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10 Things

1. December Daily making is in full-effect around here. Look for an initial foundation post on my projects blog on Friday. If you want more info on what this project entails, as well as past albums, take a peek here.

2. Struggling a bit in the transition home after the last trip. Yesterday was the first day that I actually felt even a little like myself. It doesn't help that the house is still half-unsettled from the move. I'm someone who very much likes to feel settled in my environment.

3. Simon is huge. Seriously. He got off the bus yesterday and I caught my breath. Big. Up to my shoulders (I'm 5'9).

4. The crock pot is my friend. My Mom always told me that one of the paths to sanity was carved by making or prepping dinner early in the day. She so totally knows what she's talking about. The busier I get, the more stress creeps in, the more comfort and sanity I find in having something planned and in the works before 5pm.

5. No travel through the holidays this year. YES. We had talked about traveling to see family but have decided to stay here as Simon has decided that our chimney will work very well for Santa.

6. Toddlers are challenging and amazing and crazy and wonderful all in the same instant.

7. I ordered a new sewing machine after watching this video and reading her recommendation. I want to make circles like that. When you click the link you might want to check out more inspiration on her site including her really cool travel journals. I also love how she calls what she does gorilla sewing. I first learned about Dispatch from LA after seeing a journal my friend Catherine's made after taking the Remains of the Day workshop.

8. We've had a house-guest for the last week named Howard. He's Chris' Chinese tutor and is in transition between school and the working world. It's been fun having him here and chatting about the cultural differences between life in the US and China. He tells me he's eaten more cheese while staying with us than any other time in his life.

9. After holding off for awhile I finally tried misting with Studio Calico's Mister Huey Color Mists this past week and now I want to mist all kinds of stuff. More on this in my upcoming December Daily post. Last night I was trying it out on acrylic - it was still wet when I went to bed so I'm not sure how long it will take to actually dry. When I was in Greece I saw some cool stuff that Ronda was doing with it and I was also inspired by a layout created by Leah Fung in a past issue of Scrapbooks Etc. magazine.

10. Glee. I love it. I can't help it. I was catching up on episodes I missed while I was out of the country the other night and I was completely laughing out loud by myself in the living room.

WEBSITE HOUSEKEEPING: I found out yesterday that people have been having an issue when linking to my site and receiving a "Connection Reset" message. You were still able to get to my site if you clicked refresh or clicked on the link again. That is NOT acceptable - no one wants to click twice. I was actually having the same issue but thought it was just me and had been chatting with my web person about the issue. We think we found a solution to the problem but if you are still receiving a message that says "Connection Reset" could you please let me know via the comments or email me.

BIG THANK YOU: To those of you who helped me reach my $1000 Komen Race for the Cure fundraising goal. Excited to run this weekend. Cathy is pushing me to run under 30 mins for the 5K...that's my goal.

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107 thoughts

  1. amy says…

    i like hearing about all the different things you have going on. i am super excited for december daily too. my order was just delivered monday night of some additional supplies! i started with my cover already. can't wait to start again. thanks for your inspiration ali.

    Reply 0 Replies
  2. amy says…

    oh and interesting about the crock pot cooking... i've only found a couple of recipes that the whole family enjoys. i do like the convenience factor. do you have any recipes you would recommend?

    Reply 0 Replies
  3. Kerry says…

    This is my first time here, and I am loving the idea of a December Daily project, do you mind if I join in as well. Would love to do this as it sounds so much fun. It is something that I have never heard of or seen in the UK before so would love to participate in it.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Welcome Kerry! You are totally invited to join in :) - it's a fun project especially seeing all the fun things that people around the world put together during December. To get started check out my compilation page of the project from past years:

  4. Dana says…

    Hey Ali! I'm currently in the process of doing an October Daily this year. October is a big month around our house - two birthdays to celebrate, fall festivals, our big state fair and of course Halloween and all the preparations and decorations for that. My plan was to do an October Daily Album instead of another December Daily this year...but working on the October one is making me want to do a December Daily too! So I just might have to complete TWO daily albums this year!! As always, thanks so much for your inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Oh cool Dana - two is a lot ;) but if you are up for it December is such a magical month.

  5. abbeyviolet says…

    I love the 10 things post - I've adopted the 10 on tuesday idea for this year and am really enjoying it. Now I need to think of a way to gather them at year's end... hmm... Meanwhile, I am so tempted by the misting, but haven't jumped in yet and am excited to see your take and to start work on the DD. Last year was my first year and I loved it. Welcome back!

    Reply 0 Replies
  6. Lisa W says…

    I think I'm going to try my first December Daily this year. I just found your site a few weeks ago, love your inspiration!

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Welcome Lisa! It's a tremendously fun project - I try to keep it simple to be able to sustain all 25 days (another big reason why I get it all ready in advance).

  7. marlene filipiuk says…

    i love your sneak peak of DD 2010!!! I'm so excited for this project, this is my 3rd year :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  8. Cynthia H says…

    I am going to do December Daily this year for the first time. I've picked my album and have all my papers together but haven't started assembling the base yet.

    And thanks for the suggestion to scrapbook our perfection comments from yesterday - love that idea!

    Reply 0 Replies
  9. slmnontec says…

    My December daily from last year was too much of a hodgepodge for my comfort zone though I'm glad I have it. I tried to incorporate unrelated things to keep up with prompts from othere bloggers. I can certainly take new photos this year, but I feel like I've about exhausted the subject matter of Christmas (December) past and present. Any suggestions how to make it new and fresh?

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      Good question. The one I'm putting together this time is a bit less hodge-podge because the page sizes are all going to be the same size (more streamlined because that's how I'm feeling this time around). For me this process and the album is really all about daily documentation - not all of it is holiday-related. It's about the little stories and things I see as I go about December - there's always something new (you can't really exhaust things that haven't happened yet).

