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Week in the Life : Tuesday Photos + Words (and a workshop giveaway)

Just a note that Stacy Julian organized a really cool project encouraging everyone to give ourselves the gift of the present moment. This is precisely what we are doing with this week in the life journey. Check out her blog today.


From Tuesday:

week in the life : tuesday morning by you.

week in the life : tuesday morning before school by you.

week in the life : morning work by you.

week in the life : chris at work by you.

week in the life : driving to the farmer's market by you.

week in the life : farmer's market by you.

week in the life : capturing me by you.

week in the life : coming home by you.

week in the life : hello darth by you.

week in the life : pumpkins on the porch by you.

week in the life : simon's day by you.

week in the life : farmer's market bounty by you.

week in the life : fresh flowers by you.

week in the life : simon + chris fixing tostadas by you.

week in the life : german apple cake by you.

week in the life : reading homework by you.

Went with the simple list idea again - not as detailed as day one, but still much more than I would ever do without this project.

1. Super happy Simon wake-up this morning. He came into our room around 2am. I stayed for a bit and then went to his bed (which happens to be a bit more comfortable because of a firmer mattress). He joined me at about 5:45am just before the alarm went off at 6am.
2. Breakfast routine same as Monday: bagel + cream cheese for Simon, cereal for Chris, and me, I have to wait a bit for my thyroid medication. I usually eat after Simon leaves for school.
3. Every morning that Simon is cheerful I am so very thankful.
4. Working on a project for Australian Creating Keepsakes.
5. Listening to OPB.
6. Head out to the Farmer’s Market. Pick up spinach, carrots, celery, red onion, raspberries, and flowers. Grab a toasted bagel from Bagel Sphere.
7. Ship package to Australia.
8. Look up some recipes at Do a bit of meal planning for the week.
9. Text Chris to pick up a couple things at the grocery store.
10. Make German Apple Cake + eat hummus and pita chips for lunch.
11. Clean up kitchen.
12. Move laundry around.
13. Back to work. Internet. Emails.
14. Talk to Mom on the phone. Ask her about how to get the cake out of the bundt pan.
15. Totally bummed that message board has been down today.
16. Simon comes home on the bus.
17. We check out his Communication Notebook. Looks good. He brought home the same library book he brought home almost every trip last year.
18. On comes the Darth Vader costume and Star Wars video.
19. Chris talks on the phone. Mom reads about cloth diapers.
20. I take a little nap.
21. Dinner is tostadas (Chris cooks). Dessert is the German Apple Cake.
22. Simon does his math homework (no complaints tonight) at the table and then puts on his PJ’s.
23. Reading homework on the couch.
24. Family light saber battle.
25. Simon in bed. Read Green Eggs + Ham.
26. Back to work for a bit.
27. Watch Tivo’d John Stewart.


This week I am excited to give away a spot in Kolette Hall's Giving Well (In 2-hours or Less) online workshop at Big Picture Scrapbooking.

Kolette is one of my favorite people and happens to be having a baby right around the same time as me next year. She is a fabulous product designer and instructor who really keeps the emphasis on things being meaningful and coming from the heart.

Here's the basics of Giving Well:

Gift-giving is an art. From the gift tag and wrapping paper to what's inside the package, you are saying something when you give a gift. Back by popular demand, Kolette Hall has designed a fresh round of fabulous, manageable gift ideas for the holiday season and all year long. This class is literally packed with everything you need to give well for the holidays or any special event all year long - and Kolette has designed every idea you will see in this class!

Every other day, you will receive a new idea for "Giving Well (still in 2-hours or less!)." True to form, Kolette has also included her exclusive downloadable artwork to help you create the perfect gifts, holiday cards and gift tags. As those of you who joined us last year for Giving Well know, you will be amazed with what you get in just four weeks of class time.

You asked for it, so we're starting class a month earlier than last year to make sure you have plenty of time to get those projects done for the holidays! Whether you are mass producing one gift idea or choosing to craft a different gift for each person on your list, you'll get tons of ideas for creating personalized gifts in less than two hours. Come join Kolette as she guides you in your new art form: the art of Giving Well.

You can read all the details about this online workshop here. It runs October 9 through November 5th. While you are there you can also check out her year long workshop for 2009: A Life Well Crafted.

To be entered leave a comment below and let us know if you have started planning for the upcoming holiday season yet. Comment section will be closed at 5pm today (Wednesday) and the winner announced shortly after.


A complete list of posts related to the week in the life project can be found here.

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638 thoughts

  1. claudia says…

    Just found you through shutter sisters yesterday. I'm a scrapbooker wanna be, I get too focused on the photography, and then the scrapbooking takes me way too long! I think I've make 2 digital pages in my life, and just a couple more traditional scrapbooks (oh, one though shutterfly,fun). Looking forward to following your blog though for inspiration. And no, haven't thought about the holidays yet, just trying to appreciate each moment for what it is :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. joyce says…

    October and November are jam packed with work, workshops and traveling. Not really thinking about the holidays yet... This year could be scary. I think it will be the first time that both my children are working and that we cannot be together. Don't want to think about that now -

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Sandy says…

    This would be WONDERFUL! I have taken the homemade pledge this year, and while I have some solid ideas started, I would love a little guidance from those who have done this before!

