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Join In : A Week In The Life


[ from 2005 ]

From 2005 through 2007 I taught a class at Creating Keepsakes University called A Week In The Life (the project is also highlighted in my book Life Artist). These were album classes that focus on documenting everyday details over the course of seven consecutive days. The albums themselves are definitely up there on my list of favorites.

Even though I am not teaching the class any more I want to do the project again.

Things in my life are much different right now than they were a year ago. I want to make sure I capture some of those little things - the way things look in our house, how I am feeling, our growing family (and the last few months of life as just 3), what Simon is up to, etc.

Consider yourself invited to play along. Next week will be content gathering week. From Monday through Sunday I will be using my camera and gathering "bits of life" to add to my album. The following week I will be putting the album together using supplies I have on hand.

Look for more details to come tomorrow including the categories I will be using and a list of photos to consider as you go through the week.


I also wanted to take a minute today and welcome my newest sponsors: Clickin Moms, A Million Memories, Stampin With Steph (Stampin Up), and

If you are interested in becoming a sponsor send me an email for more information.


A complete list of posts related to the week in the life project can be found here.

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108 thoughts

  1. Cindy Welch says…

    Thats a challange if I ever heard one. Game ON

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Diana says…

    Here we go....great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sandy says…

    Sounds like the timing of your idea works for me. I hope I can keep up! Thank you Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. Michelle in Colorado says…

    I'm going to try to hop in the bandwagon and not fall off! =) Any fun TIPS or IDEAS from people about things to photograph on content-gathering week I would love to hear.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Jac says…

    this is great! i'm IN! ready to play.
    always thought it was a bit overwhelming to embark of this project because i always felt that i do not know how or where to start a week in life.
    now that you will be guiding us through and doing it together that will be so awesome.. can't wait... thank you so much for inspiring me!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Karen says…

    Great project, Ali! Thanks for the invite, I think I just might come out and play...

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. heidi y says…

    I'm looking forward to it!!

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  8. Karen Geckler says…

    I took this class with you in 2006 (pretty sure that's when!) and loved, loved, loved it. Taking the pics through the week were so much fun. I love my album and look forward to doing another week. I am proud to say I have your autograph on my front calendar page. This is a real treat to anyone who has not had the great fortune to take the class in person!
    Karen Geckler

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  9. kimberq says…

    I am gonna do it!!Woo hoo!!Can't wait to see how it turns out

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Jennifer L. says…

    Thank you for doing this again, Ali. I took your Week In The Life in Anaheim 2007 and Evolution 2008 in Provo, but the Week album is my favorite of every album I have made! I hope you are feeling well!
    Jennifer LoSchiavo :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Nora says…

    This is really a great idea, I think I'm gonna try to play along:)

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  12. Cathy says…

    This sounds like such fun... I think I'd better do it.

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  13. Jeff says…

    I was writing down a list of layouts / projects I wanted to make only the other night and this project was one of them! Great timing - I'm with you on this!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jo says…

    I wrote the above comment and didn't realise that my husband's name was in the typekey field. He will not be making the project, but he will definitely feature in it!

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  15. cindy k says…

    i read about you on shutters sisters. we just picked up a notebook from muji that has about eight small rectangles per page and we're trying to fill them with things from the week - receipts, movie stubs, pics, magazine clippings, etc. next week, i'll use pics only like you're doing. sounds like fun.

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  16. Katie Squires says…

    How incredibly awesome of you to share this with us all :) Thank-you :)

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  17. abbey says…

    I found ou on shutter sisters! I love this project idea... can't wait to pass your blog link on to friends!
    THanks for inspiring!

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  18. reenie says…

    I'm in! and I have recruited some friends over at Danelle Johnson's to join in as well. Thanks for the invite, I'm looking forward to working on this project.

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  19. Linda J says…

    Oh yeah! I will so do this! Just have to remember to bring my camera!

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  20. Sue says…

    Cool! I am pumped!

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  21. Caitlin says…

    I just wanted to share something for those that might think their life is too boring to document. I took your class at CKU just a couple of months after I met my husband. We had just been dating for two months at the time that I did my week, but there are some bits of him and the beginnings of our relationship in there! It is really fantastic to have that piece of our story documented and at that time, I thought my life was really boring and struggled with what to put in there! Now I am really glad I have it!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Maggie says…

    Cool! I'm sort of doing this by month for my own simple "everyday" keep me more present in my scrapbooking. I just got 18 pages done in two days...loving the simplicity.
    Here's sort of my easy method I'm using:

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Hotomom says…

    Can't wait Ali, I am starting my picture taking today. Yeah!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Sarah says…

    I've been wanting to create a layout about "a day in the life of me" and this project is so inspiring, thank you! Can't wait to participate!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Carol says…

    I want to do it too!!! ANd I have the feeling is one of those things that will become an habit throughout the following years.. So nice the invitation came on a morning I really needed it...

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