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Coburg Antique Fair

A great group of ladies gathered in the wee dark hours of the morning yesterday to scope out the best finds at the annual Coburg Antique Fair. It was literally still dark when we all met (6am) and started out on our adventure (good thing many of the booths had lamps). This is one of my favorite events of the year - tons of tons of crazy booths with treasures just waiting to be found.

Here we are about 9:30am, as it was starting to get hot, sharing our finds:


I definitely gathered a few things that just had to come home with me:


A yellow baby scale, a small globe with the planets listed on the base, an Oregon Statesman paper tin for Chris' office, a small white cup...


A group of chenille blankets to add some texture to the baby's room, a great little brown sweater for the little one, and my most favorite find of the day:


A bay of lockers that I am going to repaint and use in my new office space. I love this. Thanks Jill for hauling this one home for me. Anyone have any tips for what kind of paint/the best way to paint metal? Edited: just to clarify I am not painting these myself while I am pregnant.

Following an afternoon nap Chris and I took a couple more steps in moving things around in the house. The shelves were unmounted from the wall in his office and moved out into the living room (and remounted). It was a ton of books to move but needed to be done it order for other things to start switching rooms. One step at a time.

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96 thoughts

  1. sarah says…

    great finds! LOVE the lockers and that scale!
    I was there with friends and came home with nothing! can you believe that?! just wasn't my day for treasures I guess!

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  2. stacie says…

    didn't have time to read others notes but i have a great old metal fire safe file cabinet that i re-paint on a regular basis with good old spray paint. nothing excting...i don't even think i used rust-o-leum. takes a few cans but works great. just take time and don't get too close or it will pool and drip. fun stuff!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sue says…

    Awesome the lockers and those soft blankets. What a fun day!

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  4. Nicky Anderson says…

    Love the finds - nothing like those treasures!!! Have fun getting organized.

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  5. Karen says…

    Call a car body paint shop. I've had doors, iron beds, and metal deck chairs all spray painted by these folks. They run pretty cheap, and the product returns looking brand spanking new.

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  6. liz says…

    I will e-mail you. My husband will know how to paint these. That is the sort of thing he has done in the past...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Melissa Williams says…

    DH actually sells these! hehehe.
    He said that the "proper" way to paint them is to send them to be powdercoated, but the cheapest way that still looks good is to lightly sand and use Rustoleum of your choice. :)

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  8. Becky P. says…

    LOVE that Oregon Statesman tin! How cool!
    I have painted a file cabinet before and the easiest way is to use spray paint...

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  9. Jessica says…
    this is a tutorial for a metal door. It would work the same way for other metal things. I heard rustoleum is really expensive...

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  10. tammyt says…

    We had an old bed that we had done with the powder coating and it was so worth it. It looks amazing and I am sure it will last forever. But this is coming from someone that hates painting anything....

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  11. Dawn says…

    i definitely say do the spray paint if you're going the DIY route. It's fast and foolproof- rolling on something slippery like metal can leave smears.
    Good luck!

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  12. Lisa Bracale says…

    Darn you. Those lockers are a total score. I have been scouring for something like this. Good for you can't wait to see the finished product. My father had a garage and painted all kinds of things and he used a sprayer for metal cabinets. I'm not sure if you have to use a special "metal paint" or if any paint will work. Do a quick google.

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  13. erika Stanton says…

    OMG - Those lockers are to DIE FOR!! I can't tell you how to paint them.. but I sure would love to fill them with scrap joy!

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  14. Julie in Houston says…

    I'm so excited to see how you move your craft room! I know it will be so cool. Those lockers are great! I don't know how they open or close, but it would be cool and handy to put little knobs on them.
    What color are you going to paint them?
    Great finds...I'm getting the shopping itch. There's a great antique/thrift place by my house that I've been trying to avoid.

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  15. shelleymay says…

    my bros own a structural steel business. they made some custom railings out of steel for his patio deck - very awesome. he used rustoleum in "hammered" or something of that nature? in the northeast - the paint so far has withstood all the crazy inclement weather. what a STEAL... good find!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Nicky Hurt says…

    I love those markets! I lived in England for 7 years and really really miss not just the markets (which was mostly new stuff), but car boot sales, where everyone just pulled their cars into a field and opened up their boots (trunks) and started selling all of their treasures! Amazing! I sure miss those!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Susan says…

    I know that you all had a great time. My favorite antique show, Round Top Antique Show is coming up here in Texas soon. You have gotten me thinking of all the cool stuff just waiting to be discovered! Glad you had a great day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sara says…

    Years ago I sprayed painted a metal locker with spray paint cans. It worked, but there was some dripping, it took a long time, and my finger was numb for days afterwards. Not sure, but a larger sprayer would probably be better than cans since it is such a large object.

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  19. Holly says…

    Love your 'loot'. Can't wait to see what you're going to use the lockers for. Keep us posted :)

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  20. Lori S says…

    Ohhhh super fun! And guess what?? I got lockers too! But I am using mine in the mudroom for the kids' school bags, winter boots, lunch boxes, etc. so I am not painting them because I think they look a bit charming. There is a metal paint by Krylon you could check into, though. Have fun!

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  21. Charin :) says…

    Super great finds!! :)

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  22. Charmayne says…

    I love rustoleum spray paints-they work great and they have fabulous colors to choose from.

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  23. Lori Hudson says…

    So Ali - do the blue blankets mean we are looking forward to a baby boy?????

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  24. Brenda Eien says…

    That fair is sooo fun! I grew up in Coburg and your pictures make me homesick :(
    Glad you got some great stuff!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Tracie says…

    Hi Ali,
    I'm not sure if you go thru all your emails, but I wanted to share with you a couple of things. I love your blog. Thank you for your daily inspiration.

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