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Week In The Life™ 2023 | Ali's Thursday

Welcome to Thursday of Week In The Life™ 2023. 

For today's story lens I'm using "Today I/you/we." It's another easy way to look back at your photos to write your story. 

PS: My posting schedule might be a bit different over the weekend as I'll be traveling with Anna + Anna for volleyball regionals. 

Let's dive in: 

Today I drove just Anna to school. Audrey got a ride from a friend and Elliott stayed home sick. Betty's in the back. We stopped by Chris' to pick up some shorts. We chatted about the day including a Jog-A-Thon + Colorblast at school and then she's going to cheer on friends at a track meet after school. 

Today I went through the car wash after dropping Anna off. 

Today I marveled at the two blooming trees in yard (one is in our yard and one is in our neighbors yard). I wait all year for this time when I get to look out and see the little explosions of pink and white. They take my breath away. How lucky are we that we get to experience such beauty. 

Today I saw Aaron come out on the porch with his smoothie. Sam followed him out and they were enjoying a little moment before he headed in to start his own work day. He is less of an outside person than I am but I think the fact that I'm out there so much brings him out too. 

Sammy loves coming outside with Betty. Ernie has his own program (including bringing us gifts of mice - three this past week) and does his own thing coming in and out as he wants. Sam is more of a people cat. I love that he loves coming out and hanging out with me + Betty in the yard. 

Today I did some work at my desk in the morning. I had planned to film some videos at my desk but our neighbors were having a bunch of yard work so I pivoted to one of the next things on my list. 

Today I picked up some flowers for a friend who is out of town and gets a local flower subscription. The best part is I get to take a little drive out of town into the farming areas and you know I love that. 

After picking up the flower bouquet I stopped at Johnson Brothers farm to get some hanging baskets for our front porch. I also grabbed a cucumber start and a delicata squash start and a new head for one of my hoses.

Two for the front porch and one for the back porch. 

Today I started pulling out the daffodil bulbs from my patio pots to make room for some tomatoes. 

I'll replant the daffodils out in the side yard. I did that last year and it worked really well and I loved having a bunch out in the yard.

Today I went and cheered Anna and friends on at their annual Jog-A-Thon and Colorblast event. It's her last one after many, many years. 

Today they had a ridiculously good time. 

Me too, of course. 

Today I heard "Love In An Elevator" by Aerosmith on the way home from Anna's school. This was the first CD I ever owned and I was immediately taken back to 1989 when I was in junior high. 

Today I tied up some sweet peas + some sugar snap peas after watching Anna's afternoon adventures. 

Today I poured myself a glass of Pinot Gris and sat in the tub researching cucumber trellis ideas. 

Today he let me take this photo. 

Today Betty was not super excited about us doing yoga. Many toys were removed from her basket and brought to ether me or Aaron. 

Today I watched Sammy gave himself a full bath after dinner. 

Today he cooked some Costco pizzas for him + Anna. Audrey and I had leftovers. 

Today I walked out into the grass after dark to watch Betty try to catch bugs. It was delightful. 


Three from Simon today (who called me this morning because he was so excited at how sunny it was): 

His favorite local coffee shop opened up their garage door because it was so nice here today. 

Although he has a car + drives he's learning how to take the bus too. He's loving it because he doesn't have to spend money on gas. 

He texted this one and said, "Here's a little bonus: budgeting outside." (Part of the independent living program he's participating in includes teaching a wide variety of life skills such as budgeting.)




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7 thoughts

  1. aracine says…

    I am loving the look of your photos (the light is just perfection) and considering pulling out my DSLR for the weekend. I have been hesitant during the week because it takes a lot more thought to shoot in manual than pulling out my iphone. But the DSLR can just capture more. Are you shooting in RAW or JPEG? or Both? And is it a safe assumption that you are not using a tripod but setting the camera up on whatever surface is handy? Happy Friday documenting!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. AndiWalsh says…

    Another beautiful day:) Great words and photos. Love the family involvement. And, I also captured a car wash photo!

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  3. Mpasquini12 says…

    I love these photos soooo much! ❤️

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  4. Britta922 says…

    What a great day. I am very inspired by your garden! We moved to a flat with a big garden last summer and I am so eager to learn about growing vegetables and flowers. And yes, all the blooming trees overwhelm me with their beauty.
    I was very inspired by your “what I want to remember” lens you used on Tuesday so did the same for Thursday! :)

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  5. raskinner says…

    I am loving the pictures everyone else is sending you. I am trying the same thing with my husband and kids and just really love seeing their point of view during the day.

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  6. AnnieCarignan says…

    Love all your photos :)

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  7. gina200 says…

    Love the one of Elliot and Betty!

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