    Reply 0 Replies
  4. kimberq says…

    Hi Ali.I am in the process of making my own gifts for Christmas , trying to at least.A quilt for my mom, stuffies fo the kids(the cutest patterns!!) and a quilt for my husband....that is the plan...Let's see if I get it done.I will have to buy a few gifts but I am doing my best this year not to buy into overbuying and focus on the time we spend with family and friends which is the celebration for me.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Lady Scrapsalot says…

    The duplo is under the stairs in a box labeled "Miriam and Finnegan's Christmas Persent" so I don't forget, and buy something different! Thank goodness my kids don't read yet, and thank goodness for Ebay! I'd love more ideas though, especially for my very WONDERFUL mother-in-law (I know, can you believe it?)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Mindy says…

    No way have I started. I have 2 birthdays to plan in November, get through the fall and Halloween season too. Plus my hubby's bday and both sister's bday before Christmas. Such an overwhelming time of year but I love it. I just read on a blog that it's 12 weeks to Christmas tomorrow. I feel the pressure!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Ashley says…

    I'm in the gathering ideas stage. I've checked books out of the library and pulled out books for ideas. I've made a few gifts for my girls too. THanks for the chance to win

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. KristaLund says…

    No real planning as of yet, but I do have 4 gifts bought. I also have an idea of some things I want to make. October is a pretty busy month. I would like to get through it and then start thinking of the Holidays.

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Marcy says…

    I have not really started planning but am in the thinking stage. I am usually a last minute person, but this year would like to give a small album of the family thru the years (47), just picking a few hightlights each year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Shelley says…

    off to check out the links for the giving well concept... i absolutely positively love the idea. thanks for offering a spot in the workshop!

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Carrie says…

    I Love Christmas just as much as I love Fall....I'm deep this year in getting crafty. I am making a ton of these this I'm using photos instead of paper. they are turning out adorable. I love making things to give instead of purchasing...saves us money too...and don't we need that this year.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Rinda says…

    Thanks for the contest - this sound like a great class! I bought some presents when we travelled abroad over the summer, and I've thought through a few gifts, but not too much prep yet. Really enjoying WITL!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Amy says…

    I starting purchasing gifts last month in hopes to be done shopping by Halloween. Or at least mostly done by then. I find that if I spread it out I am not as stressed and it doesn't hurt the pocketbook as much. I bought Christmas cards already made this year, just have to take a family picture.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Megan says…

    Have not stated planning. We move in 9 days to a different domicile, then I will begin in earnest. Promise. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Amber says…

    Thanks for the giveaway! Yes, I have started 'planning', I decided that for Christmas I am going to make family recipe books for my mom and grandma and sister. I have the paper and stuff and am going to use my Bind-It-All. Fall decorations due to come out this week.
    Amber Osburn

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Amy says…

    no plans yet, except for what I know happens every year: Christmas Eve at our house, Christmas Day at my parents. Our budget is very tigt this year (as I am sure is almost everyone's) so I am not sure what we will do for gifts.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Marty says…

    I yard sale and shop bargains off season to get a start on Christmas presents. My son turns 16 in Dec. so I'm working on a scrapbook for him, but other than that, nada!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Thinkie says…

    I'm ALways planning for the holdays, year round! We don't do (much) gift-giving with christmas but early december during the Dutch fest of Sinterklaas. It's my favorite holyday because i love having an excuse to get friends and family together, the combination of giving and receiving gifts, and it's a chance to reflect on the past year. I often choose gifts that have something to do with things that have happened the past year, like this year my husbands new hobby or a friend getting his bachelors degree as a doctor. Also with Sinterklaas it's a good custom to give handmade gifts or to make really cool gift wrapping (like for instance a cardstock horse for my horse-loving little sister to hide a little horse-themed present in) and to have the gifts accompanied by poems (preferably with some good humoured teasing in them ;-) ). We always have lots of fun and I'm always collecting gifts and ideas, and when autumn comes it's time to step it up and get crafting and bring everything together! I'm always welcoming new ideas to make the gifts and the giftgiving even more fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Katie says…

    Hi Ali! I love your pics and that you all have "family lightsaber battles" we do that too, I need to take pictures next time!
    I've already started planning the things I will make this year - I am really trying to do MOSTLY homemade gifts for family and friends so I have a busy few months ahead of me! And I've even starting buying a few things as well for my kids and baby sis. We are on a strict budget with my husband being a teacher (and our only source of income) so we try to do a lil bit each month!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Lisa Westphal says…

    I've done a little Holiday planning. I've even started making Christmas cards. As for gifts, well, the grown-ups always get handmade items. . .and I have kinda picked something. Problem is, I need to learn to sew -real quick. : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Lisa says…

    That cake looks YUMMY! Do you think you could post the recipe?

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Michele Thompson says…

    I have NOT started even THINKING about Christmas yet! I was just looking at this class this morning, and was debating taking it. I would love to get a jump start on my gift giving! Thanks for the chance to win!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. ColleenM says…

    Almost done with our shopping. We will be in Disney from the 14th to 24th of December so I need to have everything done before we go.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Mish Gasser says…

    I'm having fun with the week in the life project Ali! I'm doing my pages (digitally) as I go along, that way I make sure they get done. I posted them on my blog: [url][/url]
    As for Christmas, yes I've started planning. I've already bought a couple of gifts, have lists going and I hope to complete a hybrid project that will go to several families we know in the next month. This is going to be the year I can enjoy December, rather than stress over it! :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Michelle says…

    I have not at all started planning fo the holidays. I think I am deep in denial that it is actually October already.
    Love to see the pictures you post from Oregon. I grew up just south of Roseburg and my grandparents (both sets) lived in Cottage Grove/Creswell all my childhood and my grandfather is still in Cottage Grove. Your blog is like a mini-visit home every day.
    Good luck with the little one. You will love the differences between boys and girls. I have one of each and love the differences.

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