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Week In The Life™ 2018 | Saturday Words + Photos

Weekends when they kids are here tend to be full - of activities, of friends, of the noise that comes from five (or more) kids between ages 9 and 16. 

Saturday was a good, solid day. 

I've gotten a couple questions about the camera I've been using this week which is a Canon G7X. I am totally loving this little camera - it takes great photos just on Auto - which is what I've been using all this past week. I love it for video especially (I've been taking some here and there) but continue to be impressed with the photo quality as well. 

Here's a look at my Saturday: 

Today included an early morning yoga class for me. I got there earl before the room filled up to take at least one shot. 

Today included Isaac making waffles for the whole crew. 

Today included Simon playing a new Lego Worlds video game

Today included dinner menu planning for next week (you can see my post here) that includes recipes we ate this past week. For the last two days I've been drinking this Mushroom Coffee that I really like. This week I'm using recipes from The Healing Kitchen and Nom Nom Paelo's Ready Or Not

Today the girls were thankful that Isaac cooked waffles. 

Today included some time for me to work outside weeding and cleaning things up. 

Today included Simon vacuuming the car. 

Today included some reading time and a quick nap on the couch. Currently reading The Mars Room

Today was the last game of the season for the Soccer Chocolate Kittens where the two third grade teams play each other. Anna's school includes two 3rd grade classrooms and enough girls enjoy playing soccer that we have two teams. They practice tougher throughout the season and then play each other for the last game - affectionately known as the Soccer Chocolate Kitten Bowl. 

After the game we always have a get together at someone's house to celebrate the season. 

This time the coach had one parent from each girl stand up and tell what they were proud of about their daughter for this season. So great. 

Really the community surrounding these girls that has developed because of soccer (and school of course) is so awesome. 

Today even included smores at the party. 

I'm calling it a day and heading to rest and read for the remainder of the evening. Looking forward to Sunday and to wrapping up this phase of the project. 

You are invited to share a link to your Saturday words + photos in the comments below.

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9 thoughts

  1. tlsiravo says…

    Ali, your WITL project always my favorite!!! The Healing Kitchen is one of my favorite cookbooks!!! The Garlic Sauce recipe is the BEST! I put it on everything from vegetables to fish and chicken. And my kids will only eat the tacos from this cookbook. You've also inspired me to plan out my meals for next week... thanks!

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  2. argirl says…
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  3. Storyboard_c says…

    Cheers to making it to Saturday:) I can’t thank you enough for WITL. This was such amazing Journey this week in boosting my storytelling and gratitude again!

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  4. CarolineMcD says…
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  5. agnes_and_co says…

    hello, ali, this is may saturday
    This project is so awesome ! I'm so happy to live this.
    THANKS so much to you

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  6. fannyathome says…

    Thanks again Ali!! I loved the s'mores photo!!
    Here's my Saturday:

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  7. alaynac says…

    I've popped in over and over the last couple weeks of Week in the Life, first taking photos and now trying to pull together the words and photos on the blog. It's always such and inspiration to see what you and the other members of the Week in the Life community are doing and all the different ways their are to view everyday life.
    Just got Saturday words and photos up on my blog - almost done this with step and can't wait to start printing photos.

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  8. sracinez says…
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  9. brooke_jenkinson says…

    I see so much of you in Simon in the pic where he is playing the video game I used to see some of your ex but now I see you way more he is so tall he has grown so much and I know not to much longer my boys will be bigger also, then Isaac from the Pics you first introduced them all with the toothbrush story until now is like WOW he is a big kid! Tall & Stout that’s so exciting for you to get to see them transition like that!

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