The Evolution Of My Story

It's always been my goal to authentically share my story both in my scrapbooks and in this online space.

To me that means addressing the good, the bad, the beautiful, the successes, the challenges - the very real pieces of my life.

As many of you have noticed, and some have commented and emailed, Chris has been mostly absent for some time from the stories and photos. He has decided that he wants something different with his life and we are in the process of getting a divorce.

Chris continues to maintain an active role in the kid's lives.

There is nothing easy about this.

It's very hard and very stressful and very sad.

And yet, the story continues for all of us. For him and me. For the kids and me. For him and the kids. And there are many, many things I have to be thankful for in my life.

I've always maintained, and taught in my workshops, that not all stories need to be told.

But here, in this space, it's important to me that there's a general awareness of this change. This will allow me to more authentically share my story going forward.

A few months ago I asked for your prayers, your positive energy, your wishes of strength and peace, and your compassion. I'd humbly ask for your continued kindness as this specific chapter closes and new ones begin.

As you consider leaving a comment I would also humbly ask that you focus on something positive, compassionate and/or uplifting. Our heartfelt intent is to maintain a positive relationship as we move forward in our lives.

Wishing all of you, especially any of you who may be experiencing something similar within your own family, peace during the Christmas season.

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934 thoughts

  1. kat-in-texas says…

    God has a plan for you, Ali, and you have a lot of living left to do! :)

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  2. Brenna says…

    Ali, I so greatly admire your grace, strength, courage and humility. You are truly an amazing woman and mother. Thank you for sharing your love of storytelling with the world. I am sending you thoughts of peace and joy this holiday season.

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  3. Marisol says…

    My prayers are with all of you.
    Merry Christmas.

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  4. Julie says…

    Hi Ali- While I don't know you personally I have been following your blog for a few years... and my daughter looks similar and is the exact same age as Anna. :) Thank you for sharing and being vulnerable, I admire your grace, thoughtfulness and courage. I'll be praying for you all. Blessings, Julie

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  5. Melissa rhodes says…

    My prayers are for you and your family always! May God bless you with the strength you need to move forward with your life with hope and happiness.

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  6. Sherry says…

    Ali, I am so sorry. I will continue to send positive energy to you and your family.

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  7. Annette says…

    Sending you light and love across the miles. Peace to you and your family.

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  8. Sue says…

    "You must give up the life you planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you.” – Joseph Campbell

    May the year ahead be filled with new adventures to make you smile and challenges to make you grow.

    I admire your creativity and your ability to share it through your website, your books, and teaching. Thank you for sharing such a personal part of your life with us. All the best to you as you move forward in this journey of life.

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  9. Allison M. says…

    Ali - I wish you and your family much love and happiness. Thank you for being you.

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  10. Sandi says…

    You and your family are in my prayers. I am glad you have the support of wonderful parents and family members.

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  11. Jen says…

    As a divorcee myself I'm always sad to hear of others going through the same thing. Looking at the positives, Chris is certainly a great dad, and I know you will both do everything in your power to make this event change your children's lives as little as possible. It's true that it IS possible to keep a divorce amicable, even if sometimes you will want to scream about it. I know, I've been there! My daughter was the same age as Anna when we parted, and she is now a wonderful, strong, well adjusted 21 year old. It hasn't always been a bed of roses, but it's been our life. I am remembering you in my prayers and wishing you all the best for the season and your new life.

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  12. PattiP says…

    May you have peace with the changes that are occurring, love and support from family and friends, strength to face the challenges that lie ahead, grace to grieve what is lost with hope for each new day, and the deep abiding joy that can only come from God.

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  13. Pai says…


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  14. Christine says…

    My heart aches for you but i know the angels will carry you through this troubled time, like the poem footprints in the sand there willalways be someone with you. Trust in God and i know you do. i have gathered that from your posts i know you believe so be strong and of good courage, My prayers and thoughts for you and your beautiful children Simeon and Anna especially at this time of the year.,
    for Chris i hope he finds what makes him happy as he leaves a wonderful people behind him

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  15. Lynn Wigren says…

    Ali, like others have said I worried this was what was happening in your life but didn't want to intrude. I will continue to keep you, Chris, Simon & Anna in my thoughts & prayers.

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  16. Immi says…

    I am so sorry to hear this news. I have always been impressed with the way you face the good and the tough head-on. Thank you for sharing your faith and your journey with us all. God is bigger than anything and has the power to sustain you!

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  17. Cathie says…

    Thank you for sharing this part of your story - I don't know if I could be that brave. Sending you and your family loving thoughts, support and wishes for a beautiful Christmas.

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  18. Ingrid says…

    Oh Ali, I am so very sorry to hear that sadness and challenge is upon you. I know you will handle it with grace and courage....I feel like I know you after all these years reading your blog every day. You will be amazing. Thank you for sharing this story with us, and all the others over the years.

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  19. Amber says…

    Wishing you much peace. I'm a glass is half full girl, so I know that great things are to come... and you always embrace the positive, it doesn't get better than that! Much love!

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  20. Anita says…

    Thank you for being so real, even when it is hard. This is what makes you so special. I'm sending you healing thoughts as you face a new but different "normal" in your life.

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  21. Christine says…

    Just wanted to let you know that I wish you all the best on your new journey. Your positive approach is uplifting as is all things that you do. You are loved and respected by many around you, people who you know or only know you, but believe me when I say that if you ever need anything you just need to ask. Thank you for all that you have done for the scrapbook community and I hope that we will be a force to lift you up when you need it!
    xoxo, Christine

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  22. Cindy T. says…

    Blessings and hugs for you. It's now a different normal. I figured this out after my mom passed away. I'm sorry.

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  23. Jen says…

    Sadly I suspected this months ago but was hoping I was wrong. So sorry to hear this sad news. I cannot even imagine what you all must be going through, and although I don't know you, I feel like I do through CK, your books and this blog. I will most certainly be lifting all of you in my prayers. {{{Hugs}}}.

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  24. Kim says…

    Hi Ali, I went through something similar 3 1/2 years ago. I truly believe that you will all be ok and I will send up prayers for you. Thank you for sharing on your blog.


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  25. Lori Proctor says…

    Hi Ali,
    Just wanted to leave you a quote from my favorite movie the Help



    YOU IS IMPORTANT" Aibileen Clark.

    Have a great christmas and a happy new year!!!

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