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Project Life® 2015 | Week Eight

I've slowly but surely been making my way through my 2015 Project Life® album. I've included a few spreads/weeks in recent Story classrooms, as well as in the Type workshop, as examples related to the content. 

Making it happen. That's what it's all about. 

Most of these weeks already have some content when I start them - might have photos already printed, might have yellow sticky notes with story reminders, might have journal cards already completed or something else along those lines. The bottom line is usually there's something in the pockets for each week already because I'm adding bits and pieces here and there as life is happening. 

When going back in time I tend to keep it even simpler. Words + photos + some intentional embellishments - okay, that's how I usually like it but it feels even simpler. Maybe that's because I call it "good enough" quicker, knowing there's more to do. Either way, I still love this project and am happy to spend time on these overviews of our weeks. 

Here's a look at Week Eight: 

One thing I've found myself doing when going back a few months is relying some on what I've posted on Instagram to jog my memory of what was happening. It tends to be a combination of that + my personal calendar + my photos. 

New bed = a whole lot of excitement of course. 

Still loving using Anna's artwork for the date cards. 

I did a layout for the Magic Story Kit™ telling the story of our adventure to Toronto. Because I already told the longer story in a traditional layout this can be more highlights/overview (which is how I view this album anyway). 

Love that cork world from Freckled Fawn's Wanderlust Kit.

The gratefulness card + the yellow heart circle on top are both from my Roots Story Kit™ (currently available to begin your subscription at the time of this posting). 


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16 thoughts

  1. mtercha says…

    Very neat, using Anna's artwork for date cards. A super fun spread, and I like using lists for journaling, too. I like the idea of writing, or stamping, on the photos, too. Michelle t

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks Michelle for always being so supportive :).

  2. sunnychick says…

    Can anyone tell me where the hello typewriter font paper is from? I've been looking for it forever and can't find it! Love the PL layout!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. AliEdwards says…

      It was from an old Studio Calico scrapbook kit that I've been holding on to for quite awhile (not sure which one - I did a quick glance and didn't see it in the last 10 or so).

    2. sunnychick says…

      Thanks Ali! After knowing that I found it on their website. Its from the Far Far Away kit. From Life Love Paper. I reached out to Tina... Thank you! Love it!

    3. AliEdwards says…

      Great! It's one of my favorites!

  3. NatashaP says…

    Really nice weekly catch up. Love the use of the story kits as well.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thanks Natasha!

  4. scrapfin1 says…

    Love your PL pages -- they are always inspiring. Getting it done, keeping it simple yet creative, your PL pages are my favorite blog posts.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      Thank you!

  5. ChristyBridwell says…

    Love that you're still doing Project Life and full layouts AND mixing bits of all product lines in there, Ali! Oh and love the phrase "Making it happen."

    I have never attempted Project Life on a weekly basis. I have done PL monthly since Becky Higgins' first launch and even ended up going back to 2005 to capture more everyday photos. I cover bigger stories with mixed size layouts in between the PL spread for the month they took place. For me it has been a great way to capture stories through both memory keeping styles. Have you ever considered switching to monthly?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. AliEdwards says…

      I have considered it, but I really do like the weekly look especially because I do take a lot of photos. For me it's just more about getting it into my schedule and keeping it there :).

  6. Lize says…

    My heart is so happy to see this! Especially since it's a cold and rainy morning here and I'm having a very rare (it never happens) late blog reading time under my duvet. A PL update from you is just my favourite thing to read. Love the pages!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. linkej says…

    I so agree with Lize! Love your PL blog posts! Thanks for posting!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. rhondaw says…

    Thanks for always being so real with us and letting us know that being behind is ok. I love that. I jot down the highlights of each day/week in my planner. So that's helps with remembering for some journalling and thank goodness our digital cameras date stamp all the pictures we take! I have been scrapbooking more this year than in a very long time. And maybe I'm trying to do too much but with OLW, Story kits, Type class, Project Life and now WITL.... How do you not get behind? Because, of course, we also have a full-time job and family, with plenty of laundry, meals to prepare, dishes to wash, house to clean, schedules to keep up with. Even with all that, I am loving the inspiration I get from these classes!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. rhondaw says…

    And Anna's artwork is wonderful... My kids are older now, teen and college ages. but it makes me want to go pull out and scrapbook their saved artwork. I have boxes full for 3 children so it is a bit overwhelming to get started. And great ideas from folks on that?

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