Sponsor Giveaway : Elle's Studio


Two people will each win a Summer Tag Pack from Elle's Studio.

There’s always something fun going on at Elle’s Studio! Join them, at their blog, for their new workshop that will last all summer long! For the next two months they’ll take you on a journey full of inspiration to help you capture those special summer memories and make them last forever in a gorgeous mini book. And, of course there will be free downloads, giveaways and more along the way! Click here to go to there main Summer 2009 – Documented homepage.
They’ve also created two kits to help you along the way! The Summer Pack is full of their tags that are perfect for the summer season (at a special price for July only!) and the Summer Digital Download is an amazing .pdf file that contains twenty-eight tags and embellishments that you can print and cut out on your own, plus you can use them over and over again!

To be entered into today's giveaway leave a comment below sharing your favorite childhood summertime memory.

Comments will be closed at 8pm on Sunday with the winners posted shortly after. 


Don't miss the question I posted late yesterday afternoon. Lots to think about...

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1111 thoughts

  1. Aphra says…

    Love this summer stuff by Elle! My favorite summertime memory from my childhood...playing various outside games with neighborhood kids. Hide and seek, around the world, Chinese jumprope. Good times.

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  2. Jody says…

    It would have to be the sound of the Ice Cream Man's truck coming down the road, which now that I think about it sounded exactly like Santa's sleighbells. lol

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  3. Cassi says…

    my favorite summer memories are of putting kittens in the basket of my bike and taking them for a ride.
    im really in love with this elle studio project and would be tickled pink to win!
    happy sunday!

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  4. Emmyer says…

    My favorite childhood summer story. I was about three years old. My family was having a summer reunion at a local hotel. I had spent much of my day playing around in the pool with my cousins. My mother called me out so that we could take a family picture. After getting out my mother told me I couldn't have my picture taken in my bathing suit. She turned around to talk to one of her sisters. When she turned back around I had taken my bathing suit off and was ready to get my pictures taken. So there I was completely without clothes on standing in the middle of the hotel lobby. I gave every quite a laugh!

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  5. Emily says…

    Camping with my dad and brother in our "secret" campsite in the middle of the forest. Playing games, catching bugs, and not having to brush my hair.

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  6. tammy b says…

    my best friend and her family would come and stay with their grandparents (neighbors across the street) for the summer. ohhh, the magical times we had: riding our bikes to the cookbook for breakfast, riding our bikes all over the neighborhood, going on trips to get river rock for the grandparents waterfall (it turned out AMAZING!) going to the lake and swimming and waterskiing and driving the golf cart! just being kids, hanging out and having FUN! btw, we are still best of friends, gulp, 37 years later!

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  7. Amber says…

    My favorite summer childhood memory is taking mother/daughter trips to the beach!! Can't wait to share that with my child soon!

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  8. Carolynn F says…

    My favorite childhood memory is making those plastic handwoven bracelets at camp...squares, circles, ovals...and then trading with friends. We would then wear them until they broke, then start again.

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  9. Jewelz says…

    Most of my favorite childhood memories involved my Grandma.
    Simple Living, Simply L♡VING!
    That's all
    Thanks Ally for bringing a smile to my face by SIMPLY asking a question.
    You R♡CK
    Hey if you feel like a cyber break...I'd like to invite you on an Aussie Cyber Adventure over at my blog...my treat :0)

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  10. Anne Alley says…

    I loved going to day camp! We'd go to the beach most days, and have a blast playing the in ocean, building sand castles, and eating snow cones. Looking back it really seems idyllic!

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  11. Jenn W says…

    Playing in a puddle in the cul-de-sac outside my house and loving that the puddles were so warm.

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  12. Beth says…

    I have a summer birthday and my favorite summer memory is from my 5th birthday party. I wanted to have watermelon instead of cake and I remember my mom carrying out a half cut watermelon with candles in it while my friends sang to me. It's the first birthday memory I have and I still think of it when I eat watermelon each summer!

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  13. Lacey says…

    Neighborhood hide and seek - boys against girls of course!

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  14. Wendy M says…

    I had the best childhood in the best neighborhood. Almost every summer night was spent playing what we called "night games", which was pretty much hide and seek with flashlights or any other game we made up to play in the dark on warm summer nights. Anyone driving down our street could see the beams of light flashing in the dark and hear the shouts of delight from all the kids (and sometimes the adults) in the neighborhood. We always had a great time and I miss playing night games.

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  15. Anne-Liesse Ankeny says…

    My favorite childhood summer time memory is playing in the trees around our house. My friends, brother and I used to climb the trees and hang out up in the branches. It was an incredible feeling of freedom to sway with the limbs in the wind. Awesome. I haven't thought about that feeling in a while. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to do so.

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  16. Nancy L says…

    My favourite is being able to sit outside in the evening with my grandmother as she shared stories and songs with me back from her homeland as I watched the stars above.

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  17. Kim in MN says…

    My favorite summer memories were going up north and renting a cabin every summer. Fishing, relaxing, so much fun!

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  18. Elise says…

    Going to the Sweet Corn & Watermelon Festival in my hometown. There was a parade and local ladies would showcase their homegoods made with sweet corn and watermelon, but the highlight was going up to the stands on the town square and getting a big juicy slice of ice cold watermelon to cool off, then a big ear of roasted corn and peeling back the husk to taste those explosive kernels that seemed to be made of sugar! Yum!

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  19. andrea h says…

    One of my favorite childhood memories...water fights with my Dad. We chased each other all the yard and got soaked. It was the best fun!
    As always, thanks for the giveaways Ali!

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  20. peggy says…

    My grandparents live in Geneva, Switzerand and we went to visit them every Summer. I remember going to this incredible park that was a block awa from their apartment and spendng the day swimming, playing and trying to speak French to the kids. Then we would stop at this little bakery on the way home and choose something different every day, there was nothing that didn't taste good. The bst days were when we went to the lake and took a boat ride and got sprayed by the water in the middle of the lake and then we went to visit my grandfather at work and we each got to choose a watch from his sample collection. Those were the best summer memories.

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  21. Angie says…

    The last family vacation with my family to California was very memorable. I would want to do scrapbook, and I will, that vacation.

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  22. annie says…

    My summers growing up were spent camping with my family and friends. I can't remember one specific trip because they all kind of go together, but the swimming, bike riding, flashlight tag, and campfires are all elements of what it means to be a kid during the summertime!

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  23. AndiD says…

    I saw the 4th of July fireworks at the same place every year with my dad. I lived in Az all my life, so summers were spent mostly indoors, but that was one thing we always went out for.

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  24. Kari M says…

    mine would have to be when we went camping with our horses. It was so much fun to go camping but even better when we brought the horses with us. We got to ride horses all day and got to do all the fun stuff of camping too.

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  25. donna says…

    a favourite summer memory would be eating watermelon outside and letting it run all over the place, then running thru the sprinkler to get cleaned up and go back for more watermelon! ohhhh the best of times.

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