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Wednesday Sponsor Giveaways: Get It Scrapped, Lettergirl, and Scarlet Lime


One person will receive an online class spot in Art Journaling 101 and another person will get a spot in Art Journaling 102 with Dina at Get It Scrapped.

Are there are times when photos and journaling on a traditional scrapbook page don’t convey all you’d like? Scrapbooker, mixed-media collage artist, and visual journaler Dina Wakley uses a line-upon-line approach in her online classes at Get It Scrapped! to teach even those who think they’re not artistic the craft of making Art Journal pages. Classes include downloadable pdf and video lessons.

In Art Journaling 102 Dina teaches you how to “amp” up your images, layers, and textures. Art Journaling 101 covers the basics of art and journaling techniques and includes a bonus Spray Ink tutorial.


One person will receive a Katie Return Address Stamp (choice of rubber or self-inking) from Lettergirl.

Gina has been hand-lettering for 16 years. She sells her custom
stationery through retail stationery stores across the country; the "Katie Return Address"
design is an etsy exclusive.

Shop Gina : Meet Gina


One person will receive Scarlet Lime's bright and cheerful February kit. You can read more about Scarlet Lime here.


To be entered into the drawing today leave a comment letting me know something that is making you happy right now. Comments will be closed at 8pm this evening with the winners posted shortly after.

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2774 thoughts

  1. Erin says…

    Polkadots are making me happy right now. I think I'm going to redo my daughter's room with polkadots everywhere!

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. Lauren says…

    Making me happy right now:
    - your sweet hubby/baby nose post
    - hot cuppa coffee
    - dicovering what ayurveda can do for me...

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. colorado_kid says…

    I had some surgery on Monday and I'm finally starting to feel GOOD after 2 long months! :D

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  4. Kristi says…

    I am so happy watching my daughter twirl around the family room while a new bun wiggles in my belly.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Carrie H. says…

    The rain makes me sooo happy. Simple as that ;o)

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  6. Cortney says…

    A quiet house and coffee with no plans for the day is making me happy at the moment!! Congrats on Anna. She is a beauty. Enjoy!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. anne says…

    The promise of Spring is making me happy right now. We have daffodils smiling in the yard, and the tulips are coming up. The trees have buds, and the days are getting a little longer.

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  8. JennB in AK says…

    My family makes me very happy right now and always! No matter what the day brings I know that a smile from my 20 month old always makes me feel better!
    Congrats on your newest arrival!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Kristin T says…

    right now, I am fairly happy that because I am sick ( a head cold) I am going to be leaving early from work :).

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  10. Becky Swisher says…

    The smell of rain outside smells like a spring rain..ooooooh I can only hope!I guess Coffeemate Hazelnut Creamer too! My coffee is perfectly blended with it today.

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  11. Leigh-Ann says…

    Definitely my hot cup of coffee and the fact that I actually got all the way ready this morning, complete with shoes to work from home!

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  12. Noël says…

    I am happy that today we get to celebrate my husband's birthday!

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Anne says…

    My cute house socks. :-)

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Kari says…

    Happy that I have had just about a week off teaching to enjoy with my kids!(10 and 8) My daughter and I just completed a 26 page album to donate to our hospital.(children's ward)For the parents to record their memories or for the children in there to use to help brighten their day!! and hopefully help them remember happier times in their lives and bring smiles to all their faces!

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  15. Dani says…

    My grandfather of 90 years of age has been fighting a battle against cancer for a long time and in recent months told only a little of life left live is expected, but he is still going strong and is exceeding everyone's expectations. So much so, that he is making the long journey to visit us soon which he has never been able to do before. He is pleased with himself about this. He is happy, we are happy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. Becca says…

    A box of cherry tomatoes, a job that challenges me, friends to laugh with, cuddly cats, yoga class, and sunshine... that's what is making me happy today :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. lisa d says…

    happy for me right now is a calm day at home - doing laundry, baking cookies, emailing, and doing some work. It is so gloomy outside and I feel all warm, secure, and fortunate to have my day. :)
    Congrats on your Anna... I have one too - but she is 8. Oh Happy Day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Ayesha says…

    right and thankfulness is making me happy to know that no matter what i have them and that another addition will be joining us in a few days and to know that no matter what im currently going through all will be ok

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  19. Ashley Crenshaw says…

    I'm happy right now watching my husband and 15 month old son have their first morning cuddles in 8 months! My mister just returned from Iraq, so everything he does makes me happy right now.

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  20. Linda Weh says…

    I am in St. John for a month with my husband...this makes me ecstatic..I love the peaceful life here.

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  21. Joy says…

    :) Having today off work is making me happy right now!

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  22. Jenny says…

    it is rainy and dreary outside right now where i live, but the sound of my 13 month old son's laughter could brighten any dreary day!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Beth says…

    Having a kitchen island (made by my husband, and new to our kitchen layout) to gather around. The three older kids love it. And I love the JCPenney barstools that just arrived on Tuesday!
    (Thanks for sharing pictures. Your baby girl is precious.)

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Lydia says…

    First of all...congrats on your new blessing. She's beautiful and I love reading about Simon with her.
    I am happy for my family/husband. My husband is so good to me...I couldn't ask for better.
    Lydia in Ohio

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  25. Hester says…

    My kids are off this week so we have lots of time to play together and talk, this is what makes me really happy today!
    Life is simple and sweet.

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