      For 2010 you might want to consider going really simple with just a photo a day + a sentence or two of gratitude about something you experienced on that particular day.

  10. Jill says…

    Hey Ali - love how your pages are coming together - can't wait to see more! Perhaps you've tried this, but I wonder if using your heat gun on the acrylic would dry the mist? I've used Tim Holtz' alcohol inks (poured in a travel size spray bottle) on acrylic before and it's worked well - dries instantly. I think I got the idea from you actually, on a minibook you made with ink polka dots. I shared this idea while taking Vee's summer minibook class and other participants warned me not to spray the alcohol inks because they are not good to inhale. Whoops. Hadn't thought of that. And I've continued to do it - outside only.

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Ali says…

      I haven't tried a heat gun on it yet...need to see if it is dry this morning. These mists are more like paint and less watery. With the alcohol inks I dropped them to make the circles (loved that - man that was fun).

  11. Jodeen says…

    Darn you Ali! I just spent about a half hour drooling over Dispatch from LA. Are you planning on taking her class? I am not a collage artist - prefer the clean, simple look - but WOW! She is amazing and I am thinking that I would like to try one. Thanks for posting. She is genius!

    Reply 3 Replies
    1. Ali says…

      I'm definitely considering it. Especially after seeing one of her students books in person. It was really, really cool. Her class includes a bunch of video tutorials and I'd love to see more of how she uses her machine.

    2. Heidi says…

      I HIGHLY recommend the Remains of the Day class! Mary Ann is a wonderful instructor and really helps you to let go, be ok with mistakes, and look at everything lying around your desk in a whole new light. It was money very well-spent, and I had never sewed a stitch before in my entire life! Here is my ROD Journal if you're interested in seeing my results:

      I hope you both take it and enjoy!

    3. Francesca Di Leo says…

      ladies, you MUST take this class. i did and mary ann moss is just an absolute genious with a sewing machine, some scraps and a wild imagination. it's addictive and have already created two ROD journals. Some of the girls in the group sent their journals in to somerset and will be published in the somerset studio Oct 1st publication. so excited to see it. anyway... i can't say enough about it.

      and Ali, i REALLY REALLY am gonna do the Dec daily and the week in the life projects this year. if it's the last thing i do.

  12. Lynn says…

    Love your ten things ~ number five will be fantastic for you & the kids.
    My second year for Dec. Daily! My DD box is filling up with this and that. Still not sure on an album...Checking some out today.

    Any ideas for Halloween? Fun mimi boo books?

    Reply 0 Replies
  13. Susi says…

    I also really enjoyed you list of 10 Things and loved the December Daily sneak peak. I follow along with everyone each year and they are so delightful. My sons are grown and I do not yet have grandchildren so I don't end up making one, but this year I am going to celebrate the holidays joyfully and try to spend time with my sister's grandchildren. Thanks for all of the inspiration and encouragement you share on your blog and the way you live your life.

    Reply 0 Replies
  14. Julie says…

    I love the photo of your mom doing "this little piggy".

    Reply 0 Replies
  15. Julia Spencer says…

    I can't wait for the December Daily again this year. I absolutely had a blast last year with the project. Thanks for the creative inspiration! :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  16. artbeth says…

    You're the second person I've run across this week who's had a link posted to the Remains of the Day scrapbook. It's kind of neat, and I'm not at all that style of scrapbooker (so far!). She sews those circles using a darning foot. You can probably buy one for your current sewing machine, but you'll enjoy a new machine too.

    Reply 0 Replies
  17. Heidi says…

    Can't wait to put my Dec Daily together again this year! Also, I took Mary Ann Moss' "Remains of the Day" journal class and it was the best creative investment I have ever made! I plan to do my Dec Daily in the Remains of the Day journal style this year...isn't it wonderful to gather together the wonderful ideas of all of these creative minds online and blend them together along with your own personal style and ideas? Joy!

    Reply 0 Replies
  18. Megan Barnes says…

    I can't wait for December Daily again!! I was wondering if you are planning to do another kit through Cocoa Daisy again?

    Reply 0 Replies
  19. Sylvia says…

    Can absolutely NOT wait 'til friday!!!! CAN NOT!!!!

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  20. gudrun says…

    So looking forward to see your December daily solution, ali. I have enjoyed your december albums so much the last couple of years. :) :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  21. Lori says…

    Can wait to do dd again this year - just your 1 page got my inspired. I've already shopped a few new things for the album and have picked out my album. I plan to do more album prep ahead of time this year :)

    Reply 0 Replies
  22. Tanya says…

    you will be so happy with Mary Ann's remains of the day class! and you will love free motion sewing- but be careful- it's addicting! You can see my shabby journals on my flickr
    have fun!

    Reply 0 Replies
  23. Tere says…

    I need to catch-up....I really think I could quit my job and become a full-time "documentarian".

    Reply 1 Reply
    1. Tere says…

      ....holy moly, just saw the video, heart be still...more inspiration to follow....

  24. Sara says…

    Yay for Decemeber Dailies! Can't wait for Friday. This will be my third year creating one. :) Totally agree about crock pots. Would love to hear what recipes you use in it.

    Reply 0 Replies
  25. Melanie Hughes says…

    Hooray for Dec Daily. Not only did I find last years such a wonderful keepsake that I love to look through, i found it was great to make me have some "me time" each day, even if it was only 15mins.

    I so hear you on the crockpot, I've just become a Mum for the 3rd time and currently have a 6wk old, a 17mth old and a 3yr old. Crockpot is my friend too and I try and have my evening meal done for everyone by 4pm so we can play in the park before dinner.

    Looking forward to Friday's post.

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