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New Perspectives In The Same Environment

A couple weeks ago, as I went about living my life, I was taking photos like I usually do when I saw something so crazy cool through the lens of my camera. 

I was outside in the front yard while the girls were riding bikes and I decided to lay down in the grass. I don't usually lay in the grass in the front yard but the cats were out there too and Sam was being especially playful. I had my phone with me because I had taken a photo of Aaron working on Audrey's bike and as I was laying in the grass looking up at the sky I turned over to take a shot of one of the cats in the grass and I saw a completely different view of my house than I ever had before - looking up at it from the ground. Most of the times the photos I've taken of the front of my house have been from the street - looking at it straight on. 

This was one of those ah-ha moments for me about seeing things "fresh" with the same eyes. And all it took was putting my body in a different position and aiming my lens.

It was like getting an unexpected gift from a dear friend and it was such a good reminder that we can choose to see the same old, same old stuff of our lives through fresh eyes by simply changing our perspective.  

Overall I feel like I am taking less photos than I used to (at least I think this is true - no scientific data to back up that claim) but I definitely still take them and I take them with what often feels like intention. That intention is often to support a story I would like to tell at some point - to capture a feeling, to capture a little story about myself or one of the awesome people that share this house with me, to remember a moment in time, to document a chapter. I'm pretty sure I will always love seeing life through the lens of my cameras but, as with most things in life, there is an ebb and a flow to interest, motivation, etc and I'm totally fine with that. 

With the a-ha moment of new perspectives in my same house in mind, the next morning I walked into Anna's room where she was sitting at her table (table and outline stools from Land Of Nod - those stools are on super sale) watching YouTube videos before school and learning how to draw some characters. I started off by taking a shot like I would normally do - generally standing in the doorway at my regular height and looking down on the scene. 

Things I like about this photo: 

  • I like that it shows the stuff of life - the way the girls are interacting in their room, the baskets, the drawings, the clothes on the floor, how she's sitting on her stool, etc.  

Things I don't like about this photo: 

  • One of the main reaons I wanted to capture this story was because Anna was using the iPad to learn to draw. In this angle you can't even see that she's looking at an iPad. 

To mix things up for a new perspective - and to capture more of the story I wanted to tell on this occasion - I got closer to Anna and I crouched down on the ground to be closer to the level of the table and took a shot straight-on. 

When I looked at this shot through my camera lens (just my iPhone) I was blown away by the windows. Just getting down to this level and shooting straight on gave a totally different look and feel to the moment. 

I love that I can still see the stuff of life (you can't see as much stuff on the floor but that's not what this story was really about) and as a viewer you can see that she's looking on the iPad. I also love how she's holding her hand. 

Finally, to tell an even more complete story through the lens of my camera I tried one more perspective - a "looking down" angle that showed what she was actually drawing on her table. I love how her artwork is framed by the pens at the top, the iPad to the right, and her body along the bottom and left corner/edge. 

So loved this reminder to myself to look for new perspectives on some of the same stories I've been telling for awhile. 

Nothing has changed except me seeing my current environment from a new perspective. And that might just have the power to change everything. 

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19 thoughts

  1. breski says…

    Love this! A great reminder to change it up and see the view from different angles. Ali your house looks beautiful!

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  2. mtercha says…

    This is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your perspective, and these different perspectives. This is the stuff of life. And I'm also reminded to say thank you, since discovering you a few years ago, you've taught me lots about memory keeping, but mostly to harness the feeling behind it. I hope that makes sense. :) Michelle t

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. mamacreates says…

    Brilliant! Reminds me of when my daughter was little, & if ever I couldn't find anything.... One of her toys, etc.... All I had to do to find it was to get down on her level :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. hgauvin says…

    Maybe a new perspective is all I need to push me to take different shots of what I'm doing at work tomorrow. I'm glad I stopped by before embarking on DITL. I'm excited for tomorrow. Thanks Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. patowle says…

    Those windows though! *swoon*

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. SharonPick says…

    Love the new perspective

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. loripsm121 says…

    Ali, do you have the info on the other chairs at Anna's table? The blonde wood with white seat and white back? I didn't see them at land of nod or pottery barn kids.

    Reply 2 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Those other chairs are part of another set with a round table that we used to have. I believe those were from Target. Quite awhile ago if I remember correctly.

    2. loripsm121 says…

      Rats. Thought with those wide legs they would "slide". I REALLY liked the outline stools because with that bottom they would slide on carpet under the table and out of the way. Hubby didn't care for that style. Blah. At least we have time before the "great move" of taking the train/activity table upstairs and bunking the boys together.

  8. kislanykim says…

    Love this. What a wonderful lesson you've brought today!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. busywoman139 says…

    I'd love to hear what YouTube videos Anna likes so I can share with my daughter :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Bookworm says…

    Thanks for such great examples of how to change up our photography to tell the story in different ways. The last photo told us so much more about what the story was about than the other two.

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  11. KelliCres says…

    Ali, I love this post!! I love your excitement about seeing things from a new perspective and I feel inspired to do the same. The best thing to me about taking photos is what I learn when I take them - and what I learn is not usually about the camera but about myself and life.
    It reminds me that seeing things from a new perspective translates not just to my photos, but to my everyday life.

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  12. Mameygirl says…

    Would love to see a home tour or craft room tour. Luv this Ali! Thanks for always inspiring us!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Jeannew says…

    Love this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. inkyshark says…

    Love this... so true in every way. I'd love to be brave enough to try it in public like kneeling on the pavement to get a shot of feet on the way to work etc. Taking different perspective shots in your own environment truly does open your eyes to your world. I shall try to be more aware of this in future. Thank you for the reminder Ali.

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  15. katie1980 says…

    I take photos from way different angles than I used to, Ali, and it is all thanks to you! I will often take shots along floor level of my kids when they are playing and drawing, and these are some of my favourite shots! I never would have taken them before you showed me how.
    I also get above them to capture their activities, and try to get a bit of variety into my photos.
    I love that you are re-learning this, and that you share all your ideas and breakthroughs with us. Thank you for reinvigorating my photographs and my enjoyment of them. They tell a story a whole lot better when they are captured with intention :)
    {{hugs}} Love that girl, too! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. shannon80 says…

    Thanks for sharing this - such an important thing to consider, especially if we feel like our lives are the same and we are taking the same type of photo each week for Project Life

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. tinka323 says…

    Somehow I missed this post! of the things I most love about taking pictures is holding my camera or iPhone at different angles. Even just turning the phone upside down so the lens is at the bottom can result in some pretty cool shots. It’s also fun to see what I capture by holding the camera or phone down at my side and just snap as I’m walking along.

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