dreaming and learning and moving at a slower pace. I want to pay attention and begin to recognize those times when I'm unconsciously filling up the space and learn to pause before continuing on auto-pilot. 

Simply put, what I want to do this year is create more "white space" in my life to pursue what really matters most to me. 

Companion words - words that are also speaking to me - this year include: wonder, less, ease, and slow. 

I'm really looking forward to experiencing life with this word in 2018.  


I recently recorded a podcast with Elise on Elise Gets Crafty where we chat about our 2017 and 2018 words. Take a listen here


I’d love to read what word you’ve chosen or are considering for 2018. In the comments feel free to simply leave your word as your comment or write a bit about why you are choosing this word. Next week I’ll combine all the words into a single post – it's become tradition and super inspiring to see all the words in one place.

If you’re new to the concept of One Little Word®, you can read some of my previous posts here:  2007200820092010201120122013201420152016 and 2017


To help keep your One Little Word® more visible throughout the year I offer a year-long workshop featuring one creative prompt per month. Read all the details and sign up here. You can watch a video walkthrough of my past album projects hereRegistration is $5 off until December 31, 2017. I've also created a selection of products to help you document your journey with your word - check those out here.

My wonderful little heart talisman in the photo at the top of this post is from Liz Lamoreux and is available on her site as part of her Pocket Talisman Collection

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281 thoughts

  1. sneakerwaves says…

    My OLW this year is ENJOY. My OLW last year was "transitions" because the last of 4 children went off to college. As a year into empty nesting, "transitions" really worked for me. I found it comforting, as opposed to the word "change," which seemed too abrupt. I've learned to say NO to so much, and I am doing so much that I've always wanted to do....BUT, I sometimes feel I am just crossing items off a goal and to-do list. I want to start to ENJOY my chosen daily activities.
    Embrace, aware, passion....not just checking off from my list to accomplish. ENJOY!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. TheycallmeKat says…

    My word is FREE. I'm divorcing this year and once I made the decision it made me feel FREE. I want to be FREE from my husband's addiction. FREE from debt. FREE to do what I want. FREE to spread my wings, heal, grow and rest. I want to be FREE from clutter, fear, anxiety and the rush. FREE feels so good already.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. studmeimei says…

      My word is the same! For different reasons - but I'll be cheering for the two of us to be FREE :)

    2. Netleigh says…

      Hi, I've also chosen Free this year, last year I was 'early retired', I hope I have come to terms with my retired freedom and actively embrace all it allows me to do, it is a big shock to the system.

  3. p7eggyc says…

    I'm going with FRUITION. I have had it on my list at least 2 other years as potential. I've made lots and lots of progress in some key areas of my life the last few years but very little of it is truly finished. I think this is some piece of my constant battle w/perfectionism. Hoping this is the year that I bring things to conclusion. Also, it has an origin in the latin for 'enjoy' which I loved and I really thought the 'hidden' meaning was cool. Thanks for all you do with this Ali. It is such a cool thing you got cookin' here!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. MissCorinaT says…

    My word this year is's a word that's been popping in an out of my head space recently. 2017 has been a stressful and trying year. I want more peaceful feels in 2018.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Donna_Clements says…

    My 2018 word is {Find}

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Afink26 says…

    Looking so forward to this year! My past words have been: Joy, Intention, and Nourish. This year I have chosen Design. My husband lost his job in June and that has given us the opportunity to take a different path in life. As he is going back to school for a mid-life career change, I am dreaming ahead to the next 10 years when both of our children will be out of school and "designing" what that life could look like. My dream is to one day own an independent community bookstore. Welcome 2018...year of DESIGN!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. suziknits says…

    First timer doing this. Read about it on a knitting blog. My word is going to be Balance. I have stomach issues and recently had a diagnosis that is going to be a big change in my eating so I"m hoping to bring balance into my life in 2018.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. dpowersfabian says…

    Well...I'm torn between "broken" or "less"...tick, tock, tick, tock

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. chrys23 says…


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  10. Michelle06 says…

    My 2018 OLW is GREY the space or zone between no longer and not yet.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. gail_daughtry says…

    This is so word is finish, I think but last year's word is not "Finish" with me...Fear-less

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Teresa_Mucha says…

    This year I am leaning towards Focus. I have a habit of starting too many projects without ever finishing them. And I have a to do list of things I would like to accomplish and that will take Focus and Concentration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. missmandyk says…

    My word for 2018 is joy. I have been spending too much time indulging in pleasure such as drinking, spending, eating, etc which keeps me from experiencing true joy. 2018 is all about less pleasure and more joy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. dandes6 says…

    I'm new to OLW and am excited about committing a year to my word.....peace

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. MrsKnight says…

    Mine is Drive. Some nice possibilities here I hope!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. themorningdew1 says…

    Such a different perspective on the word space. I had never considered it like such. My word for 2018 will be SHINE, as in radiance, glow, beam, emit light, beacon, blaze, shimmer, sparkle, radiate.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. bsantee says…

    My first OLW is change....change my body... change my attitude... change my love for life. Just finished December Daily (my first) and I'm amazed how it helped me become more aware of the everyday things in December that most of the time we overlook because we are so busy. I only wish I started this process sooner when my kids where younger. Also just order my talisman. Love it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. ciahansen says…

    This was my guess for your word when I saw the OLW necklace samples, but I love how you describe it and what your intentions for the year are!

    My word is peace. After choosing it I realized that it spells out the initials for the members of my family -- I am C, my husband is P, my daughters are E and A. I also then got a Christmas card from my employer saying "wishing you PEACE" which totally cracked me up because part of my motivation for choosing this word is to seek peace in the balance between my work life and my home life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. probablytracy says…


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  20. cestlafranz says…

    Mine is GELASSENHEIT - German for serenity.
    It's my first time going on this journey and I'm pretty excited where it will take me. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. mamami says…

    My Word for 2018 is "Ruhe" (German for silence)!

    It came to me a few weeks ago, as I worked in the school library. After a few students left, I was alone with the books and my work and it was so different. I really enjoyed the silence and felt very comfortable and productive. So I decided to invite "Ruhe" for this year and now I'm curious about it.

    And by the way, thanks for your workshop. I finished the last two years and love the albums. My supplies for the next one arrived yesterday, so let's start!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Krys72599 says…

    That's my #onelittleword for 2018. I feel as though I didn't do a good enough job the last few times I participated, so this time I've cut myself some slack and I'm going to give myself credit for attempting the things I have *planned* to accomplish in 2018!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. ALB1126 says…

    My word for the new year is "Roots".
    I wrote about it on my blog in this post:

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Jesssolon says…

    My word for 2018 is shine. This year I had courage, and shine feels like the perfect (and courageous) next step. I want to shine with the light of God, have the courage to let my own light shine and help the people I love shine. I’m excited to see where this year takes me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. shelbelle says…

    The word I've chosen for this year is FOCUS. I brainstormed a list of about 30 words and it came down to that or discipline. I ultimately decided on FOCUS because it's a reminder to direct my energy and attention on what is important, what I want to achieve, etc., and with focus comes discipline.

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