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Celebrating Memories Of Week In The Life™ | Marie Lottermoser

Today I'm sharing  #WITLmemories from Marie Lottermoser. Marie is a talented memory keeper who has also created some awesome December Daily® projects in past years - definitely worth clicking over to check out her site if you are new to her work. 

#WITLmemories is all about sharing the Week In The Life™ love. It's about re-visitng our past projects (to reflect and learn and get inspired), sharing ways of telling the story of our daily lives, and creating a community of people around this popular project to support and encourage one another. 

You're invited to share your own personal favorite  #WITLmemories via Instagram, Facebook or your blog. What do you love about the project? What do your past albums mean to you now? Feel free to share a link to your blog post in the comments below. 

Here's a look at Marie's past projects:


Monday, October 27, 2014

I wake up with a long to-do list of places to go and things I need to accomplish. Both my husband and son have come down with the flu though, so I end up staying home to take care of them and postpone my errands. I spend a quiet afternoon working on some scrapbooking projects by the fire, while it rains outside. In the evening I curl up in bed and read Orphan Train, for my upcoming book club. I need to finish it by the weekend, and I've only just started.


Tuesday, July 26, 2011

It's mid-summer and neither kid has an event or camp today. In the morning we run some errands and come home to work in the yard. My son is creating his own vegetable garden and today he's planting carrots. In the afternoon we drive to the airport to pick up my niece. She's been traveling the globe and has lots of stories to share. We barbecue dinner, and sit out on the patio until late at night visiting with her and listening to the new songs she's written. In the morning she leaves before dawn, off to her next adventure.


Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It's been raining hard for days now. My son misses the school bus and is late because traffic is so bad. There are a couple of incidents at my daughter's high school and I spend the day on edge. Halloween is just two days away and we make a last minute run to the costume store. It's so different from when the kids were little and they knew two months in advance how the would dress up. We have a party to go to on Friday night and I start planning a potluck dish to bring.


Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's formal day at school and my son grabs a clip on tie that he's had since he was a toddler that is much too small for him. The sun finally comes out in the afternoon and we make a stop to pick up Halloween candy. I'm starting to see signs of fall colors which is a welcome change from the rainy gray skies.


Friday, September 13, 2013

We're starting the transition from summer to fall. The kids are back in school and evenings are taken up with homework and activities. After getting everyone off to school and work in the morning I run home and make myself a latte and take in the quiet.

For more information about Week In The Life™ check out my projects page and pre-order your kit that makes it easy to focus on capturing and celebrating your words and photos with a fun, story-focused intentional embellishments. Week In The Life™ 2015 will begin August 17th if you'd like to record along with me during the same week. If you want to dive even deeper you can also check out my archive of past Week In The Life™ blog posts

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4 thoughts

  1. happytoscrap says…

    Marie is one of my favorite go tos for inspiration. So glad to see her featured. Love her December Dailies.

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  2. mtercha says…

    Beautiful albums and photos. Thanks for sharing your stories. Michelle t

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  3. abragg79 says…

    Marie's albums are always my favorite (her DD albums are the biggest reason I started one myself!) and her WITL are equally as nice! Love her work and am happy to see her featured!

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  4. jlharbal says…

    I really love the Rain layout. It's so simple and perfect. I definitely have to work that style into my layouts.

    The Friday layout is awesome too. I love the friday font and the journalling fonts.
    Thanks for sharing.

    I've loaded my Wednesday WITL on my blog. I can't wait until August to do another WITL.

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