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Week in the Life : Tuesday Photos + Words (and a workshop giveaway)

Just a note that Stacy Julian organized a really cool project encouraging everyone to give ourselves the gift of the present moment. This is precisely what we are doing with this week in the life journey. Check out her blog today.


From Tuesday:

week in the life : tuesday morning by you.

week in the life : tuesday morning before school by you.

week in the life : morning work by you.

week in the life : chris at work by you.

week in the life : driving to the farmer's market by you.

week in the life : farmer's market by you.

week in the life : capturing me by you.

week in the life : coming home by you.

week in the life : hello darth by you.

week in the life : pumpkins on the porch by you.

week in the life : simon's day by you.

week in the life : farmer's market bounty by you.

week in the life : fresh flowers by you.

week in the life : simon + chris fixing tostadas by you.

week in the life : german apple cake by you.

week in the life : reading homework by you.

Went with the simple list idea again - not as detailed as day one, but still much more than I would ever do without this project.

1. Super happy Simon wake-up this morning. He came into our room around 2am. I stayed for a bit and then went to his bed (which happens to be a bit more comfortable because of a firmer mattress). He joined me at about 5:45am just before the alarm went off at 6am.
2. Breakfast routine same as Monday: bagel + cream cheese for Simon, cereal for Chris, and me, I have to wait a bit for my thyroid medication. I usually eat after Simon leaves for school.
3. Every morning that Simon is cheerful I am so very thankful.
4. Working on a project for Australian Creating Keepsakes.
5. Listening to OPB.
6. Head out to the Farmer’s Market. Pick up spinach, carrots, celery, red onion, raspberries, and flowers. Grab a toasted bagel from Bagel Sphere.
7. Ship package to Australia.
8. Look up some recipes at Do a bit of meal planning for the week.
9. Text Chris to pick up a couple things at the grocery store.
10. Make German Apple Cake + eat hummus and pita chips for lunch.
11. Clean up kitchen.
12. Move laundry around.
13. Back to work. Internet. Emails.
14. Talk to Mom on the phone. Ask her about how to get the cake out of the bundt pan.
15. Totally bummed that message board has been down today.
16. Simon comes home on the bus.
17. We check out his Communication Notebook. Looks good. He brought home the same library book he brought home almost every trip last year.
18. On comes the Darth Vader costume and Star Wars video.
19. Chris talks on the phone. Mom reads about cloth diapers.
20. I take a little nap.
21. Dinner is tostadas (Chris cooks). Dessert is the German Apple Cake.
22. Simon does his math homework (no complaints tonight) at the table and then puts on his PJ’s.
23. Reading homework on the couch.
24. Family light saber battle.
25. Simon in bed. Read Green Eggs + Ham.
26. Back to work for a bit.
27. Watch Tivo’d John Stewart.


This week I am excited to give away a spot in Kolette Hall's Giving Well (In 2-hours or Less) online workshop at Big Picture Scrapbooking.

Kolette is one of my favorite people and happens to be having a baby right around the same time as me next year. She is a fabulous product designer and instructor who really keeps the emphasis on things being meaningful and coming from the heart.

Here's the basics of Giving Well:

Gift-giving is an art. From the gift tag and wrapping paper to what's inside the package, you are saying something when you give a gift. Back by popular demand, Kolette Hall has designed a fresh round of fabulous, manageable gift ideas for the holiday season and all year long. This class is literally packed with everything you need to give well for the holidays or any special event all year long - and Kolette has designed every idea you will see in this class!

Every other day, you will receive a new idea for "Giving Well (still in 2-hours or less!)." True to form, Kolette has also included her exclusive downloadable artwork to help you create the perfect gifts, holiday cards and gift tags. As those of you who joined us last year for Giving Well know, you will be amazed with what you get in just four weeks of class time.

You asked for it, so we're starting class a month earlier than last year to make sure you have plenty of time to get those projects done for the holidays! Whether you are mass producing one gift idea or choosing to craft a different gift for each person on your list, you'll get tons of ideas for creating personalized gifts in less than two hours. Come join Kolette as she guides you in your new art form: the art of Giving Well.

You can read all the details about this online workshop here. It runs October 9 through November 5th. While you are there you can also check out her year long workshop for 2009: A Life Well Crafted.

To be entered leave a comment below and let us know if you have started planning for the upcoming holiday season yet. Comment section will be closed at 5pm today (Wednesday) and the winner announced shortly after.


A complete list of posts related to the week in the life project can be found here.

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638 thoughts

  1. malaryush says…

    Wow- first comment! That's never happened before :D
    I always start planning for the holidays in September as soon as my kids go back to school. Not because I'm that organised but because it's the easiet way to budget for all the present buying (we have a HUGE family). Only problem is if I'm not careful I put gifts away in 'safe places' and forget where they are until January :(

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Tanya Gilmartin says…

    I have started to think about our christmas cards... got some ideas and I HOPE to get going on them this month! Too ambitious? maybe....
    Ontario, Canada

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Nicky Anderson says…

    Good Morning Ali - this project is becoming so much fun - lots of different pictures perspectives of life. Really enjoying it.
    Holiday plans are coming together for us, the oldest and her hubby are coming home for xmas this year and it looks like his family from the States will be all coming to our place. We are hoping that Brody will adjust with a houseful for over a week. We are excited.
    Happy day

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kim says…

    I enjoy making gifts for friends and family and Wrapping them is one of my favorite things! This class sounds very cool!

