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December Daily : Day 17

(day 17 : "holiday" from a Kate Spade mailer)

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

Oh man, I am really starting to get all excited. Updating some of the decor I put up earlier: making adjustments, moving things around, getting ready to have family here. I can hardly wait for all of them to get here.

Working a bit on wrapping each day so I don't end up doing it all at the last minute. I like being able to take my time. Here's a couple so far - going with a red + browns theme.

Found these bakers boxes at Shim + Sons. I like having a mixture of wrapped presents and others in simple brown boxes. Ribbon from Pottery Barn.

Red on red stripe wrapping paper at Target. Chocolate ribbon from Paper Source.

This is cool: today (Tuesday) through Thursday, December 20th Fontwerks is having a 30% off sale with a portion of the proceeds benefiting Autism Speaks. Enter "HoHoHo!" at checkout (don't forget the exclamation point).

And one more thing: could you say a little prayer for me today? I had three more abnormal moles removed this morning. Here's to hoping they are simply abnormal looking and not anything else.

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125 thoughts

  1. elaine says…

    Great book, lovely boxes.
    Will be thinking of you, please take care. Enjoy the season!

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  2. mandydake says…

    in my thoughts too.. take care.

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  3. Jamie Hircock says…

    sending a prayer your way! Thank goodness you take care of yourself and have things checked out. It is just so important! Loving the album so far :D Have a very happy holidays!

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  4. mel says…

    Just wanted to say that you inspire me so much. I just wish that I was as good with the camera as you are! :) I'll be praying for you. Think Happy Thoughts! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Katie says…

    LOVE LOVE that baker box!!!
    Praying for good reports and quick healing!
    Merry Christmas!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Anneliese says…

    Here's to stamina for you during the icky-waiting-and-not-knowing part. Hang in there!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Jennifer says…

    Wow. I had 3 abnormal moles removed last Thursday and am still in the recovering from having stitches mode and all like that -- so you have my COMPLETE sympathy and strong prayers especially given that we are here in this very same boat!! You know what? We are both going to be fine and we'll have to think of some blog-friend (if I may be so bold!) way to celebrate when we get our results. Peace~

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Tara says…

    adding you and good reports to my prayer list. your packages are so lovely, so you! btw- you mentioned updating decor... i would love to peek! :)
    you know we go ga-ga over anything ali! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. annie samuels says…

    sending good vibes your way ali!
    annie from new hampshire

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Sheila says…

    I will light a candle for you Ali!! Keeping you in my thoughts for health and peace!

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  11. Kathy C. says…

    Sending "happy thoughts" your way!
    ~ Kathy C.

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  12. Mae says…

    I'll include you in my prayers.

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Angi Smith says…

    You definitely have my prayers! You are a very big part of my life right now. I just finished Life Artist and to say I LOVED it is an understatement. So many projects I want to start now because of you. And I started reading A Designer's Eye to Scrapbooking last night. I think it is going to take longer. My mother has breast cancer and is undergoing chemo right now. It is not something I would wish on my worst enemy, much less my new mentor!

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  14. Cyndi Hoehn says…

    No prayer is ever little when prayed with a big heart. . . thinking of you =)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Lea says…

    Gorgeous gift wrapping... and sending good thoughts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Stacy says…

    Love the clear album - it's the first thing I check with my cup of joe in the morning. I have learned so much from you and you have inspired me in so many ways as a fellow mom and scrapper!
    Sending warm thoughts and prayers for you...
    Stacy (Alberta, Canada)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Carrie says…

    You need to email Brendan (and me) about that stuff. He still wants to talk to you.
    Oh - and all the Christmas stuff is lovely. :)
    Hugs, A.
    - C

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Carole Hepburn says…

    Sending a prayer and you are in my thoughts

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  19. Tanya Webster says…

    lots and lots of prayers your way miss Ali...keep us posted ok??? :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Casey Maupin says…

    Sending lots of healing energy your way! Thank you so much for all of the inspiration this season!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Laura says…

    Sending > to you, Ali! You will be in my prayers! =)
    LOVE the gift wrapping and the progress on your December Daily album. Too, too cute!!!
    Peace Be With You!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. chantille says…

    Ali, you're in my thoughts and prayers. I'm sure all will be well! You're wrapped pressies and album look beautiful, I'm sure your guests are in for a treat.

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Lanne says…

    Def. sending good thoughts your way! Happy, safe, healthy holidays.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Judy B says…

    I am praying for you right now--that you get that lovely, wonderful, joyful call--"BENIGN", and that you receive God's peace and comfort during the wait.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Alecia Angell says…

    Praying! Praying! Praying!
    You will be in my thoughts--know it is scary. I am actually going to have one looked at in the next few weeks--thanks to you. I come across your call for prayers for Julie Lyons and clicked over to see what that was all about. Let's just say, you and Julie Lyons lit a fire! Thank you friend! Have a Merry Christmas! Hugs to you and your entire family.

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