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Story Camp 2017 | Bring On The Connections + Next Date Announcement

A couple weekends ago Katie and I held our first Story Camp event here in Eugene, Oregon. 

We welcomed 30 attendees, 9 Creative Team members and 1 local friend (love you Amy) for a community building experience rooted in honoring our stories. 

It was so, so great. 

We talked a lot about practice (both in the way we view our stories and in the projects we create) and a lot about making things less "precious." We talked about loosening up our memory keeping expectations and embracing simple formulas to help us get more stories told and take a whole lot of guess work out of the entire process. We tangibly "practiced" telling our stories using a variety of products and sharing stories around the tables with new friends. 

On one of my Instagram posts Katie called it a “game changer of a weekend” and I can’t even articulate/express to you all the ways that is true. 

My One Little Word® this year is connect and that was one of the core reasons I wanted to do this event. What I learned - or was reaffirmed or became wholeheartedly obvious over the course of the weekend conversations - was that many others are really looking to connect with an in-person community of memory keepers who value story.  

There is so much magic in gathering together. I’ve known that to be true but sometimes I forget. I'm thankful to Katie for pushing to make this happen and for supporting me with all the planning and organizing of the entire event. 

For years now I’ve been honing in on what’s most important to me in this memory keeping lifestyle. My own voice has been becoming stronger as my mission has become more clear - to empower people to own and value their own life stories and to create tangible records/projects of those that reaffirm those messages to them in their own lives (“scared is what I’m feeling/brave is what I’m doing”).  

On Saturday evening as the group buzzed with conversation and projects and drinks I looked around the room and took a deep breath of thanksgiving - for this whole entire adventure of my life. Seeing people actively connecting with new friends who share a common interest was the most awesome thing to witness. 

This group. Love these new friends who asked questions and shared stories and listened and were open to hearing whatever it was they were there to hear. 

Katie and I loved being able to invite and include any of our Creative Team who were able to make it in this event. They are all brave storytellers. In the photo above is Katie, BrandiSarahPamIngunnJenJennyKellyLaura, me and Jess. So thankful for the ways in which my entire team shows up to tell their stories month after month. 

Getting to connect with them in person was a very real gift to both Katie and me. It was emotional for all of us and we missed those who were unable to attend. 

The Story Camp crew. Peter (Katie's husband), Paolo (who's been my friend for more than half of my life), and Christine (our awesome Marketing Specialist who works for Inked and totally gets us). Gratitude to this crew goes beyond words. 

Christine put together this video that gives you a glimpse of what our time together looked like: 

You can also read Kelly's post about her experience here

The verdict is that we will be doing this again. It was totally worth it. Read below for details about the next event: 


We loved our first Story Camp go-around so much we have decided to do it again this fall at the same location. We are also planning to offer this event again next year so if you are unable to register for this event there will be more chances in 2018. At this time we do not plan to offer these workshops online nor will we be taking this event on the road.

We learned quite a few things during our first experience and because of that we are making a few changes to adjust the overall flow of the event and adjusting the price. Here are the two main changes: 

  • We are adding another day - the event will start on Thursday evening vs. Friday evening and end on Saturday evening. This gives more focused time for the journaling workshop (moved to Friday morning) when people aren't tired from traveling. 
  • We are adding another workshop. When reflecting back over the content of the workshops for the weekend one of the things I personally felt was missing was an opportunity to talk as a group about photography and the huge role that plays in our memory keeping processes. Adding this workshop will allow dedicated time to dive into this topic as well as potentially doing a photo walk around the area (weather dependent). 

Our October event will be open to 35 people. You can read all the details on the main Story Camp information page here

This event sold out very fast the first time and we anticipate that it will go fast again. We suggest making sure your current payment option is up-to-date for your account here on my site. If you are wanting to attend with a friend we recommend that one person purchase both spots. 

Registration for the next event will be on Tuesday, June 27th at 10am Pacific. Link will not be live until registration opens.

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20 thoughts

  1. robyn_karsten says…

    Amazing experience! Thank you Ali and Katie for dreaming this up and Peter for making such personalized and awesome gifts. It was a surreal experience and I came home energized to tell more stories and to tell those stories with more heart. Would love to come back next year!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. SuzMannecke says…

    Such an awesome event for those who were able to attend! Looking forward to seeing the projects shared on social media and here on your site Ali!
    FYI: **Registration date is incorrect here on blog post (October 27th, 2017) but correct when you click the link. Just thought you'd want to know ASAP. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. kellyish says…

    it was truly a magical, life-changing experience for me in every way. thank you for sharing your hometown and your passion for memory keeping and storytelling. xoxo

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      So glad you were able to be there :).

  4. judyg says…

    The video made me cry. Thank you so much for the incredible experience. It isn't overstating to say Story Camp changed my life. Instead of hoarding, I'm now creating.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I super love reading that Judy :).

  5. Adrienne_Bartle says…

    Looking forward to 2018, even if you aren't planning on taking it on the road. Just added it to my bucket list!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. minkaclark says…

      Me too. I would come from Australia if I could get in. Hopefully in May 2018.

    2. minkaclark says…

      PS I really want to know more about the brave male participant. What a dude for embracing storytelling amongst a sea of women. Brave and Bravo!

    3. Farrbo says…

      @minkaclark - that was me! I have to tell you, I've never felt more included in my life. was so much fun to see what everyone was working on and to chat with all of the participants. I made so many wonderful friends (and memories) that weekend! :-)

  6. estamm says…

    That just gave me all the feels all over again! Thank you so much again for putting on this event!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. jgoldfinch says…

    So glad to see the video and feel the "heart" of this group and their purpose. It made me cry, in a good way.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. alishastar1234 says…

    As a Eugene local and a twenty-something scrapbooker with no scrappy friends in town, I was so crushed when I read about your camp just a little too late to get a spot. I'm so glad you're holding another one!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Amygretchen says…

    Love hearing that you are doing another one so soon and plans for 2018 ? -- I'd love to go and can't make October work. Love that you are adding another day, and photography is an awesome addition!

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Farrbo says…

    Story Camp truly was a life-changing experience for me. After memory-keeping for 16+years, I walked away with a newfound sense of freedom and excitement about telling my story. Learning the new techniques and using products I've never used before were also pretty darn cool! I wrote on a photo with an ink pen - AND IT WAS AMAZING!!! Ali and Katie were simply two of the most wonderful, charming, and gracious people I've ever met (the support crew was pretty fabulous, too). Looking forward to the October 2017 Story Camp, and hoping I'm lucky enough to get a seat!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. shannon80 says…

    Would you please consider a longer length of time for us internationals to plan and come and visit for a story camp.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. StudioM says…

    No wonder why I missed this update my daughter was getting married!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. StudioM says…

    ISO: In search for one spot if anyone needs to cancel.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Nelianunes says…

    Oh my gosh, this looks downright amazing. For future reference, if the planning for these events gets a little overwhelming, I plan events and I would love to work with you. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. tinka323 says…


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