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Story Chat Show Notes | WITL Prep

Hi Friends! We hope you were able to join us earlier today for our WITL Prep conversation on Story Chat. As I mentioned during our chat, it is my intention to have show notes available after every episode. Some episodes will lend themselves to more notes than others, but please feel free to leave a comment if there is something specific that you do not see listed below. 

Episode Date:


Topic: Week in the Life Preparation + Planning

Guests: Jennie Rey, Krystal Idunate, Morgan Beal


  • Week in the Life daily sheets from Ali. Find them in this blog post.
  • For more inspiration from Jennie, find her on Instagram here
  • For more inspiration from Krystal, find her on Instagram here. You can also find more from Krystal on her YouTube channel
  • For more inspiration from Morgan, find her on Instagram here. You can also find more from Morgan on her YouTube channel.
  • For more inspiration from Story Chat host, Lisa Varshine, find her on Instagram here

Mark your calendars for Week in the Life: May 10th to 16th. 

This was the first in a series of episodes this week, each on a different topic: planning & prep, stories, photos I (talking about people), photos II (focusing on things), and finishing. Join us tomorrow at 4pm PT to talk about stories with Laura Wonsik, Jen Schow, and Jess Forster. 

All of our Story Chats are held live on our Instagram account and saved to our Instagram Television Channel (IGTV), this series covering WITL will also be available as one lesson in our Week In The Life Prep Day Classroom. Prep Day will take place Saturday, May 8th and registration and full details are available here

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9 thoughts

  1. Minoone says…

    Great job today Lisa. It was fun and super helpful!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lisavarshine says…

      Thank you so much!!! You have officially made my day. Those ladies were such a wealth of great tips. I’m excited for tomorrow...and I’m not going to lie...I’m excited for it to get a little bit easier each time. ❤️

  2. Liliana110907 says…

    Thank you very much for trying to post the videos from the Instagram live on your blog as I don’t have Instagram so am unable to watch the lives and would love to have that additional information and tips.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lisavarshine says…

      I’m so glad!! These videos are tricky for my horrible internet, but they will end up here. Thank you so so much for your patience!

  3. kathleen says…

    I couldn’t join live, but loved watching with my coffee this morning! You all did great! It got me super excited for next week. Thank you for posting the link to Ali’s daily sheets. They are key to keeping me on track all week.
    Did Ali do a brief video on her album layout for this year? I be been looking, but can’t seem to find it anywhere. Maybe I dreamt it😂

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lisavarshine says…

      I'm so happy you were able to listen! Thank you for the kind words. I don't think Ali has done a video, but she just published a post on the blog. I know she is going to devote one hour of Prep Day to her set-up including a walkthrough. Thank you!!

  4. my3js says…

    Will Day 2 be posted soon? The IGTV link above goes to Day 1. I don't have an account, but I want to see the videos.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. lisavarshine says…

      Hi. The blog post will go up later today. The conversation wrapped up at 8:30pm and my work day started at 8:30am. There will be a reasonable amount of time between the shows and the posts. Thanks so much for your patience and understanding.

  5. ciahansen says…

    Some people might also find the 6x8 version of the daily sheets helpful!

    Reply 0 Replies
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