Around Here

Reading M. Scott Peck's The Road Less Traveled.

Hearing Simon and Anna race back and forth upstairs from my office, down the hallway and into my bedroom (while I'm downstairs cleaning up the kitchen). Back and forth and back and forth. There's laughter and then there's yelling and then more giggles and it most often ends with one of them yelling for me.

Navigating our new normal and finding places of peace and connection and joy.

Riding waves of emotion and working on allowing myself to be present in all aspects.

Negotiating money and time.

Adoring the addition of our new cat George. He is awesome.

Refereeing a myriad of arguments between an almost 10-yr old and an almost 3-yr old - most having to do with one of them touching the other or getting too close.

Savoring Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down The Bones one chapter (or two) at a time.

Organizing legos.

Enjoying the process of working on my 52 Creative Lifts newsletter the last few weeks.

Listening to Simon read Kung Fu Panda 2 out loud in the evening before bed.

Listening to Anna sing so many songs. Songs she knows and songs she makes up.

Cleaning up my office after painting this past week. It was a major project and now I'm into a major supply reorganization. I've got a bunch of layouts I want to do but before I start I really want to get this place in order.

Preparing to celebrate Simon's 10th birthday tomorrow and taking cupcakes to his class today.

Planning, dreaming, taking steps forward for this next chapter.

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112 thoughts

  1. Marilyn Nimmo says…

    Happy 10th Birthday, Simon! Ali, thank you for sharing your thoughts and daily life--it is so special.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Paula G says…

    All of this and finding time to share with us too. Thank you for that, as sappy as it sounds there are days I reach out for you on this blog when I need a friend. I am so wishing all the best for you, Simon and Anna. I have 2 that are 7 years apart, both Aspergers/sensory processing issues, and definitely not a typical household with my mom being with us too. We all find the rhythm and sometimes we have to change the song to keep a good beat going! You are so cool, your music is going to play on!!!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Paula G says…

      I'm back :)
      Happy Happy 10th Birthday Simon!!!
      I meant to say that 1st time around!
      Enjoy those yummy cupcakes and have a fun day!

  3. Alexandra says…

    I have a feeling that your next chapter is going to be amazing.
    You are so fabulous : )
    hugs and love,
    P.S. super big birthday wishes to Simon!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Stephanie Vetne says…

    Deep breaths, taking quiet moments for yourself, feeling gratitude - all wonderful things that keep a person centered through changes. You have so much strength and you are such a good mom. And you are an inspiration to so many. This reminds all of us to notice the little things on a daily basis. xoxo

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Kellystar says…

    Sorry to say that the arguing about "who touched who" won't end anytime soon. My kids are 7, 9, 12, and 14 and it is still a common conversation/argument.

    Savor those of my favorite made-up ones from my now 7 year old is "doggy in a cup"---Have no idea where this idea came from.

    Enjoy your journey. You are right to try and be present...not always easy, but right.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Sharon Osborn says…

    First-Happy Birthday to Simon! I too have watched him grow up on this blog :) Wonder if he will be getting some new lego sets???

    Second-Ali,you continue to amaze me with your gift of writing and creating...I am off to create a list of "around here's".

    Third-your bloggers do have your back, and your heart, in our thoughts and our prayers. May today hold peace, strength, and laughter for you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Melanie says…

    You are handling everything with such grace and dignity. Can't wait to meet you in June at the retreat.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Iska says…

    So I ran to container store (also known as organization heaven on earth) yesterday to get something to put my project life supplies in (I ended up getting a perfect little cutlery basket that fits everything perfectly) but I thought of you when I saw these They are lego storage cubes. Since my boy is only 3 1/2 we aren't full blown into the legos yet, but I immediately thought of Simon. You probably know about them already, but just in case I thought I would share.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Melanie Johnson says…

      Hi Iska - could you share the name or provide the link to the cutlery basket that you got? Thanks!

  9. bev says…

    "organizing Legos"

    this makes me smile. My 26 year old son is busy doing the same. He has his bins from growing up and is sorting them very carefully into those multi drawer parts bins. His wife is helping him. It is very sweet to watch

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Teri H. says…

    Ah, the *new normal*. I hope it comes as easily as it can.
    Peace and blessings.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Angel Estes says…

    I love the unspoken word "hope" in this post.
    Every morning is a new beginning. A clean sheet of paper with no marks or bend corners, no tears, not crumpled. Put something good down on it.

