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And the Giving Well Workshop goes to...

workshop sounds like so much fun! I love to make crafts and other
homemade goodies, but I just never seem to find the time to do all the
things I want. I'd love to take this class and get some new ideas.

Posted by:
Stephanie E. |
Wednesday, 01 October 2008 at 10:57 AM


Thanks for all the comments. I have not
started anything for the holidays yet but I have been jotting down
ideas and starting to gather up holiday craft supplies as I come across
them here in my office.

Stephanie - email me and I will give you more information.

Look for another post later this evening with a Week In The Life project update (photos + words from today).

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7 thoughts

  1. Andrea Ayala says…

    My 2008 goal was to try new techniques and not be afraid of trying classes to learn more in broading myself in the scrapbooking world. This course sounds fantastic and something I could definitely enjoy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Nicky Anderson says…

    Congrats Stephanie - enjoy - think it would be a fun class. New ideas are always good.
    Looking forward to the next post.
    Have a good night

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Julie Howard says…

    Congrats Stephanie
    Ali, I am loving the shelf you have on the wall with the paints and things... where did you find it??

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. dena says…

    Hi Ali
    Still taking my pictures and trying desperately to jot down words....HELP...not so sure about what of the gathering "stuff"...other than 7 days of starbucks receipts. After dropping off the kids to school, picking up my morning java and then being at work the whole day...not much stuff to gather...any suggestions.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. bloomingayls says…

    Coming late to the party. . .I wanted to say thank you for my simple word. Generally, I'd put the whole notion of a word to live by with New Years resolutions, but this is working. I have been thinking about holiday gifts; I'm excited, I've signed up for classes to try new things and for the first time in a long time I don't feel overwhelmed - I'm enthused.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Jana D says…

    Congrats Steph. Maybe I will see you in class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. kayellen says…

    Just found your blog via flicker:)
    Lovely photo stream of your family.
    Nice to meet you,

    Reply 0 Replies

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