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Week In The Life™ 2022 | Ali's Tuesday

On Tuesday I was tired. 

Tired from such an eventful Monday. Tired from early mornings with Betty + the constant attention of puppyhood. It's what's real for me right now.  

Tired and happy. Tired and thankful. Tired and taking care of the things that need to be taken care of around here. 

Here's a look at my Tuesday via photos: 

On Tuesday morning after getting up early with Betty (so thankful that Aaron reminded me that I bought this nice thick robe awhile back and it's perfect for these early mornings) I moved the laundry around with the help of my tiny little sidekick. 

Also, in case you missed it I'm sharing short videos of my days this week on my Instagram account. It's pretty fun to add motion to these images and words. 

On Tuesday morning the counter and sink were full of dishes - some clean + some not - evidence of kids up much later than adults these days. 

On Tuesday morning I refilled the bird feeders that were close to empty. 

On Tuesday morning I had my coffee on the porch in the sunshine with my Betty girl. 

She currently believes she is a lap dog. 

On Tuesday morning Anna was the first kid up (later than Monday as we all sink into summer). 

On Tuesday morning I emptied the dishwasher but didn't get a chance to fill it up with the dirty dishes on the counter before I was needed for other things. Aaron finished it up when he was up and around for the day. 

On Tuesday morning I paused to behold the beauty that is David Austin's Queen Of Sweden. This one is new to my yard this year and it's amazing. 

On Tuesday morning the girls chilled in the living room and my heart was happy. 

On Tuesday morning I sat back down at my desk to work on designing Stories By The Month kits for 2023. Lots of design work on my plate right now. I go through seasons when I'm spending more of my creative energy designing on the computer and less on crafting at my table and then it switches. 

On Tuesday morning I made my list of personal appointments I need to schedule. 

On Tuesday morning Simon visited to share a new Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation trailer. 

On Tuesday morning he also read me an article about Star Wars before getting ready for his day that included a couple meetings with adult supports who are part of the independent living program he's joining in the fall. 

On Tuesday morning Betty napped away in her kennel. 

On Tuesday afternoon I found this sweet note from Anna on my desk. 

On Tuesday afternoon Anna, Audrey and I waited until Betty finished her nap and then got ready to head out for some errands. 

On Tuesday afternoon we headed to the Farmer's Market + Target. 

I love taking these two out and about. They entertain me and I learn so much every single time. They always take turns in the front seat and control the music. Today we listened to Michael Jackson (Audrey's choice) on the way there and to Spice Girls (Anna's choice) on the way home. 

On Tuesday afternoon I got to hang out with two of my favorite people. 

On Tuesday afternoon at the Farmer's Market today we picked up a flat of strawberries, a flat of blackberries + raspberries, a sweet onion, two yellow onions, snap peas, and a couple tomatoes. 

On Tuesday afternoon they made their list that included a bunch of skin care stuff, books, and an inflatable pool. 

On Tuesday afternoon they went straight for the graphic novel aisle to see which ones they haven't devoured yet. 

On my list were a couple new floor mats, treats for Betty, socks + toothpaste + shampoo for Simon, chips for dinner, and then all the other random stuff that seemed to magically jump into the cart as we went around the store. 

On Tuesday afternoon after our Target adventure the girls were inspired to do a summer room refresh. I love it when they move things around and take ownership of their space. 

It's totally possible that once Isaac + Simon move out the girls will each get a room of their own after sharing since 2016. 

On Tuesday afternoon I sat back down at my desk for more design work while Betty napped in her kennel. It's fairly amazing how well and how long she sleeps in there. 

On Tuesday afternoon I went downstairs for some lunch and sat down with Aaron on the couch for a few minutes. 

I took almost the exact same photo yesterday. Love that it's a recurring event around here. 

On Tuesday afternoon we talked about getting a bigger air fryer. 

I wasn't an early adopter of an air fryer but Erin gave us one for Christmas (she likes it at her house + the kids use it there) and we really like using it. We could use a bigger one with all our people. 

On Tuesday afternoon I walked back upstairs to find this evidence of the girls cleaning up + cleaning out their room. 

On Tuesday afternoon I had a quick chat with Simon before he left for work. 

On Tuesday afternoon Audrey, Anna and their friend rode bikes to visit a new WinCo and check out their bulk selection. 

On Tuesday evening Betty showed us how good of a digger she is going to be. She's a fan of the big piles of dirt I had delivered in the late spring to create a few more flower beds. 

On Tuesday evening I did one of my favorite things which is watering my dahlia plants and checking in on them to see what kind of progress they are making in their growth cycle. And yes, the sunshine is everything.

On Tuesday evening Aaron made burgers for the kids who were here. 

On Tuesday evening Betty and I headed upstairs for some quiet time before bed (with the hope of getting to sleep earlier than last night when I stayed up and watched Moonlight with Simon + Aaron). She's seriously the best dog and I'm so happy she joined our family. 

Here's to capturing what's real in each of our lives right now. 

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2 thoughts

  1. hgauvin says…

    When I'm feeling like I'm stuck in a WITL rut (and it's only Wednesday), I visit your blog and find inspiration. Thank you for that!

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  2. ScrappinMyHeartOut says…

    Lots of good stuff to look back on and smile!

    Reply 0 Replies
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