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Join In : A Week In The Life


[ from 2005 ]

From 2005 through 2007 I taught a class at Creating Keepsakes University called A Week In The Life (the project is also highlighted in my book Life Artist). These were album classes that focus on documenting everyday details over the course of seven consecutive days. The albums themselves are definitely up there on my list of favorites.

Even though I am not teaching the class any more I want to do the project again.

Things in my life are much different right now than they were a year ago. I want to make sure I capture some of those little things - the way things look in our house, how I am feeling, our growing family (and the last few months of life as just 3), what Simon is up to, etc.

Consider yourself invited to play along. Next week will be content gathering week. From Monday through Sunday I will be using my camera and gathering "bits of life" to add to my album. The following week I will be putting the album together using supplies I have on hand.

Look for more details to come tomorrow including the categories I will be using and a list of photos to consider as you go through the week.


I also wanted to take a minute today and welcome my newest sponsors: Clickin Moms, A Million Memories, Stampin With Steph (Stampin Up), and

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor send me an email for more information.


A complete list of posts related to the week in the life project can be found here.

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108 thoughts

  1. Michele says…

    Ali -
    I took your class in 07 and I'm using the concept for a photo journal I'm starting called "45 days till 50." ....which will chronicle the 45 days leading up to my 50th b-day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Jennifer says…

    WOO HOO!!! I love my album that I created last year at CKU and look forward to doing it again next week with you.
    IDEA: What about creating a Flikr group where we can all post the photos we are taking each day?
    BOOK: Your newest book Sharing Your Story minibook just arrived in yesterdays mail and I stayed up half the night delighing in all the projects. Thank you so much for the inspiration are the best!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Cara says…

    Ali - this is just the motivation I need to pick up the camera and use all that great supplies I just had to have but haven't done anything with. I had always wanted to take this class but life prevented me from making it to CKU. I will definitely be joining you on this journey. Thanks for the heads-up!

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  4. Dana says…

    sounds fun!

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  5. Chris says…

    So excited. Thanks for sharing!

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  6. Karlynn says…

    Love it Ali!! i am soooo in...this is something that I've wanted to do since your class (That I never got to take) so I am soooo excited!!! (just about done my christmas album) your inspiration is AWESOME for my soul!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. christen says…

    i'm so excited!

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  8. alexandra says…

    Thanks, Ali - I think this is just what I need to get going!!

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  9. vanessa says…

    Love this idea can't wait to get started!

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  10. Aia says…

    yea, i'm so excited to try this out! thx for the awesome inspiration!

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  11. Tina J. says…

    I am definitely doing this again! Our lives have changed so much since I had the pleasure of making this album! I can't wait to get started, Ali!!!
    Tina J.

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  12. Steph P says…

    I am so excited you are doing this. I have been wanting to do this for so long. I saw it in LIfe artist and have been looking for more info since then. Thanks so much for this opportunity.
    Stephanie P

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Mary Jo says…

    I always wanted to take that class but never made it to CKU :0)
    I am also starting Cathy Z.'s design class next week, so that may be a lot going scrapwise. But I think it will be worth it!

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  14. Carole Hepburn says…

    I am in - I took your album class last year and it will be great to see the changes in our lives .... great idea ! Gets me thinking and using supplies I have on hand.

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  15. Dana says…

    This sounds like fun. I can't wait to start! Thanks for being such an inspiration and sharing your ideas.

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  16. Joy Buss says…

    Count me in! I love to document my family's life. It changes so often that it helps me remember how it was and also how much progress we make from year to year! (It's also proof of how much I do even when I feel like I get nothing done!!!) Thanks for the invite Ali...I'll be there!

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  17. Dana says…

    I forgot to add, any plans for adding new product to DD for this project? I love your stuff and own almost everything!

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  18. Karen says…

    yay!!! i so wanted to take this class with you but was not able to attend where you were teaching it. i am definitely playing along!

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  19. noell says…

    Yes! I'm so glad you're doing this. I didn't take this class, but I've always thought it was a very intimate and wonderful idea and have meant to do it on my own. I'm so glad to do it along with you instead. The timing is great for me, too, because next week I will transitioning into a new kind of life: my husband gave his 2-week notice last week so that he and I can run Izzy Video and Paperclipping full-time. It will be perfect for me to document next week.
    Also wanted to say congratulations on the publicity in the NYT article. I know some, like Nancy, read it as a slam, but I definitely did not--and I noted others didn't take it that way as well. I think he portrayed you as a patron of going back to the basics of sharing a part of your self and your world in scrapbooking--and you definitely brought that back to me.
    He identified the struggle many of us experience with wanting be creative for creativity's sake, for really wanting to leave a part of ourselves, while we also try to have a place in the industry. It's a real struggle; nothing wrong with stating it. Anyway, good job on that, and congrats on the new sponsors, as well!

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  20. Lauren says…

    I'm in! Had just decided yesterday that I was going to do this project again starting on Saturday or Sunday. (I took your class at CKU in Dearborn MI in '07) Cool coincidence! I'm now going to start on Monday and work along with you. Can hardly wait!!

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  21. Lisa says…

    Sadly, I've never made a LO or album about a day in my life. I've considered it, esp. since my life has changed so much over the past few years. I am really looking forward to doing this with you. Maybe I'll even be motivated to go back and make one of past years?!
    Thanks for the inspiration.

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  22. Gillian Greding says…

    This sounds FANTASTIC! So fun!!!

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  23. Betsy says…

    shazam! This project is on my list of "to-do" layouts, and I just have not picked a week to buckle down and do it....looks like next week will work! It will be great to get a few prompts on here each day for the project. Thanks, Ali!

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  24. Tif says…

    I can't wait!!!

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  25. sara says…

    How fun... just going through the week with the mindset of noticing the little things is a fun change.

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