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Week In The Life™ 2024 | Special Guest Yin Goh

Hi everyone! It’s Yin here sharing my simplified and downsized 2023 AND 2024 Week in the Life pages. I don’t have the luxury of time nowadays but still very much want to document my weeks, and these were the ways I have worked around it.

2023 Week in the Life 

In 2023 my WITL consisted One page for each day in my journal. I was not planning to participate as we were traveling that week, but after attending Prep Day class, I jumped right in and started the Sunday after!

A Page A Day

This is not the first time I have done ‘one page a day’ for WITL. These pages below were from 2017 and 2020. Keeping it smaller makes it doable when I am stretched. The multiple photos are smaller on each page, but I still get to capture snippets of the week, everyday life as we live it. I loved these pages so I went for the same approach.

Supplies and Prep

The 2023 Prep Day class came with all these amazing past WITL and other digital kits which I used. My simple formula was to have the date and day (printed on shipping label stickers) in a skinny column for each day. I also resized and printed journal card quotes to go in the same column. Then the only plan remaining is to make the photos fit on the rest of the page.

Putting it together

I worked in photoshop, choosing, sizing, arranging so the photos will fit on the page, before printing and assembling. (excuse the mess on my table!). 


All the photos always meant no space for photos. I took the chance to add flip ups and pockets for this purpose. There are more elegant ways to do this, but I simply used washi tape in the interest of time. I also handwrite my journaling since it’s quicker, and I like that it has the slightly imperfect, handwritten by me look.

Ephemera and Photos

I managed to add some ephemera - wrist band from the Art Fair, coffee packaging. Those are always fun. During Prep Day Zoom call someone shared about the Life Cycle App which captures where you spent the hours of each day, it’s really cool! I added the pie chart of my work-in-office Tuesday. 2 hour lunch? Shhh! Haha!

I’m also glad I thought of taking screenshots of the exchange rates that I was checking on my phone, for our travels. That should be fun to look back on!

For embellishment I simply added wood veneers and cork pieces to every page to finish up. That’s it! 

Wrap up Page

When we came back from our trip, I added a wrap-up page to complete the WITL documentation. Looking back at the week and journaling some reflections using again the digitals from Prep Day class. This was a very ordinary week in my life, the kind that is so worth documenting because these moments do make up our lives don’t they? I’m so glad I did!

You can see a short Flipthrough here:

2024 Week in the Life

Now this year I was again feeling like there’s no way I can fully participate in WITL, but very much wanted to. Thankfully I follow Elizabeth Heinz, who started just writing about her days on her insta account (@elizabethheinz), it was so simple and so good! I immediately followed her and recorded snippets everyday. 

At the end of the week, to keep it really doable, I decided to simply choose one photo for each day, and to give each day a column in my book. All I did was to create a template in photoshop - each column had space for journaling, a photo, and the day (I used digital word art from my stash). Print and paste and done!

Because I loved this year’s WITL collection and wanted to include at least a part of it in my WITL page, I use the digital version of the transparency divider to make a Flip up page. By digitally cutting out each day I re-arranged them to make a full page. This is then printed on vellum, in grey and white, and then tipped (pasted) in. Also added the circle ‘Regular Life Stuff’ from 2022 WITL.

This is how it looks opened up

I hope you enjoyed this look at my mini versions of WITL! Let me know if you have any questions, and I’d love for you to connect with me on instagram @yin_dgs and on youtube @yin’s pages.

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4 thoughts

  1. TwilaY says…

    These "mini" versions of WITL are fabulous! This was my first year participating and I used a binder but I think I may do it again next year in a more condensed version. You still have all of the main content - condensed. Love it!

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  2. Lisabell323 says…

    This is so inspiring!!! I may try this approach next year. I've been using a notebook for WITL since my first year because it takes up less shelf space, but this approach would enable me to get multiple years in one notebook. I've already done a lot of my 2024 WITL or I might have switched gears after seeing this post.

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  3. Jeannew says…

    These are so great and creative, Yin!

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  4. Momany says…

    Amazing as always, Yin!

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