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Coburg Antique Fair

A great group of ladies gathered in the wee dark hours of the morning yesterday to scope out the best finds at the annual Coburg Antique Fair. It was literally still dark when we all met (6am) and started out on our adventure (good thing many of the booths had lamps). This is one of my favorite events of the year - tons of tons of crazy booths with treasures just waiting to be found.

Here we are about 9:30am, as it was starting to get hot, sharing our finds:


I definitely gathered a few things that just had to come home with me:


A yellow baby scale, a small globe with the planets listed on the base, an Oregon Statesman paper tin for Chris' office, a small white cup...


A group of chenille blankets to add some texture to the baby's room, a great little brown sweater for the little one, and my most favorite find of the day:


A bay of lockers that I am going to repaint and use in my new office space. I love this. Thanks Jill for hauling this one home for me. Anyone have any tips for what kind of paint/the best way to paint metal? Edited: just to clarify I am not painting these myself while I am pregnant.

Following an afternoon nap Chris and I took a couple more steps in moving things around in the house. The shelves were unmounted from the wall in his office and moved out into the living room (and remounted). It was a ton of books to move but needed to be done it order for other things to start switching rooms. One step at a time.

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96 thoughts

  1. JoLynn says…

    What a fun day! Awesome lockers! I recommend using Valspar Anti Rust. (Yes, I sell Valspar paint where I work!) It is a great paint. Have a great day!

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  2. cathy says…

    I can't believe your great finds!!!! Wow. Those lockers are killer. And the baby scale?...totally yummy.

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  3. margaret says…

    The lockers are great. I personally love Rustoleum, but YOU don't want to use it when you're pregnant. Put it on the "honey-do" list.

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  4. Marty says…

    Hi! I love the lockers too, what a great find! I read in a magazine a long time ago that you can take old lockers to your local body shop to have them painted! I have no idea the cost, but maybe it's worth checking into!
    Enjoy your day!

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  5. Molly I says…

    wow! excellent finds, especially love the globe and the wee sweater makes me smile.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jackie Wood says…

    Great finds, the Oregon Statesman tin reminds me of childhood at Grandmas!
    I have painted a few (small) metal items over the years with Rustoleum ( metal spray paint. You can also buy this paint by the gallon for rolling, which might be better for such a big project. I would recommend chatting with someone in the paint section of Home Depot or Lowes.
    Good luck!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ramie says…

    Love the lockers and scale! And those blankies look so snuggly.
    About the paint on the lockers....check into having them powder doesn't chip, won't scratch and there's a bunch of colors available. If it's too costly (I've never done it, but gonna with my patio furniture soon), you can check with auto paint places...they can probably do it quickly and with something that won't scratch or chip with average use.
    Hope the rearranging goes well.

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  8. Hashi says…

    Killz brand paint is good on metal

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  9. JulieP says…

    What an awesome find in those lockers!! Way cool!
    I'd definitely go with a spray paint made for metal...available at any home improvement store.

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  10. Anilu Magloire says…

    Absolutely love your finds.
    There was an article a while ago, on Martha Stewart Living magazine, about giving new life with paint, to old metallic furniture like your lockers. There were some amazing ideas.
    Maybe you can find it online at

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  11. Gale says…

    Don't know what the cost is but, to have it perfect, have it done at an autobody shop.

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  12. angie says…

    With metal, you usually have to "sand" it first with a metal, wire brush or steel wool to have a really solid surface for it to soak up the new paint. It would be more cost effective, more durable and easier to get estimates from a auto body shop. They can paint it quickly and have TONS of colors to choose from. Plus it will be a thicker, more solid coating that won't flake or scratch over time.

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  13. Cyndi says…

    Have to agree with the others about the body shop. OR if you can find someone who does it out of their home. Our neighbor was a body shop guy for over 20 years got laid off and now does it out of his shop at home. He did the register covers in our house, their so pretty and so even on the paint. Really a great way to go, really gives a great finish.

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  14. sue Treiber says…

    dude I LOVE that! Go to Home Depot and they will have tons of paints to chose from!

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  15. Rachel Greig says…

    I have a metal filing cabinet that I've always wanted to paint. Still not sure on what to do though. Tim would probably be impressed if you smothered it in alcohol ink! :)

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  16. Shannon says…

    Those lockers are awesome, definately a find I would have hauled home. Kilz has some great spray paints for metal that come in beautiful colors, just bought some myself to paint an old kitchen cabinet that my MIL was going to throw away.
    Love the scales, we have a set in our family that gets passed around for each new baby. I've taken a photo of each one of my grandchildren in the scales at one month. Enjoy your treasures.

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  17. Jonnelle says…

    Good Monday Morning!
    Love your finds, how fun! Oh my, I have no advice on painting the lockers, but that is going to be incredibly fun in your office - cannot wait to see how it turns out!

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  18. Jenn Biederman says…

    Great finds, Ali!! I also have an old metal library index file to paint...I would suggest you have a local autobody shop paint it for you...that is what I am going to do with mine. They know what they are doing! :)

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  19. Joanna says…

    I just saw a scale like that in blue! Love it!
    Mark just redid some old lockers that we got - he used a gray spray paint primer first (the rustoleum series, to reduce the ocurrence of rust) and then put on 2 coats of shiny red spray paint.

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  20. pam says…

    You are going to love those lockers!!! My son has a set in his room (he is 8, so he has tons of stuff, lol). I left them the original color, they are kind of a beige color. They fit right in with his room. I have always secretly wanted them for my scrap room though, lol!!!! Just kidding, kind of!!! :)

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  21. Elisa Bohm says…

    Wow great find!!
    As for painting, I have used different spray paints on my metal finds and they all seem to work really well.
    I have read that an auto body shop can do an excellent job of sandblasting and repainting metal office furniture.

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  22. alexandra says…

    Fabulous finds, Ali!! I would have loved that outing - totally my thing!
    As for painting... I would imagine that after a good priming (Benjamin Moore's Fresh Start) you could use Benjamin Moore's Aura paint line - it was recommended to my friend for her kitchen cabinetry. It's environmentally friendly (low voc's, low fumes etc. - especially important if you're doing the painting while you're pregnant!!)), re-touchable, and hard wearing from what I understand. And no... I don't work for Benjamin Moore - I just like their stuff!!
    Three cheers for treasure hunting!!

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  23. Linn says…

    Those lockers are going to be great! Good luck with all the rearranging.

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  24. Ann-Marie says…

    Love that sweater! SO Adorable!

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  25. Nadia says…

    sounds like you all had fun looking for treasures and you found lots of unique items. careful with the metal and painting with your little one on the way. have fun and can't wait to see pics! have an awesome monday! ciao!

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