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Week In The Life™ 2023 | Special Guest Stacy James

We're excited to have community member Stacy James sharing her tips and pdf plan today! Find her worksheet here

When I started doing my week in the life albums a few; years back I realized to me it was basically a time capsule of my life, and the project was huge now as a back story scrapbooking wasn't new to me, I had been doing this since high school in the 80's but the concept of putting everything together on the vast scale into one album in one week was new to me... so I needed a plan! My Type A personality couldn't just wing it nor could my hubby and his OCD haha.

So I knew I had to come up with a process that would allow me to not only enjoy it but finish it and not drive myself insane. With that I created a worksheet to put together the steps of my week of what the minimum requirements of the project was, and the lens of each story. But I also knew this worksheet had to have a place for me to "scribble on" so that as the week progressed I could do just that - mark all over it, with the crazy of the day and in real time, because if not I was doomed to miss the little details- the stuff I wanted to capture, by having everything in different places everywhere  that just wouldn't work  so this was my answer!    At the end of each day then I could easily look - did I grab the must haves the things that wouldn't be available the next day such at the newspaper from the "front page app" or the weather so i could use it, if not i could at that point, but in a few hours those things would be gone. So, by having a daily checklist I didn't miss my must haves.

The project if you look at in a large format could be overwhelming- if you look at the all the pretty kits and albums it can give you FOMO... but for me it is about the stories and the photos... but in the end I can't get there if I don't finish, and I won't finish if it's not organized and fun for everyone in my world.   So last year I used the Ali Edwards Journal and it was a blast... I altered it to make it work for my process and used flat lays to capture my little details of life, this year I wanted to change what little details I grab for the 10x8 album I'm working with- so I created a new sheet to be able to make sure I capture those as the week progresses. But you can go to my Youtube Link and see the 2022 Journal and see the flat lays and the journal if you wanted to go that route or I have attached the worksheets and feel free to print them out and join me in the ideas for 2023, by using the worksheets and or scribble all over them and make them your own! The project has no rules or regulations Ali Edwards created a great thought process to help everyone capture the time capsules of our lives now we run with it ! Good luck!

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4 thoughts

  1. PoochPatrol says…

    I love your process. Thank you for sharing your sheets with us.

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  2. Jossie says…

    Stacy love your thought process! Thank you for sharing Ali! I’m so last minute but decided to join in on the fun! This will be my second year and I’m super excited! Happy week in the life eve!

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  3. Airekah26 says…

    Yessss Stacy exactly! There are no rules or regulations - the ball is in our court. Such golden words of wisdom, thank you for sharing with us!!

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  4. Kpadalik says…

    Great planning pages Stacy!

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