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Coburg Antique Fair

A great group of ladies gathered in the wee dark hours of the morning yesterday to scope out the best finds at the annual Coburg Antique Fair. It was literally still dark when we all met (6am) and started out on our adventure (good thing many of the booths had lamps). This is one of my favorite events of the year - tons of tons of crazy booths with treasures just waiting to be found.

Here we are about 9:30am, as it was starting to get hot, sharing our finds:


I definitely gathered a few things that just had to come home with me:


A yellow baby scale, a small globe with the planets listed on the base, an Oregon Statesman paper tin for Chris' office, a small white cup...


A group of chenille blankets to add some texture to the baby's room, a great little brown sweater for the little one, and my most favorite find of the day:


A bay of lockers that I am going to repaint and use in my new office space. I love this. Thanks Jill for hauling this one home for me. Anyone have any tips for what kind of paint/the best way to paint metal? Edited: just to clarify I am not painting these myself while I am pregnant.

Following an afternoon nap Chris and I took a couple more steps in moving things around in the house. The shelves were unmounted from the wall in his office and moved out into the living room (and remounted). It was a ton of books to move but needed to be done it order for other things to start switching rooms. One step at a time.

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96 thoughts

  1. Carol says…

    What a fabulous find the old locker is. Do you get White Knight products over there? They certainly have paint to paint tiles so I'm thinking they'll have something to paint metal.

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  2. Benita says…

    Yay for the lockers!!!

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  3. Tanya says…

    I am LOVING your locker find, I didn't read through all the comments so this may have been said before but I think if it were me I'd take it to a local car paint and repair shop and let them spray it with car paint ... and there's oodle of colors to choose from. Let us know how you make out.

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  4. Casey says…

    My husband used to own his own furniture design and prototyping business, and I can tell you that powder coating is the way to go. The other methods will scratch. It's been a few years, but I don't recall that it was that expensive. He used to have it done all of the time on his metal pieces. It is also what Martha did with her metal furniture, and it comes out flawless.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Sasha says…

    WOW, what a score on all your goods! woo hoo! The Oregon Statesman paperbox? FANTASTIC!!! and how apropriate, huh? haha! I LOVE the Coburg Antique Fair. Unfortunately it's been a while, but looks like you had a great time.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Melissa says…

    try this link for painting the lockers:
    This is one of the companies I used in MA to repaint a TON of file cabinets in one of the office renovation I did. They do a process called Electrostatic Painting. They came out awesome. Maybe they could refer you to someone in your area.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Liz Oram says…

    Whatever you do with the lockers-the best way to start prior to painting is to give them a really good power wash. Good luck! Oh and I love the baby scale! Congrats on your new little one!

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  8. Angela Mahalak says…

    I love the finds you got. I was there too, but a little later in the morning. Funny how all the great things were already gone. That just means I need to get up earlier next year when it comes around! A few years ago, I found this great paint for metal at Michael's. Don't remember the name of it. Good luck in all your moving around and renovations!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Mandi says…

    hey! there is a tutorial at
    you'll just need to scroll down to January 10 post. she painted a filing cabinet.

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  10. Lucie York says…

    Not the cheapest way, I'm sure, but certainly safe; take it to an auto paint
    shop. Pick your color and pick it up when
    dry. Great finish that will last for a really long time and can be cleaned easily.

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  11. mary nacey says…

    I got a bank of lockers like this when my office was trying to get it into the dumpster, in other words, FREE. I had it painted pale pink at an auto painting store, there were not any choices of pink other than my admittedly sort of flesh tone pink but I love it. It was $250.00 to have it professionally painted, not including the inside of the lockers. Mary

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  12. Suzie says…

    I agree with going to a body shop and getting the lockers done. I know it's not as cost affective as DIY, but it will last longer and you will enjoy it more, and it won't scratch when the baby runs into it with it's walker. I love the brown sweater and the touchy-feely baby blankets (you're so tactile too). Enjoy!

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  13. Erin R. says…

    Awesome finds, makes me jealous that we don't have that super cool antique fair here. Love, love, love the lockers, scale and sweater. As far as paint, I agree on the rustoleum spray paint, it has always worked great for me. I can't wait to see the finished product. I'm so excited for you and your family.

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  14. paolo says…

    Oh man, Sad I missed the coburg fun this year... Definitely in for next year though! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Libby says…

    First let me say what great finds! I love everything you found and am jealous that I don't live closer to be able to go to the fair too.
    As far as painting the lockers, I think a lot of people mentioned an auto body shop. I think that is an excellent idea. And, in the end, would probably be about the same cost as doing it yourself (when you consider how many cans of paint and how much time it would take).
    And I don't know about where you live, but there is a service available near me where they can repaint bathroom tile and tubs. I mention it because I think it is the same technology/paint as repainting a car. But the benefit is that these people have the equipment to come to your home and repaint something there. Also, it might be cheaper than an auto body place because they are used to doing things other than cars. I could be wrong, but it might be worth looking into.
    Good luck! And even if they stay grey they are still WICKED cool. :)

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  16. Artful Yogi, Loretta says…

    Those lockers are so cool. They remind me of pool lockers during the summer. I recently purchsed a pool locker bin for my art area. I recently spray painted an old record holder for my 12 x 12 papers and stuff. Havng this professionally painted may be they way to go--unless you are fond of the chipped look. So cool.

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  17. Cindy says…

    Definetly Rust-oleum. But make sure you get the "Universal" one. It works on everything and comes in a variety of colors and finishes. By the way, what a great find!!

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  18. naomi says…

    Auto Body Shop. That's what a magazine article I was reading said about metal furniture and getting the best finish. I'm no on the hunt for a metal desk to have painted. Good luck!

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  19. Deborah says…

    Call an auto body shop. They can sandblast your lockers, prime and then paint them any way you want (customized decorations and all). It's actually not as expensive as you might think, and the end result is fabulous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Deborah says…

    Call an auto body shop. They can sandblast your lockers, prime and then paint them any way you want (customized decorations and all). It's actually not as expensive as you might think, and the end result is fabulous!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Deborah says…

    Call an auto body shop. They can sandblast your lockers, prime and then paint them any way you want (customized decorations and all). It's actually not as expensive as you might think, and the end result is fabulous!

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