Around Here

Reading M. Scott Peck's The Road Less Traveled.

Hearing Simon and Anna race back and forth upstairs from my office, down the hallway and into my bedroom (while I'm downstairs cleaning up the kitchen). Back and forth and back and forth. There's laughter and then there's yelling and then more giggles and it most often ends with one of them yelling for me.

Navigating our new normal and finding places of peace and connection and joy.

Riding waves of emotion and working on allowing myself to be present in all aspects.

Negotiating money and time.

Adoring the addition of our new cat George. He is awesome.

Refereeing a myriad of arguments between an almost 10-yr old and an almost 3-yr old - most having to do with one of them touching the other or getting too close.

Savoring Natalie Goldberg's Writing Down The Bones one chapter (or two) at a time.

Organizing legos.

Enjoying the process of working on my 52 Creative Lifts newsletter the last few weeks.

Listening to Simon read Kung Fu Panda 2 out loud in the evening before bed.

Listening to Anna sing so many songs. Songs she knows and songs she makes up.

Cleaning up my office after painting this past week. It was a major project and now I'm into a major supply reorganization. I've got a bunch of layouts I want to do but before I start I really want to get this place in order.

Preparing to celebrate Simon's 10th birthday tomorrow and taking cupcakes to his class today.

Planning, dreaming, taking steps forward for this next chapter.

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112 thoughts

  1. Penny Smith says…

    We are doing this for the legos! :) (I found this entry and I was sold!)

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  2. Beatrice says…

    I hope to meet you one day so I can tell you how much I admire and respect you. And how much of an inspiration you are to me. I came across this and it has been a comfort for me. Maybe it will be the same for you.

    "Those who came and stayed in your life are God's Present. Those who came and walked out of your life are God's Lesson."

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