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Two Projects : Family Memory Tray Kit for Cocoa Daisy & Rejoice Photobook


I've been busy this week. Busy making stuff.

First up is a new project kit available through Cocoa Daisy.

As many of you have seen in the past, one of my favorite projects is the printer's tray I filled with photos and little found bits & pieces a few years back. I was excited to see 7gypsies come out with a line of trays recently - much easier to put together a project when everyone has access to the same tray.


This new project kit includes everything I used in the sample above, full color instructions (including a "map" I created with the dimensions for each of the spaces on the tray), a one-page PDF of printable elements, and additional supplies that coordinate with the kit for those of you who want to add more.

Kit is now available at Cocoa Daisy.


The second project I worked on earlier this week was a layered template photobook package called Rejoice. This concept has been in my mind and on my heart for awhile and I was really excited to finally get it all together.

Here's a look at my completed book at Shutterfly:

Click here to view this photo book.

The main thing I wanted with this photobook was for it to be a celebration: a simple celebration of full-page photos that document the love between two kids paired with some of my favorite passages from the bible (many of which include the word "rejoice").

I went for a super-simple design, including on the cover where I used one word on top of a
cream textured cardstock. You could easily use a photo (or collage of
photos) or another pattern. That's the beauty of layered templates. I'm actually really looking forward to seeing what other people do with this design as a foundation for their own projects.


The layered template package includes 10, 12x12 pages of my favorite bible passages (+ an opening page) and 10 different grid templates (my favorite simple-grid designs). The package also includes Shutterfly ready pages, cover, back and spine.

Looking forward to the arrival of my photobook this week.

If you are interested in learning more about digital scrapbooking, including working with layered templates like the ones included in this package, check out my series on scrapbooking with your computer.


Around here I'm looking forward to a weekend with absolutely nothing planned except hanging out here at home. Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend whatever your plans. A fun giveaway post will be up tomorrow morning.

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66 thoughts

  1. hannahk says…

    Wow Ali, your book of rejoice is truly beautiful. It's wonderful to see how the heart can be so powerful in our creativity. Thank you for sharing.

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  2. dianna says…

    It's all so precious. A warm hug of creativity and words : )
    LOVE the interview with your Mom on the previous post too!

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Susan says…

    i love that tray project, it' so sweet! i think we have some yard work planned and our daughter's dance recital. enjoy your weekend! susan

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  4. Rosslyn Weigelt says…

    Your photobook is beyond words.....invokes awe...for all that God gives. Have a blessed weekend.

    Reply 0 Replies
  5. Allison M. says…

    Beautiful photobook Ali!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Mary says…

    fabulous stuff Ali!! I think I will be staying up past midnight to get that kit at Cocoa Daisy . . . . !!!
    have a safe and happy holiday weekend : )

    Reply 0 Replies
  7. christen says…

    i wish i had your creative brain! i love everything.

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. The Sweet Diabetic says…

    What a great idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. Lynette says…

    I love how you let your faith shine through in your paper art.

    Reply 0 Replies
  10. Anyes says…

    How truly blessed you are to have been able to gather information from your mom in time for you and your children to benefit from her wisdom.
    Looking back, I wish I had asked more questions to my mom...

    Reply 0 Replies
  11. Cassie K says…

    Wonderful book and that tray project is great. I've been looking to do something like that and this is perfect. Thanks.

    Reply 0 Replies
  12. Elaine Allen says…

    Hi Ali -
    I love your book, so beautiful! And I've been eying the 7 Gypsies printer trays for a bit in the store, but hesitated purchasing because I wasn't really sure what to do with it. AND then you posted today - wonderful!
    Elaine Allen

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Einat Kessler says…

    I love the tray. it is so beautiful and inspires me to use an old wooden tray I have and do something like that. Thank you.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Molly Irwin says…

    i love the look of the typebox collage against the chalkboard (?) wall.

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Debby says…

    My goodness, your book is so lovely and yet powerful it brought tears to my eyes. Love your shadowbox project.

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. dawn says…

    Hi Ali,
    I love this idea, you always have such inspirational projects. I love these pictures of Simon with Anna so sweet. I also enjoyed the shadowbox, where will you put it? Have a good weekend with your family.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Kimberly White says…

    What a wonderful book. Thanks for the inspiration!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Sabine F. says…

    Fantastic idea...I love your rejoice book and the tray is such a great keepsake. Thanks for all the inspiration you bring to our lives.

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. michelle says…

    so very precious your little book! love your tray too! have a great weekend. michelle

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  20. Jen Strange says…

    the printer's tray is really cool! and the book - wow. I'm so touched when I see Simon with Anna. Had he been affectionate with other babies before she was born, or has it been a special case with a sibling? My son (about Simon's age)has Asperger's and he can not STAND young children. He won't even be in the same room with a baby if he can help it. Breaks my heart!!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Sarah Mullanix says…

    I love, love, love your wall project!! I've been wanting to do one of these and yours is soooo gorgeous that I'm just going to have to dive in immediately and get one created! Thanks for the inspiration!!

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. kelly s says…

    Wow ALi! I am in love with that tray. Would you mind telling me the dimensions on it? (I didnt see them listed on the site)
    I'm curious too...Where will you hang it?

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Ali Edwards says…

    Hi - it's 12.25 inches x 10.25 inches.

    Reply 0 Replies
  24. Shannonvan says…

    I'd seen the 7 gypsies trays in the store, and loved how they reminded me of some old furniture a friend had, but put off buying one because I didn't have a plan for using it. I even sketched out the tray in my idea book with the question next to it "How to use this?". And then yesterday, I found a real printers tray at Goodwill and with a coupon I only paid $5.00 for it. On the front of the drawer it has the #28, which is special to me because I'm the 3rd of 4 generations born on the 28th of a month. Now I have some great ideas!
    Your book is wonderful! Those verses are some of my favorite also. Love how you paired them up with the photos. Another project to add to my list!

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Janet Ang says…

    Ali, love the book and headed to Shutterfly right now! Finally, a spiritual scrapbook! Thank you.

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