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Week In The Life 2024 | Ali's Wednesday

Walking into the bathroom first thing and finding both cats on the counter is definitely worth a photo. Ernie (the one on the left) is an only-drink-from-running-water cat. Actually he really only drinks from faucets. We tried one of those cat fountains and he wasn't into that either. Sam (the one on the right - he's the one who is always in his basket in my office) has recently decided that he wants to drink only very fresh water also but he prefers it in a small dish. 

I took a shower first thing today and brought my phone in with me to listen to a podcast. I decided to try a new shower angle (I've played around with a few different shots in the past) and really liked how this one turned out. 

Audrey making her morning matcha latte on her way out the door to school. 

I made a lunch for Anna (most of the time the kids are responsible for this task for themselves) because she has high school spring volleyball practice after school followed by lacrosse practice and won't get home until around 8pm. It's a long day but she really has fun. 

Both sports have their own backpack, plus her school backpack, and her lacrosse stick. It's also a lot. She asked if I'd come back and drop off the lacrosse back pack after school because she was running a little late and wasn't going to have time to put it in her sports locker at school. 

I hustled back home for a 9am meeting and found Elliott getting breakfast for himself before heading out for school. 

Some days we have team meetings and today it was first thing. Katie runs the meeting and we talked about an upcoming class I'm working on for this summer (a "use your stash" class) and Pieces Of Joy (community week coming the week of May 6th) among other house-keeping items. 

More paint! More paint! More paint! 

Some days I have video calls with friends who don't live here to connect and catch up.  

Leftovers are highly valued around here. 

Yesterday Simon texted that he was having a not-so-great day so I invited him to come over today for dinner, or whenever he wanted. He came over around lunch time and showed me all the gear he's rented from his community college film program. Simon's tried a few different paths since graduating from high school and has landed on film studies (which if you've been around here for very long you know that makes a ton of sense). Simon has always, always loved movies. 

He has really been loving and growing in this program. He's having the best time learning how to take photos and shoot video and work with Photoshop and Lightroom and other programs. 

Can you guys believe that his path would end up intersecting mine in so many areas? 

I see you. You see me. 

This program has really let him lean into his own imagination and creativity. There are fewer rights and wrongs and more room for doing things different because one's own creative voice seems to be valued. 

I loved that he ended up over here during Week In The Life. 

Currently he's participating in an independent living program that teaches young adults with autism how to live on their own. He'll be moving up to the next level of independence later this summer and he's excited. 

He also got a job this summer with our local minor league baseball team as a camera person for their broadcast. He went to a training last week and he was giddy when telling me all about it. 

Some days Aaron chooses to work from our bedroom. He recently got glasses and he looks so good in them. 

Doing a load of towels (both kitchen and bathroom towels). Let's see if I remember to move them into the dryer before I go to bed. That giant white thing is a Litter Robot and it was worth every penny. 

Most days Ernie likes to sleep on Betty's bed in our room. He blends right in with Betty's pile of toys. 

Most days there are many, many pairs of shoes here. Sometimes no one knows who they belong to. 

Simon and I ate leftovers for lunch and then he took a nap on the couch with his feet hanging off the end. 

Elliott's room for the collection of room photos this year. 

Headed over to Anna's school to drop off her lacrosse backpack and stick after practice. She also asked me to bring her another set of contacts. 

One of my favorite things most days is watching Betty's ears flap in the wind as we drive down the road. 

After dropping Anna's stuff off I came home and asked Simon if he wanted to go to the a local plant nursery. I suggested he could bring his camera and play around with some shots. 

He had a couple of lego guys in his pockets (his leading characters) and set up some shots of a particular guy sitting next to his ice cream sandwich. 

I have a Substack newsletter in progress to talk more about Simon's recent creative photography adventures. My Substack is currently free and a place separate from this for me to share writing. It's just getting started and is called "Echoes + Evidence." You can check it out + subscribe here. The most recent post is about getting my nose pierced. 

I had fun looking at all the plants and bringing a few (or more than a few) home along with a new birdbath. My previous one cracked during an ice storm this past winter.

After our adventures at Johnson Brothers we came home and Simon worked on a homework assignment and I did a few more things on my list. 

Sometime soon I'm going to do a compilation of this photo of Simon over the years. I love that he still wants to come over and work on homework or just hang out. I love that he feels like it's a safe place to come to when the world feels hard. 

Aaron made burgers for Elliott and his friend and Simon. 

Gotta use up those tomatoes remember? 

Anna texted that she forgot her cleats for lacrosse and could I bring them? Remember all those backpacks she had in the morning? The cleats didn't make it in. I feel so thankful that her school is really close and it's not a big deal to just run things over there (and Betty gets to go for a ride so that's always a win). 

PS: Don't forget to take screenshots of text messages from this week!