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. kim m says…

    Just love the holidays and really try to start focusing more this time of year. In the past I've had my shopping done by early Nov. How relaxing! Most of December is spent going to plays/shows/events with the family, and I can do that stress-free when I'm not worrying about gift-giving. Of course, we shall see what this year brings with the financial burdens for everyone.

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Amy says…

    I've started working on my Christmas list. This year I am really trying to stick to a budget--and will be trying to make it a "crafty Christmas." We'll see if I have any luck . . .

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. beth says…

    looks like a great day!
    so cool that so many people are taking the extra step and capture their lives right now.
    enjoy your wednesday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Amanda Susan says…

    I bought some wood blocks over the weekend to make a decoration with. I just need to set aside some time to do it now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Kristin says…

    I have done more than start planning! I am about 90% done shopping for my kids and have a good start on some other gifts as well (including teachers, bus drivers, crossing guards!). I definitely like to pick gifts up when I see something and it strikes me as being "perfect" for someone on my list rather than combing the mall the week before Christmas in search of something to wrap up. I have several friends who are very jealous (and a little mad) that I have so much done already! I am figuring with so much of this part out of the way, I will have time to do a few decorative holiday projects for our house as well as make a few meaningful gifts for some special people. That is what I always seem to run out of time for. I hope this huge head start helps me enjoy a more stress free holiday season this year! We will see how it goes.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Amy J says…

    This sounds just like what I need to get my gift giving started for the holiday season. While, I have starting thinking about some ideas, I have yet to actually get anything started.

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. CIndy Trimble says…

    I've already started buying gifts and looking into the cards I want to make. I would really love to have a homemade Christmas, just don't think I could get my teenagers (21,18 & 16) on board. But maybe with friends and family. I love sentimental gifts!

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. jeanne33 says…

    I have already made my Christmas cards and I am working on my gift list. I want to give meaningful, thoughtful gifts. Have already selected some gifts from the world vision catalog!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Brandi Z. says…

    I am definitely going with homemade gifts this year. We are keeping the holidays low key this year. I would love to take this class to help me get started!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Jess says…

    Hey Ali :) I'm enjoying participating and watching the week in the life entries - what a meaningful project! As for planning for the holidays...I do tend to buy gifts here and there ahead of time and might have a couple in the closet. The only other thing I've done is look for plane tickets to visit my family over the holidays. Thanks for the chance to win a spot in Kolette's class :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. kris says…

    I have started! I keep a "master list" in my computer that I can tweek & edit as needed. . everything from my christmas card addresses (I even have some of my cards!)
    to sizes. . they're put into a folder w/ holiday recipes, traditions, etc. . ironically, I'd like to "scrapbook" or journal it to make it a "family holiday book" that can be passed down.
    LOVE LOVE LOVE homemade gifts & it's so true though. . even the most simple gift is quite special if "given well". . it's in the details.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Susi from Germany says…

    I haven't made up my mind about the holiday season yet. Oh wait, I do have a little bit: my 3-year-old claimed that he's in need for a "children's violin" yesterday. Told him we have to wait for Christmas, since his birthday was on September 26th. I checked out ebay to get an idea how much such an artifact costs. Oh my, Christmas is here faster than you think!

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Wendy says…

    Have not started...except 50 gift baskets from The Dollar Tree...a family tradition is to make goodies to put in the baskets for everyone we work with, we hand them out the Monday after Thanksgiving. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Jamie says…

    With a new baby coming the second week of February....I'm feeling a little overwhelmed about the holidays and "getting it all done" this year. This class sounds awesome! Jamie

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Kristin A. says…

    I have lots of ideas running through my head but unfortunately have not begun executing. (Need to get going soon!) I love the entire fall/winter season!! Thanks for the info on the Giving Well class. This sounds like something I would love to participate in! Loving your "week in the life" project too. Thanks for all the inspiration. Have a wonderful day Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Heather says…

    I have started gift lists at Amazon to keep track of the gift ideas I have all year long, then I can go and look through them and pick the best for birthdays and Christmas. I already have half of my list done!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Cindy says…

    Yes I have!! I have my whole house decorated for Halloween right now! Just love all the pumpkins & mums!! Starting to figure out how I want my tree! This year I want to have one tree with hand made ornaments. I love decorating with lights and greenery! Started to make my cookie list!! Love the house when it smells like fresh baked goodies!!
    So much fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Michelle B says…

    I started with a list and a budget... and surfing on the web getting ideas. I would love a spot in Kolette's class!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Sue says…

    I have trouble planning for the holidays until the leaves fall. Autumn is my favorite time of year, so I don't want to miss a second. I would love to win a class.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. SueM says…

    Hi Ali- Such good timing! I "officially" started my Christmas shopping yesterday! I would love more ideas for handmade, meaningful gifts for family and friends. With all that is going on in the economy I think it would be good for us all to get back to the basics and focus on what really matters - people. I, for one, would like to see more of a focus on giving versus consuming. Thanks and have a great day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. tracy says…

    this sounds fabulous! i am kicking around some of my homemade gift ideas, for b'days and the holidays and I know one gift santa is buying for sure: a Nintendo DS for my youngest.

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