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Join In : A Week In The Life


[ from 2005 ]

From 2005 through 2007 I taught a class at Creating Keepsakes University called A Week In The Life (the project is also highlighted in my book Life Artist). These were album classes that focus on documenting everyday details over the course of seven consecutive days. The albums themselves are definitely up there on my list of favorites.

Even though I am not teaching the class any more I want to do the project again.

Things in my life are much different right now than they were a year ago. I want to make sure I capture some of those little things - the way things look in our house, how I am feeling, our growing family (and the last few months of life as just 3), what Simon is up to, etc.

Consider yourself invited to play along. Next week will be content gathering week. From Monday through Sunday I will be using my camera and gathering "bits of life" to add to my album. The following week I will be putting the album together using supplies I have on hand.

Look for more details to come tomorrow including the categories I will be using and a list of photos to consider as you go through the week.


I also wanted to take a minute today and welcome my newest sponsors: Clickin Moms, A Million Memories, Stampin With Steph (Stampin Up), and

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor send me an email for more information.


A complete list of posts related to the week in the life project can be found here.

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108 thoughts

  1. Kristi says…

    Hi Ali - Thanks for doing this. The album I made in your CKU track is one of the greatest things I have ever done. I love the idea of doing it again, now. And having the two to compare. You are amazing.

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  2. Jessica C says…

    That's so funny! I just posted on my blog yesterday about my Week in the Life project from CKU-Orlando last year.
    Consider me on board!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Amber Osburn says…

    You have no idea how excited I was to read that you are going to do this 'class' with us online. I can't wait to play along and start taking photos next week.
    Amber Osburn

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  4. Ana F. says…

    This project is on my to-do list since I read your book. I'm in!

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  5. Laura T. says…

    Sounds like fun - I'll have my camera ready on Monday.

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  6. JoyceMarie Miller says…

    I can't tell you how excited I am that you are doingt this. I will turn 50 on Saturday the 4th and this was one thing I wanted to do during this week, pay attention and record the details of my life. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Carol Zeitz says…

    Okay, I'm in. I'm scared but I'm in. Every time I try to do something like this, I don't finish, so I will try my best. I will be vigilant. I will get it done. Thanks for wanting to do this and for sharing it on your blog. You truly are inspiring to so many of us.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Nichole says…

    My 2006 Week In The Life album is still my fave album I've ever done. I've been wanting to do another one, so this is just the nudge I need. Thanks, Ali!

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  9. Tiffany K says…

    I do A Week In The Life the same week every year - for the past 3 years. I do very little other scrapping, so it's a real treasure. I always include a gas receipt, which has already resulted in "remember the good old days?" I choose the week ending in Mother's Day so I never forget to do it. Thanks for the awesome inspiration Ali!

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  10. Bree says…

    Count me in :-)

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  11. Becky P. says…

    This sounds great--I have been wanting to do this ever since I read about in your Life Artist book...I am excited!

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  12. EmmaJ says…

    Ali this is awesome! I have always wanted to take a class from you. Thanks!

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  13. Krystyn says…

    I'm going to try to participate - my life is WAY different than it was last year...I have a 7 month old now!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jenny says…

    I am soooooo super excited that you are doing this! I can't wait!!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. MARILYN NIMMO says…

    So looking forward to it! YEAH!

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  16. Michelle says…

    Thanks, Ali. I took your class at CKU Detroit and had a great time. I'm ready to document again and will take you up on your challenge! rock!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. mary says…

    oh yeah! this is just the inspiration push I need right now - thank you, Ali! (and I 2nd Dana's question - any new DD for this? I'm very much a "hybrid" fan and love your overlays and brushes!)

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  18. Mary Yvonne says…

    I can't wait. I've wanted to do this project for some time so it will be nice to have support as I go!

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  19. Caryl Hope says…

    This will definite be a FUN project! Thanks Ali, you always come up with such cool stuff. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Amy N. says…

    oh i'm so looking forward to this. i've been wanting to do it since i'd seen you post about doing it at CKU. it will be a crazy week for me to try it, but i'm going to do it. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. *Cammy* says…

    So cool! I'm in!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Cel C. says…

    This will be my first time to do this project and I am so excited!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Elisa says…

    I am so excited be be invited to join this "class." I don't have the "financial backing" to allow me to go to CKU, so it will be fun to be able to do this project with you. Thank you for your inspiration.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Andrea says…

    I loved taking your CKU class and much has changed since this time last year and the year before when I did the class. Thank YOU!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Marta says…

    How fun! I am sooo going to play next week!

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