When I got home from dropping off Anna's cleats Simon and I watched a bit of the Tiger documentary on Disney+ (while he ate the burger). He took off not too long after because he'd gotten a text message from a friend inviting him to laser tag + pizza with her church group. He said that one text message made up for his bummer day yesterday. 

I cooked a late dinner for me and Anna after I picked her up from lacrosse practice. I used a pork loin that Aaron had cooked for me on the BBQ earlier to make pork noodles with rice noodles, pork, celery, green onion, kale, chicken broth, and soy sauce. It was super simple + really good. 

And then I came upstairs to finish up this post. 

Today was a good day. 

I got to see Simon. I got to do work I love. I got to buy some new plants. I got to support Anna with drives and meals. I got to watch Betty's ears flapping in the wind with her head out the backseat window. I got to walk into rooms of my house and run into Aaron who still makes my heart skip a beat (man that is super cheesy but I write the truth). I got to wear bright red pants. I got to meet with my team who help me get to do the things I want to do. I got to take photos that are evidence of my existence. I got to put together a bunch of words to go with those photos. I got to catch up with a friend on the phone. I got to paint on canvas and in an art journal. I got to watch Simon doing something that he seems to be truly enjoying that's mentally and emotionally and creativity stimulating. I got to eat pork noodles. I got to listen to Stevie Nicks. 

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28 thoughts

  1. AnnieCarignan says…

    I think it's amazing that Simon found something he really loves and that he will probably make a living of it! Curious about that robot! Loved reading your blogpost and looking at your photos.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Me too! I'm really happy for him. That thing is called a Litter Robot and it makes taking care of cat litter super easy and helps with the smell.

    2. AnnieCarignan says…

      Oh!! ok, I hadn't read "litter" thanks !

  2. dawnmi says…

    Love these so much!! Love seeing Simon!! He looks so grown up! I love when my son is here in Sundays. We play games and just hang out. Love your words at the end! I wrote yesterday that there is magic in these everyday little moments. So grateful!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes yes yes!

  3. sabrinak says…

    Such a great day! When I saw the pic of Simon at the desk in your office, my first thought was "I wonder how many of these shots she has from through the years?" That could be its own spread one day!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I definitely need to do something with the photos all together!

  4. Mel_12 says…

    Such a beautiful post. Full of your heart Ali. Thank you for sharing.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  5. jenkeen says…

    Simon at the nursery immediately made me think of Andrew Whyte! In case you haven't seen this before....

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. lbvancura says…

      This is so cool!

    2. AliEdwards says…

      Yes! He did a whole project like that last term for one of his classes - basically a day in his life. It was so awesome!

  6. simplypearl says…

    hi ali! WOW! simon is a man now! so proud of him and hearing all his accomplishments!! plz tell him i said hello. xoxo, pearl

    ps this is STILL my favorite memory keeping project! ❤️
    pps tell katie i said hi too!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I will tell them both hi!

  7. Jeannew says…

    Ah, your words just fill my heart. And make me laugh too-and cry. My guy still makes my heart skip too and I’m so grateful for that. You are the captain of our storytelling ship! ❤️

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks Jeanne!

  8. stagnaromel says…

    You are my people! LOVE this new baseball opportunity for Simon! Yay all around for a great day.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Yes! Love that.

  9. Britta922 says…

    Your gratitude for your life is dripping from this post and its infectious. Absolutely love it.
    Here’s my Wednesday:

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. deniseweatherby says…

    "I got to take photos that are evidence of my existence."
    My very favorite quote of this entire Week!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      How very lucky we are!

  11. KarineC says…

    I still cannot get over how grown up Anna & Simon are. I cheer them on all the time!

    I love that feeling when they come over just for the heck of it. Talk about unexpected joy!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Me too!

  12. Mpasquini12 says…

    Love love love!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. dpowersfabian says…

    I always love your stories that include Simon! Autism seems to run in our family...the whole spectrum. My dad I'm sure was undiagnosed Asperger's, of course my son on the lower end of the spectrum, and now a grandson age 9 while getting all A's in everything, still has challenges that are harder when he can't catch all the nuances and gets into "defense" mode. Simon's life brings hope! I'm glad you have been so open in your sharing of his life!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. therichters1301 says…

    Whenever I try to use screenshots in Canva I feel as though the measurements/sizing just doesn't match up right. I wind up losing the top part that shows who it is from, or other parts. Are there tips for this or a template?

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Moparop says…

    I love your journaling at the end of your day "I got to". I want to incorporate that into my future projects. Such an awesome way to frame the world of personhood!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. KirstenJ says…

    Oh Ali, thank you! You teach me again and again how important the everyday stuff and stories are. My mom passed away recently and emptying her house we found so many pictures, but no stories. What I can remember, I'm going to have to write for my kids, and their kids. It would be priceless to have my mom's thoughts on some of those pictures....

    Reply 0 Replies

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