    Sending hugs.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Susie Leggett says…

    Ali, you are such an amazing woman. You have been in my thoughts and prayers often these last couple of months. Prayers of courage and strength and faith and peace and lots and lots of love.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Nikki M says…

    You continue to be an inspiration. Everyday. May your strength, courage, and adventurous spirit continue to lift you UP!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. laura g. says…

    wonderful post! you are so strong girl! you do know that, right?
    don't worry about probably won't be as bad as you fear..and you cannot change what happens anyway i think about a letter my great aunt wrote my great grandmother after Pearl Harbor was attacked and my great aunt was living there...'don't worry Mother, i know you do but it doesn't do any good' words coming across the generations...our mothers, grandmothers, and great grandmothers faced challenges too..not the same ones as we do..
    happy birthday to simon! it will be a GREAT day!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Jamie says…

    Lego organization.... AHHHHH!!! A constant battle in my house!! Happy birthday to Simon!! It's funny my kids are 7 years apart too, and when I was pregnant with the second one I really thought they wouldn't fight much because they wouldn't have anything to fight about... now they are 13 & 6... boy was I wrong!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Monica says…

    Happy Birthday to Simon!!!! Hope is day extra special and filled lots of fun.

    Would love to hear about how you are reorganizing his Legos. We have quite the lego problem here!

    Happy Friday.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. angie blom says…

    ah... the blessings of family life.. savour it all!! good or bad this is what living is all about.. Happiest of Birthday's to Simon.. and Anna.. keep on singing!! xx

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Deb J says…

    Ali. Just wanted to say that I admire the way you continue to keep going and looking for joy in the midst of pain. Praying that God will give you an even better life than you can imagine. Stay close to Him and he will work miracles. Tell Simon Happy Birthday! We are all so proud of him and how far he has come.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Becky H says…

    Oh, the wonderful sounds of home. Ali, you are doing an amazing job. I know that there will be ups and downs and the quiet times are the hardest but know you are strong. Happy Birthday to Simon and momentous birthday with now being in the double digits. I It only happens once, so savor it.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. tina f says…

    Dear Ali, after reading your post it brought tears to my eyes. My 6 little ones are now 6 big ones and although the noise is different,it some how still seems the same...Keep up the good work and listening to all those are my inspiration and I love reading your blog!!! Happy, Happy Birthday to Simone. I hope he has a fantastic day... you know you are big when you hit the double digits!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Nichole M says…

    M. Scott Peck is great. People of the Lie may blow your mind. It completely changed how I was able to see damaging people I had in my life and not to feel crazy myself for knowing what a horrible influence they were. It empowered me to make some relationship changes and become much, much healthier.

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Elizabeth*S* says…

    At 17 and 6, mine still argue over who *breathed* on who! really? really! ugh! Happy Birthday to Simon! Can't believe he is 10! wow! Continued blessings to you. You are an inspiration in many many ways. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Vicki J says…

    Ali- I had to giggle I remember "those" days as if they were yesterday.. the he's touching me and the ever popular "Don't touch me" my babies are now 29 and 25 and I am blessed that while they live in different states and are navigating grown up life they are still close to each other and as a family... and they remember THOSE DAYS and when things get tense... ie all of us in a car driving to a funeral.. one of them will break out the Shes's touching me to break the gloom in the car... you can't help but smile when you hear that... At the times when you need it most they will throw it out there...

    Keep on Keeping on... and savor the journey (good and bad)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Mary in IL says…

    This post touched my heart Ali. I just came back from Israel where I left you and your family in offered prayer at the holiest of all places. He hears those know that. Stay strong in Him always. (and a very happy birthday to Simon as I too have watched him grow up on this blog)

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. megan says…

      I just haft say: I loved this. :) <3

    2. stacy says…

      how lovely of you

  25. Christine says…

    Here's to all things moving Up.
    Glad to hear your office is nearly finished.
    We have no power and lots of snow and ice up here in your old neck of the woods. I am in the process of re-organizing my craft room.
    Feels good to donate stuff that I know I will never use.

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