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Wednesday Sponsor Giveaways: Get It Scrapped, Lettergirl, and Scarlet Lime


One person will receive an online class spot in Art Journaling 101 and another person will get a spot in Art Journaling 102 with Dina at Get It Scrapped.

Are there are times when photos and journaling on a traditional scrapbook page don’t convey all you’d like? Scrapbooker, mixed-media collage artist, and visual journaler Dina Wakley uses a line-upon-line approach in her online classes at Get It Scrapped! to teach even those who think they’re not artistic the craft of making Art Journal pages. Classes include downloadable pdf and video lessons.

In Art Journaling 102 Dina teaches you how to “amp” up your images, layers, and textures. Art Journaling 101 covers the basics of art and journaling techniques and includes a bonus Spray Ink tutorial.


One person will receive a Katie Return Address Stamp (choice of rubber or self-inking) from Lettergirl.

Gina has been hand-lettering for 16 years. She sells her custom
stationery through retail stationery stores across the country; the "Katie Return Address"
design is an etsy exclusive.

Shop Gina : Meet Gina


One person will receive Scarlet Lime's bright and cheerful February kit. You can read more about Scarlet Lime here.


To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment letting me know something that is making you happy right now. Comments will be closed at 8pm this evening with the winners posted shortly after.

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2774 thoughts

  1. Teri M. says…

    I am happy that spring is nearing! And I am happy that you and your new baby are doing well. Congrats!

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  2. Meegan says…

    My three wonderful children always make me happy - they are necely playing and eating cereal after waking up without fussing - at 2, 3 & almost 4, that's a rare thing!

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  3. Alicia says…

    A fresh layer of snow to cover all the dirty ice and snow from weeks ago.

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  4. Sharon says…

    Signing my son up for t-ball is making me happy this morning. I can't wait to enter our family into the world of baseball! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Brooke says…

    The flowers my son got me for Valentine's day are cheering me up right now. I'm sick and really feeling crappy, and those flowers make me smile. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Marianne Mangia-Mess says…

    Here's what's making me happy....
    I have a great group of friends that support each other. There are 4 of us that recently all got laid off from our jobs and we get together every Tuesday morning for brunch. We laugh, we share thoughts and feelings and we are excited about our futures. We are trying new restaurants, swapping inspirational books, and even came up with a name for our little group. I am so happy to have that time each week with them and realize it's much nicer to share a cup of coffee at a random breakfast table.
    Have a good one!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. Michelle D says…

    Right now I am happy that everyone is home, safe, and healthy.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Andrea says…

    Exercising. It has been awhile, but i restarted, and it just makes me feel so great!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Julie Roberts says…

    The beautiful bright colors of Scarlet Lime's kit of the month is very inspiring and making me happy at this moment. It is very rainy and dreary here but I am motivated by the cheery colors to pull ahead of the drab and create some layouts.

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  10. Amy M. says…

    My children are making me happy right now because they are being so good today and everyday. They're a gift from GOD!

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  11. Steffi Prigl-Gumpl says…

    I'm lying since two weeks with a bad flu and cold in my bed and the next two weeks I'm going to do the same-it's really boring at this time!

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  12. Arrica Martin- NJ says…

    What is making me happy right now...Knowing that in this tough economic time, even if my husband loses his job, we still have 6 BEAUTIFUL Children, a ROCKING marriage and a future FULL of POSSIBILITES!!!
    All will be OK

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  13. Gracie says…

    Good Morning!
    Wow, this morning's sunrise was absoloutely amazing! Sitting at the bus stop with my daughter was lovely...the sun was rising and the light was beautiful!
    THAT made me HAPPY!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Melissa says…

    In the last week or so I've been able to show my daughter (who's turning 3) that the bulbs in the garden are slowly pushing up green leaves. I love sharing the anticipation of Spring!

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  15. Renee says…

    Reading your post today makes me happy because I might have a chance to win a spot in Art Journaling 101 and Art Journaling 102.
    Also, I'm thrilled that I managed to photograph my son's smiles :) Can't wait to create an LO on it.

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  16. Kristen M. says…

    I am happy because my husband has found a job that he enjoys and a place where he can be successful. His confidence and positive attitude are back and I cannot stop smiling when I think about it.

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  17. MandyK says…

    What makes me happy right now is hanging out with my kids watching Scoobey Doo and listening to them giggle.They have all been sick and finally feeling better so it's all good and happy now.

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Debbie Lucero says…

    After 6 days of sickness at our house, today everyone is back to school and work.

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  19. tammy b says…

    i'm happy that all 3 of my girls are toasty and warm in their own beds right now.....oops, make that 2!

    Reply 0 Replies
  20. Colleen says…

    right now, a snow day is making me very happy. Both my and my husband's offices are closed for the day, which meant a sleep-in morning followed by hot coffee and tv on the couch - together mid-week. that never happens! makes me smile. a big smile.

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. MidniteScrapper (Sherry) says…

    Teaching in the classroom again after a 3 year break has me happy at this time. The health of my family and I (with all the "ick" going around) has me feeling blessed. =]
    Of course, we know what has (or who) has you happy these days. :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Abbey says…

    I'm so sick, this is hard. I think feeling better than yesterday. Thank goodness for modern medicine and lots of snuggles from my hubby and son.

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  23. Michelle (from KY) says…

    I have a lot to be happy about. The first is my upcoming vacation. Next week I am going to Disney World!
    Thanks for the chance to win.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Mel says…

    I'm happy...I saw a Robin in a tree on campus yesterday...he looked quite content and shows that spring just might be around the corner. I'm always excited to see that first Robin. I can't say that I'm actively looking for them, but I always just seem to notice one and then it totally brightens my the spring!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. dolores says…

    what makes me happy: just right now - my 8mon old daughter, lying under my desk and giggling - the first time today, as she is teething and this gaves her a not so good timme (and us too)
    saturday - my 2 3/4 y old daughter standing in front of me with a flower bouquet - Happy Valentine! Usually she´s crying, whining, or stomping her feet...
    ...and of course ANY of these mouthwatering gifts would TOP my luck!!!
    kind regards from europe,

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